
Monday 30 January 2023

T(ired) sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, and here's wishing us all a good week!

This evening we will be celebrating  Elizabeth's weekly link party where we share our drinks, so here a big welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T gang! This is the (messy) table in my room, with various drinks:

This was taken in Unkel, a little town further up the Rhine. And of course, people are having drinks - and probably cake - at the café:

And another café:

The town is full of very quaint half-timbered houses:

The pharmacy:

One of the river boats:

And I have a last piece for Mia's add a photo challenge at AJJ:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, I hope you're feeling better. I love a cluttered table, at least I know where my stuff is when it's all together lol. Your photo is a very accurate picture of me without my glasses! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. You are as clever as I am and know the value of a cluttered table. Have a great week!

  2. Good morning, Valerie: I hope that you had a pleasant weekend and that you are feeling a little better. Our weekend was uneventful, other than for taking friends to the airport in Toronto - and that was a smooth drive both ways. Soon they will be waking up to the sunrise in Tobago. The little town you show us above looks delightful. Thank goodness it's not in Ukraine or Putin would have pulverized it by now. Lots of snow here over the past several days and my shovelling muscles have had a fine tune-up! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I left you a long comment and blogger gobbled it up, grrrr! Have a great week, big hugs, Valerie xxxx

  3. Hi Valerie, I enjoyed the photos of the quaint town and buildings, great art page, and funnies Loved seeing your table with coffee and flowers-hugs feel better Happy T and new week Kathy

    1. Thanks so much, Kathy, Happy T Day and have a great week!

  4. Your table reminds me of my coffee table-smile. Thank you for the reminding me that I need to clean it off. I don't know how it gets so messy-ha ha. And Unkle looks so lovely. And very old too. I really like your last piece for AJJ. That's a great idea to use that quote, and how often is that question asked? Probably a lot. I hope you aren't too tired and are getting some rest. Take care, and have a lovely T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, clean tables are boring! Have a great week, hugs!

  5. I like the shadows and reflections of the items on your table. The town of Unkel looks so quaint. Thanks for the tour. Colorful journal page. Art is so subjective, isn't it? Have a good day.

    1. Thanks CJ, I came back into my room and saw those lovely shadows and reflections, and had to take a picture! Unkel is very pretty,a lovely place to explore and enjoy!

  6. Hi Val, love your art, as always, and that quote is so true! But your art is art!!! Great pics, too, have a wonderful week. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  7. That town looks so sweet. I love those window boxes with the flowers.

    1. Thanks, It's a very nice place to stroll around! Have a great week!

  8. Coffee, water, tissues, and flowers. What more can a person ask for? Your table held all the essentials and more!

    Unkel is beautiful. Such unique architecture. A nice quaint village.

    I enjoyed your final entry for Mia's theme at AJJ. I've seen art that I would as that of, too. You gave us a great final entry and this is wonderful.

    I had to laugh at the cat shapes. Squiggles is LOAF and Bleubeard is BAGUETTE. Loved these. Thanks for sharing your lovely messy table filled with great drinks, your visit to Unkel, your art, and your funnies with us for T this week, dear friend. Hope you are better soon.

    1. Yes, I have everything on the table, easy to find what I'm looking for! Unkel is a beautiful place, a step back in time. I laughted at hee cat shapes, too. My Kitty was a muffin, she always squeezed herself into tiny boxes, or shoes or whatever! Happy T Day!

  9. I love the outdoor seating. I am constantly on the lookout for local places that offer that option. Happy T Day!

    1. Here there's a lot of outdoor seating, in winter sometimes with heat lamps to keep the guests warm!

    2. Nice! A few of the places here enclose them like a tent for winter, but I think that defeats the purpose of having outdoor seating...

    3. It does indeed. I much prefer being outside when it's possible!

  10. What a nice walk in Unkel. Dreaming about spring and vacation.
    I wish you a happy week Valerie-Jael.

  11. love that last thinkie! Nice page and enjoyed the photos of your cute town.

  12. I hope you are feeling better! The town is beautiful.

  13. Good luck with getting well and going back to your own home. Clearly you have made your clinic room into your own space, with your table set up. Have a great week!

    best… mae at

  14. I love your funnies they are always smile worthy. The photos of those houses are great and look really old too. We have a few in that style still here in Lincoln. Probably most famous is on the High Bridge and it's 16th Century. Wishing you a very happy week. Hugs, Angela xXx.

    1. I always loved the old houses in Lincoln and never tired of looking at them. And then I moved to Scunthorpe, a cultural shock!

  15. Love the look of the town featured in your photographs, such a nice place to walk around.

    All the best Jan

  16. I like the reflection of your table on the wall. I like the cat bread photo too. It could make me smile with cute cat poses. This town is beautiful, and I like walking in such places. The houses and buildings are beautiful and worth exploring in a walking tour.
    Thanks for the share, Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Amila, it was a great moment to take the photo. Have a great week, hugs!

  17. Tolles Jorunalseite mit den anderen Sprüchen ! Schön dein Spaziergang mit diesen Fachwerkhäuser!
    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke. Die Fachwerk Häuser sind wirklich sehr schön.

  18. Lubię takie nieduże urokliwe miasta. Super fotografie. Dużo zdrowia i miłego dnia życzę 😊

    1. Thanks so much dear Lucyna! Have a great week 😊😽😊

  19. Hi Vallerie. You know how much I love seeing the towns where you live. There seems to be so much going on all the time. The places to shop and have cofffee and cakes. It all looks so inviting. I hope you are feeling better. Nicole/DVArtist.

  20. Your table looks good -- and loved! And I love your funnies today, especially the cat breads!

    1. I like having everything where I need it. Who needs tidy? Hugs!

  21. Unkel looks nice, love the cat funnies lol Hope you are feeling better. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  22. Unkel looks like an interesting place to visit. I love your page - anther clever take on Mia's theme. You certainly have a good variety of drinks. I hope you are feeling better, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks so much Chris, You would like Unkel! Have a great week, hugs!

  23. Such a beautiful town along the Rhine. The half-timbered houses are lovely! And I love the Kangaroo funny!
    Happy Tea Day,


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