
Thursday 16 February 2023

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. We have had nice weather here, warm enough to sit out in the sun or walk around and see the first flowers springing up. I made this large heart for a friend for Valentine's day. She was sad because her late husband had always sent her a Valentine, and can't do it anymore. So I made her one, and it made her very happy. Here I have magicked it onto a journal page with flowers. The words were written by St Paul and can be found in the first book of Corinthians. I am also lining to Erika's seeing red challenge at AJJ:


Some faces to link to Nicole's FFO on Friday:

I love watching the day begin:

The first blossom I have seen this year:

Daffodils almost in bloom:

Clumps of snow drops everywhere:

Blue skies:

Crocuses are blooming, too:

But the good weather is supposed to be leaving us soon :(
 It has been a nice week up to now, so I'm thankful for that! 
I am also linking to Gillena's Friday art fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Look like you had fun creating
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Lovely art works vj. Some bright and lovely snaps..

  3. Lovely art and spring blooms. Glad you could make your friend happy

  4. Beautiful post Valerie, so sweet of you to think of your friend. awesome your area has blooms already-too soon here but my daffodills are peaking through the soil now.
    Hugs Kathy

  5. I very special make for your friend Valerie, the words connect with your artwork beautifully. Fabulous photos, I especially love the early morning pics as I too am a morning person. Spring is definitely beginning to show signs that it's nearly time to arrive. Take good care of yourself.. Sending Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Hi Tracey, nice to see you around again! Yes, spring 🌱🌼🌱 is on its way!

  6. Hi Val, good morning 🌅! I love the ❤️ you made for your friend and how you turned it into a journal page. Have a great day, take care. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day and enjoy your long weekend! Hugs!

  7. Lieb von dir so ein schönes Valentinsgeschenk für sie und die anderen sind wundervolle Werke! Ja, ich mag das auch die ersten Blumen zu sehen , danke für diese Fotos von dir! Lieder war bei uns fürchterliches Wetter gestern mit Nebel und kalt und trübe, heute hat es schon geregnet immer wieder. morgen soll es Stürmen...
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Die ersten Frühlingsblumen sind ganz besonders. Tut mir leid dass du so ein schlechtes Wetter hast. Alles Liebe!

  8. Piękne fotografie i pracę. Tak czasami bywa, że jest nam smutno bo ktoś odszedł do wieczności. Życie jednak toczy się dalej i trzeba cieszyć się każdym dniem. Udanego weekendu.😊🙂

  9. A great heart journal page and so thoughtful. Loved seeing your other art and photos too. Hope you're keeping OK.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril, I'm looking forward to going back home soon! Have a great week, hugs°

  10. Such a thoughtful gesture for your friend. Fabulous faces and beautiful flowers. Still a little too early here for flowers though some of them are getting confused by the unusually warm weather we have been having.

    1. Thanks Cj, The flowers here are growing really rapidly, so I hope we don't get frost!

  11. You are a wonderful friend and I know your friend appreciated that valentine from you more than anything. Beautiful art here, and I love seeing your temporary home. I hope all is going well and that you will be able to see your real home soon.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, she did like her Valentine. In 3 weeks I will be back in my own place, that will be good. No place like home!

  12. Great journal pages and such a kind and thoughtful gesture for you to do for a friend.I love to see the crocuses showing their sunny heads through the grass...Spring is near!! The weekend is closer I hope that you have a good one Michelle x

  13. Such a lovely thing to do for your friend.
    I enjoyed all of your art today and fabulous photographs.
    Always a pleasure to see early flowering spring flowers.

    With the weekend getting closer, I wish you a good one.

    All the best Jan

  14. Wow, you really have spring. And it is only mid-February. I say that because our snow is slowly melting and the mud is still there, but its progress. And I'm sure there'll be more snow before my crocuses bloom. That was wonderful that you made your friend a Valentine, and it morphs so well into a journal page too. I like it. Thank you again for sharing another page for my challenge at AJJ. It is as appreciated for this page as for your other pages. Have a great e d of your week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thank Erika. I hope spring soon comes to you! Huga!

  15. So many pretties. I love the Victorian style pieces. It's so delicate and feminine. AND how kind of you to make a Valentine's Day card for your friend.

  16. Gorgeous gorgeous art. I luv dawn and i luv watching the sunrise also.
    Have a safe and wonderful weekend


    1. Watching the dawn is always so magical! Happy weekend, hugs, Valerie

  17. How thoughtful of you to make that heart for your friend. I love the words you included in the heart, too. This is a wonderful entry for Erika's theme at AJJ.

    Great faces, especially the vintage and Victorian ladies. Looks like spring has started to visit you. Here, we had snow this morning and frigid temps. Stay warm and enjoy those spring flowers in your room, dear.

    1. Sorry it's still so cold over there. Hope pring soon comes and stays! Hugs, Valerie

  18. The sunny days this week were like a little vacation... spring awakening.
    Beautiful the heralds of spring in your little town... including your beautiful sunrise.
    Now it's raining ... time to tinker, sew... best wishes to you.
    I wish you a happy powerful time Valerie.

    1. Thanks so much, enjoy your weekend ☺️☺️

  19. Valerie thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday



  20. What lovely gesture to your friend - it's beautiful on a page too! Loving all of your faces.
    We spotted some flowering daffodils by the a road we travelled on the other day - they must like the warmth of the fumes!!! Lovely to see the sunrises and the daylight shadows on everything too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. I am no longer pearshaped it seems!!

    2. Blogger is making life difficult just now!

  21. Wonderful creations. So happy you had lovely weather. Enjoy your weekend and thank you for the kind wishes. Anesha x

  22. What a pretty Valentine gift you made for your friend. Very sweet of you to do this. It looks like spring in February over there in Germany.

    1. Thanks so much! We have really had nice weather here!

  23. That was so sweet of you to make the Valentine for your friend. I'm sure it was appreciated.

  24. Lovely art works. I've got some mini iris's in bloom in my garden at the moment.

  25. It's lovely to have weather suitable for sitting outside. There'll be more of those soon. The spring flowers are sooo pretty!


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