
Monday 20 March 2023

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a good weekend, and I wish us all a good, new week. I was once again out and about with my friend Heike, and somehow we landed at various cafés and a Pizzeria  - more later! 

For my anything goes challenge at AJJ I have an 8x8" piece made with leftovers. I did some stitching, but my machine keeps making ominous noises, so I kept it to a minimum. The face of Leda from da Vinci was stamped on tissue and fixed with art podge. The other embellishments were UFOs which were flying around my table The edges were rubbed with distress ink. The background behind it is a sheet of painted paper which will soon be shown for another project:

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here. My drink can be seen in the tall glasses.

On Saturday we decided to try a Pizzeria which has recently been enlarged and refurbished. It is pleasantly decorated in light, neutral colours and is a great place to eat:

Heike is saying Prost to you all - we drank our usual non-alcoholic weizen beer:

We started our meal with warm bread and garlic butter:

Heike had a salad with tuna and ham, but I forgot to take a photo. I had a Pizza Prosciutto, which was enormous - and delicious. Heike was kind and helped me to eat it!

All gone!

And last but not least, some spring beauties:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like garlic bread.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. I like warm bread with garlic butter. I like pizza too. Lovely spring beauties.

  3. Lovely page and flowers. The pizza looks so good, perfect with the beer

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Beautiful art today and fantastic flowers. Have a lovely week. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  5. Nice art VJ..
    your flowers are gorgeous. After seeing this, am thinking of ordering pizza tonight 🤔

  6. I am scratching my head and wondering what Leonardo's reaction might have been to having his Leda borrowed, abused and fixed with art podge! And he didn't even get royalties. In is quite in keeping with this nod to Italy, Valerie, that you and Heike had pizza, that delicious fare from Naples that has spread around the world and become as common as bread and butter. Pizza in Naples is very simple actually but everywhere else they top it with everything from four cheeses to pineapple. At least you had the good sense to have prosciutto on yours. An Italian friend of ours says that when North Americans make pizza they open the fridge and throw on everything that's in there. I am sure that you and Heike will soon be visiting clothing stores to buy new outfits to accommodate your expanding girth. The signs of spring you show us are very encouraging and the swan is magnificent. And he doesn't even eat pizza. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Leonardo was very inovative, so I'm sure he would have agreed! I like my pizza just with tomato sauce and cheese or with prosciutto on it. You might be right about the clothing stores, we could work up an appetite by shopping! The swan is rarely at the Rhine, it prefers the little lakes and ponds near here. Have a great day, take care, hugs! xxxxx

  7. I'm glad you showed a swan photo to go with your Leida in your pretty art piece in this post. This Da Vinci images are classic, and you can't wrong with them. I have a couple that I should dig out. And your pizza looks fantastic and your pizza parlor looks like a nice place to eat. Your having lots of fun going out to eat lately-that's a good thing too. And I am loving the spring flowers. Happy first day of spring, happy T day, and happy start to your week. hugs-Erika

    1. I love my da Vinci images, and mostly find them quickly! Yes, we have been making out for lost time lately, eating out and having fun as long as we can - old age is catching us up too quickly! Happy T Day and have a great week, hugs!

  8. Good morning, I never realized you were so far ahead of us with all these lovely spring blooms-I think we are finally get a warm up this week some time-it has been very very cold here.
    I love your journal page very much! and yum pizza looks so delicious. Happy T and new week and Happy Spring too hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, hope you get your warm up soon! Happy T Day and have a great week, hugs!

  9. Beer and pizza - my all time favourites:)

  10. Ein wunderschönes Kunstwerk mit all den Resten und Nähten. Da habt dir eine schöne Pizzaria ausgesucht. So lecker!!! Die hübschen Fotos von den Blumen und vom süssen Lamm und Schwan sind so toll!
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönen Wochenstart!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir Pizzeria is wirklich schön, und das Essen war super - was will man mehr?? Hugs!

