
Thursday 15 December 2022

The snow queen/ Thursday - Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

It's another very cold and frosty day here, so I'm trying to keep warm in my not very warm apartment. But the frost always looks pretty in the early morning, and this evening I can see the stars, which is always good.

Today I have an A3 mixed media painting to share, which I have named 'The snow Queen', and is meant for Jo's snowy winter challenge at AJJ :

I am also linking to Nicole's FFO

Rain's Thursday theme is gift wrap. The photos are from Pexels:

The view from my window:

Some thinkies/funnies:

And some snow pics!

 I am also linking to Gillena's Friday art fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. LOOOOOOVE the trees! Agreed, frost looks so pretty. Hope you got some snuggly blankets to keep you warm. Love the holiday pictures and the green eyed-lady is soooo pretty. Cheers and Boogie Boogie!

    1. Thanks Ivy, we need snuggly blankets just now! Hugs!

  2. The Snow Queen is purrfect. Love her. Stay warm. Hugs

  3. Lovely snow queen for FFO. Beautiful gift wrap for Rain's challenge. It looks cold there as it is here all of a sudden. Thanks for the thinkies

    1. Thanks Christine. It hasn't been this cold for the past few years, quite unusual here at the Rhine.

  4. Lovely snow queen! Beautiful winter pictures too

  5. We're very cold here too. I'm layered up in clothes and under a couple of blankets too. Your snowy lady is quite lovely. We have a lot of snow in the forecast starting tomorrow night, so if I went outside that could be me-ha ha. Not, but she is quite pretty. What is it about blue and snow that work so well together. Stay warm the best you can. hugs-Erika

    1. Oh yes, we need to layer up, I hated this cold! Glad you like my snowy lady. Have a great day, hugs!

  6. Did you get snow? It is lovely and is a great view from your window. It fits perfectly with your Snow Queen, too. She is a genuine beauty. I like the colors you chose, too. They make it feel even colder. This is a great entry for Jo's theme at AJJ and works nicely with FFO, too. BTW, can you please link me to AJJ?

    I loved the hot flash funny and waking up. SO funny!

    1. We had one day of snowfall and now its back to sparkly frost and ice. Some places yesterday had so many ice accidents that they had to open up other places to treat people as all the hospitals were overfilled. I linked you! Hugs, Valerie

    2. Thanks for linking me. Bleubeard was surprised he was now Bluegrass! GRIN!

    3. Spell checker altered it and I didn't see it till it was too late. But it was funny!😂

    4. Scott saw it and thought it was hilarious. He even said something about how Spell Checker can be funny at times. BTW, he figured out what I did on the AJJ blog and it is now fixed. It was a block element problem on my blog and that's why it didn't affect the AJJ blog, just my computer.

    5. Glad your blog problem ist solved. Bluegrass was really funny, perhaps you should rename him? Have a great Sunday!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good sleep. Love your snow queen, so pretty. Yesterday we had snow, like you, and today we have a hard frost, and everything is sparkling in the sun, pretty but very cold! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, thanks! It's frost here today. soooo cold! Hugs to you all!

  8. Pretty lady with green eyes. Love the view from your window. No frost here but lots of rain. Hugs. Stay warm and stay safe.

    1. Thanks Nancy. The view from my window is the best thing in m apartment! Hugs!

  9. I always enjoy seeing one of your portraits Valerie. I love the faces you paint but it is the hair and all the adornments that draw me to your portrait art. This one is perfect for a Snow Queen, her skin is like alabaster and the blue fore her hair and the stars, snowflakes and falling leaves are perfect.
    Thanks too for all the photos and funnies, especially the trees from your window. Our house is finding it difficult to get warm each day. A real cold spell over all of us.
    Hope you are keeping well.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I do like to paint my faces! I think we're all finding it difficult to get warm in this cold spell, perhaps it will warm up for 🤶 Christmas. Hugs!

