
Wednesday 1 March 2023

New challenge at Art Journal Journey!

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge, and I will be your host at Art Journal Journey this month. Thanks so much to Erika who gave us the lovely challenge of seeing red in February, which I very much enjoyed.

My theme is:


That means you can choose any theme, colour combo, style etc that you like, but of course, it must be a journal page, and tags and cards are not permitted. For the complete rulesy please see the blog at AJJ. This is a good theme to journal your heart out, play around, try things you haven't done beforehand, experiment with different mediums etc.  And you can join in as often as you want! 

One of my favourite themes is faces, and I have a colourful A3 mixed media piece to share with you, inspired by a lesson from Tamara Laport. You can see lots of colours, mark-making, drawing, painting etc, and I had great fun creating it.

Hope to see you joining us at AJJ, stay creative and above all,
have fun!

A lovely sunset:

Mother love:

A pig in the sky?

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love all the marks you made on the background. I can't draw faces, so I am in awe of yours. But I think the background was equally a favorite today. Thanks for a great theme this month and thanks for this first entry at AJJ using your theme, dear Valerie.

  2. Forgot to mention how much I laughed at the spoiled child meme.

    1. Grandma is always to blame. I so enjoyed spoiling my grand kids when they were small!

  3. Beautiful art Valerie-and I am loving the theme
    enjoyed the memes too hugs Kathy

  4. Hi Valerie! I love your AJJ theme this month - thank you for the inspiration! And your beautiful work of art is exceptional! I am not a drawer by any stretch of the imagination, so I always admire someone who can draw, especially faces! This is is sooooooo beautiful and full of imagination. I love the colors you used, too! And I really enjoyed your sunset photos and funnies. The first one about grandma made me laugh out loud! LOLOLOL!!!! Thanks for the giggles this morning, and everything else. Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks so much, glad you like the theme and looking forward to seeing more of your creations! Hugs!

  5. Happy March Valerie. What a fun face. I think this lady likes to dance, skip down the sidewalk and meet her friends for dinner. She is very outgoing. She is fun. And I love all the colors and details. And your memes today are great, especially about the bees. This will be a fun month. I hope March starts off in a nice way for you. Will you go home soon? Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I wish I was so colourful as my lady! Hugs!

  6. Well done in the face Vj. Enjoyed all your fun bits too

  7. My word, Valerie, you have certainly embraced your theme of Anything Goes, and have produced a page worthy of a Timothy Leary journey into psychedelia with a beautiful woman at its centre. Anything goes, huh? Now I could really work with that statement, but I had better be a good boy and show restraint in my public comments! One often hears the expression, "Pigs might fly" and you have proven this is possible. Wonder where he is flying to? Imagine the shock on a pilot's face as he looks out the window and sees a pig flying alongside him! Yesterday we had a ton of snow, heavy wet stuff too, so my shovelling skills were put to the test. I am happy to report that my driveway is clear and the sidewalk is safe to walk on. It's March now, so I hope the snow takes the hint and realizes that it's time to back off for a few months. I suspect more will come, however, before it's all over for the season. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, thanks for the laughs again! I think your idea of anything goes is not quite what I mean, but by all means, have fun! Sorry about the snow again, here it's cold and frosty but the sun is shining, and that's great! Keep warm! Hugs! Xxxx

  8. Fab funnies - love the colours on "work in progress" what a great background that would make, and Noah's Ark is very clever.
    Great face painting as always. I lover how yu have used all those different marks to make the whole painting 'come together'. Her earring is fantastic and she reminds me of a friend of mine with purple hair. My friend is very energetic and bags of fun so I think she matches your lady perfectly
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks, I loved those funnies, too. Glad you have a fun friend who matches my lady, that's great! Hugs!

  9. Lovely page for your theme this month! Enjoyed the thinkies and photos.

  10. Glückschwein sage ich dazu und das wünsche ich dir in deinem Leben liebe Valerie und viel Spass beim hosten bei deinem tollen Thema und deine Frau gefällt mir so dass ich sie liebe gerade auch das etravaagte an ihr und die Farben! Wunderschön!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Ja, ein Glückschwein können wir alle gebrauchen, danke! Freut mich dass du meine Crazy Lady magst! BIG hugs, Valerie
      Ps - next week I will be back home!

  11. Hi Val, sorry, I'm late today, too much to do! Love your colourful lady, she is really fantastic, a wonderful creation. Have a great March, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Have a great week and hugs to all!

  12. Now I'm getting into journals again I might have to try and finish the next page and join in again. Loving your lady this week. You never fail to come up with something different, she's beautiful. Have a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, variety is the spice of life! Looking forward to seeing your creations! Hugs!

  13. Wow! What a stunning work of art! The colorful lady is amazing! Thank you for the inspiration for this month's challenge at AJJ!!

    1. Thanks Vicki, looking forward to seeing your creations, too. Have a great week!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. WOW, she is awesome Valerie, so bold and colorful,what a great page, I love it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you like it. Have a great day! Hugs!

  16. What a wonderful start for your theme i love this beautful woman with her fabulous background. Will I include a face this tme? You will have to wait and see, but yours are so inspiring. Looking forward to seeing more this month. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I like the journal pages you make, but a face would be great! Hugs!

  17. Your fellow artists must love the full range of possibilities of “Anything Goes,” and I also think of the Cole Porter song — remember:
    “In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
    Was looked on as something shocking.
    But now, God knows,
    Anything goes.”

    best… mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, I am glad you reminded me of this song, I will try to use it!

  18. What a wonderful face, full of so much love and possibility! Thank you also for the funnies...

  19. A perfect pig in the sky, Valerie! Wow! I loved your funnies/thinkies, but I especially love the beautiful face! Take care!

  20. Lovely art.
    A beautiful sunset.
    Great selection of funnies.
    I like the pig in the sky :)

    All the best Jan

  21. I love that no one will spank Grandma! I was working in my art journal today. Someday I should join in!

  22. Beautiful and vibrant Valerie, so bright and cheerful which is what I'm hoping for with the coming of Spring. Always love your faces, it seems like an age ago since I last drew one myself. So glad you brought my attention to your hosting @ AJJ this month, I've been away staying over at my Mom's as she needed extra care last week.
    Wishing you a happy creative hosting month. Hugs Tracey xx

  23. Wonderful woman who is confident and not afraid to be who she is - she goes well with that sign about not forgeting who we are that you posted. Love the colors you used and your designs. She may be my favorite lady you have done. Fab pictures you included here too, Valerie. The pig in the sky is especially fun. Many hugz


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