  11. That pizzeria looks so clean and inviting. I love your friend and that pizza. Do continue to seek beauty and have a beautiful life.

    1. Thanks so much. We're having fun as long as we can! Hugs!

  12. I have very few rubber stamps, but I have that same Lida. You did a great job creating this entry using your theme at AJJ. I adore it. I sure like how you put all those bits and pieces together. Thanks so very much for this entry,

    I want a pizza now. My cheese pizza is all gone, so I would gladly help you eat yours. And your non-alcoholic beer is perfect for T this week, too.

    Lovely photos of spring in your world. It is truly spring there and we are still in the winterish weather pattern. Very cold, especially at night, but you seem to be having a lovely spring. Thanks for sharing your art, your photos, and your pizza and beer with us for T this week, dear Valerie.

    1. Thanks E, glad you like it! Pizza tastes good! On Wednesday we are planning to go again! Here in Rhineland it's relatively mild, so spring springs earlier than soe other places! Hugs!

  13. It's lovely seeing spring in your world. And boy, do you ever do beautiful art with your "leftovers!" You day out sounds fun and looks delicious. Happy day!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it was indeed delicious! Hugs!

  14. It's lovely to see Spring popping up all around us though it's much slower showing it's face here. Loving your art work today. If your machine is making a noise it might just need oiling as sewing on paper can dry things up a bit and as the stitches look okay there cvan't be a lot wrong. Your instruction book will show you where to add the oil. Too often we don't service our machines enough and they work so hard for us. I'm not a lover of beer but the Pizza now that's a different matter! Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, that could be the reason, I haven't oiled it in ages. I will give it a try and let you know! Hugs!

  15. Ooo I love your collage! My machine always makes thumping noises but it carries on lol. That pizza looks amazing, I must admit that if it's too much for me I just eat the topping and leave the base. It's lovely to see the pictures of Spring where you are - we just have rain, but some daffodils have braved it in the back garden. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I had a willing helper with eating the pizza! Hugs, Valerie

  16. Fabulous piece Valerie love the vintage feel and look, great color, and look at that Pizza you made me hungry and it is not lunchtime here yet...yum..and all thos ebeautiful blossoms, how pretty..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, sorry if I made you hungry! Hugs!

  17. Your journal page is stunning Valerie, I love the Leda image with your additional bits and pieces. The pizza place looks fabulous as does your pizza. I'm always pleased when Tony says he'll help me out with finishing big portions. How lovely to see all those signs of Spring. Happy T Day. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Sometimes I take half home with me, that' good, too! Hugs!

  18. My poor sewing machine never gets any service. It’s very old, too. I hope yours serves you for many years to come, making such nice collage art with Leonardo’s Leda.

    best… mae at

    1. Oh dear, another negected machine! I am going to try dusting and oiling mine!

  19. Your artwork is beautiful, I love that you used all the UFOs and Leda is always a good image to include. I know that you really like her. Your pizza prosciutto looks delicious, I would have happily helped you eating it! Wonderful spring photos - are they from this year? If so, then I can see that you're much further along than we here in California - I think that would be a first. We had an exceptionally cold winter this year and temperatures are still rather low. Today, though, is a beautiful sunny day, perfect for the start of spring. Tonight, the rain is supposed to come back.

    1. Thanks Carola. We had a couple of days of lovely weather, now it's cool and wet again. But we need the rain so much! It would be nice if we could sit don and eat a pizza together! Hugs, Valerie

  20. Your pizza looks good and so nice to see the spring flowers ...
    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  21. Glad you and Heike have been getting out and having a grand time.
    If I could meet anyone from the past it would be da Vinci. I find him fascinating.
    That lamb is just a darling. He/she and the flowers certainly represent spring.

    1. Thabnks Sandra. He's on my list of people near and far I would have liked to meet, too. Hugs!

  22. What a great creation using leftovers. That resturant looks wonderful, glad you had a nice time. Great photos as well. Hugs Anesha x

  23. Hallo Valerie,
    ich habe dir eine mail geschrieben, ich hoffe die ist angekommen.
    Kann gerade nur anonym schreiben.
    Lieben Gruss Elke ( Elkes Lebensglück)

    1. die Nummer 113 mit dem Namen Pancake auf dem Blog Journal, da kommt man auf seine eigene Dashbord drauf, wenn ich mich anmelde, die muss gelöscht werden, ich weiss nicht ob das ein Fake ist oder Hacker, wer weiss das dchon.
      Lieben Gruss Elke ( Elkes Lebensglück)

    2. Danke, ich hab's gesehen, das scheint ein Blogger Fehler zu sein. So viele Leute können momentan nur anonym schreiben, schlimm! Dir eine schönen Tag!

  24. What a great art piece. Super cool image and I love your added pieces which you found laying around. That takes talent to come up with something this lovely with little pieces laying around. How fun we both got pizza this weekend - yours looks fabulous as does the non-alcoholic beer. Lastly, your flower pictures are gorgeous. Happy Spring and Happy T-day, Valerie. Hugz

    1. My work desk is something between a treasure trove and a tip! Hugs!

  25. What a fancy-looking pizza place! And the pizza looks tasty. I love the spring photos :) Happy T Tuesday

  26. So nice to see your flowering beauties... We are starting to look like Spring around here but not quite as much as you... Plus lack of water keeps the beauties under Love your art piece... and the idea that you used things floating around your desk. I like to use up all my bits and bobs.. Thats the problem .. i save too much.. The Pizzeria looks lovely... We don't have that around here.. We have Pizza Hut and Dominoes... which i love too.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb, lack of water is really a problem. I am also a 'saver' - it might come i useful one day! Never enough space! We have lots of nice restaurants and cafes here, there's always an excuse to go out for a meal! Hugs!

  27. I love all the great elements on your AJJ art piece, especially the flower, heart and lace. Great food photos, and wonderful flower photos. The swans are beautiful, too. I wish I could take good photos. Happy t day.

  28. Beautiful spring photos Valerie, and your art is really beautiful.

    1. Thanks Alison. I'm drinking coffee, so prost! Hugs!

  29. Oh I like your new banner. Your are today is just gorgeous. Yummmm pizza and fake beer how can one go wrong? LOL I am so happy to see you getting out more and more. Well actually a lot since you have been home. The photos are just lovely.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I am keeping myself busy! Hugs!

  30. Lovely springtime photos. Now about that pizza! Wow, that was a whopper so I am not surprised your friend had to help you out with it.
    I do like your journal page - Leda is always a favourite image and I do like how you used all the bits of ephemera to frame it. A truly delightful page.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet! Spring is such a wonderful time. Today it's cold and wet, but the flowers are flourishing. Hope you are keeping well, hugs!

  31. Valerie-Jael,

    As I was reading you got me with "UFOs" and I thought that's an odd thing to add to your artwork but I soon realized you were referring to the assorted embellishments you added. lol It must be too early and I haven't even had my first cup of coffee yet. Don't worry, I'll fix that soon. ;) I don't drink beer but the pizza...mmm, that looks so yummy good! I enjoyed the signs of spring in your part of the world. I'm so happy the seasons have changed. I'm loving all the beautiful blooms! Have a doodletastic day!!

    1. UFOs is my shorthand for useful flying objects, which seem to fly all over the table but which are too good to throw away - we might need it some day! Drink your coffee, I can't do anything without coffee! Have a great day!

  32. Lovely photos and collages. Now i feel like eating pizza 😊
    Have a nice weekend Valerie.


  33. Oh I love the spring photos and your journal page is so probably know that all I can focus on is the pizza lol...It looks SO good. I used to put prosciutto on my pizza, can't find a good source for it here yet!


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