  10. The Snow Queen looks very lovely with her long hair and flowing tresses, and she doesn't even have an icy stare. Outside your apartment looks pretty much like it does here except that we have more snow. We spent the day yesterday along the north shore of Lake Ontario, and it was quite wonderful to be out and about enjoying winter birds. It was not too cold - minus 6.5 degrees when we started, and we were well dressed. By the end of the afternoon when we headed for home it had warmed up to zero. I always make our lunches when we go out for a day like this and it always tastes better somehow when it's part of a day's adventure in the outdoors. I made chicken sandwiches, bean/quinoa salad, a boiled egg and black cherries and yogurt, far more than we would have for lunch at home but we polished it all off! The previous night we had made Spanish rice with chorizo sausage and there was lots left over for dinner when we got home. In fact there is still a little left - enough for one of us for lunch today. I swear that the car turned into the wine store on the way home and we picked up a bottle of Jackson Triggs Merlot which was quite lovely! Simple pleasures! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Simple pleasures are often the best! A day spent outside, dressed to face the weather and with a good packed lunch sounds very good. I wsould like to walk with you if you always make such a great lunch! And your rice and sausage dish sounds really good. And poor you, having to put up with your car turning into a wine store to stock up, and then having to drink it, too - poor you! Lucky I haven't got a car these days! Have a fun day, try to behave yourself! BIG hugs, Valerie xxx

  11. Beautiful gift wrap photos and I love your Snow Queen!

  12. You have beautiful views! I can imagine how peaceful it must feel to sit with a cozy cup of something warming and gaze out on that scene.

    1. The view is definitely the best part of my apartment! Have a great day!

  13. Loving your Snow Queen! What a fabulous idea to create her hair with snowflakes - beautiful 😊. Your photos of the snow and from your window are wonderful and the funnies made me smile! Thanks for the AJJ inspiration and Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, glad you love my snow queen. The weather is really playing along with your challenge, now and fost everywhere! Have a great day, hugs!

  14. You have such a lovely view from your window. Just the right amount of snow! They say we're due for a big temp drop by Christmas and snow, too. But so far, just gray and gloomy. Loved all the gift wrap pix, especially that wrap with the deer and natural things.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I'm sure we will all have more bad weather , but sooner or later it will be spring!

  15. She is fabulous with her snowflake hair and gorgeous green eye fullyl ined up with eyeliner, such a neat painting, wish I could paint, beautiful Valerie..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. What a beautiful painting, she looks absolutely stunning! Your photos and funnies are brilliant too! Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, have a great weekend 😀😀😀!

  17. The snow pics are gorgeous. I love the expression on the Snow Queen's face. She comes across as warm and serene. You brought her to life. Hugs

  18. Your snow queen is really Fantastic Valerie ! Love the great colours and eye. I have to say that you have beautiful views from your window. Thanks so much for the smiles. I hope you are better these days.
    I wish you a Merry Christmas, and enjoy your time, sending big hugs,

  19. I love your snow queen and thank you for linking with FFO. I will be posting it later tonight. Well my night. LOL I am cracking up about the hot falses and the car. That is a good one. Wonderful photos too. Stay warm over there.

    1. Thanks Nicole, that made me laugh, too! Too funny! Have a great day! Hugs!

  20. Absolutely stunning and beautifully designed projects ♥

  21. Cudowne zdjęcia a piesek jest śliczny :)

  22. Your Snow Queen is lovely and what a delightful variety of photos ~ gorgeous! Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, I wish you a happy weekend 😀💞🌹

  23. Luv your wintery lady, Valerie.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend 😊❤️😊

  24. I like your lady in blue with the beautiful green eyes. The snow looks nice but too cold for me.

    1. It's too cold for me, and makes my arthritis worse, but I have no choice!

  25. Great photos Valerie, and your snow queen is beautiful!
    Hope this cold snap goes away soon, I don't like it much either. I fell over on the ice yesterday and hurt my knee :-(

    1. Alison, I am so sorry, that must be very painful. Look after yourself and have a great weekend, hugs!

  26. It looks as though it's cold where you are too though the view is delightful. It's just been frosty where we are but never known it stay for so long. I always love to see your gorgeous ladies and this one is just as beautiful. I hope you are well now and manage to keep warm. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. The view is really lovely, but I'll be happy when it's warmer. Have a great weekend, take care!

  27. Oh Valerie, I love your artwork. Your Snow Queen is beautiful and so unique. I admire your talent. Your wrapping is beautiful for each special celebration. Love them all. We too are experiencing cold and now a light snow and some frost. Your Photographs capture the upside of winter ... that being the beauty of the frost and snow on Natures landscape. However the cold certainly isn't fun and I do hope you have things to bundle up in. I always look forward to your Thinkies and Funnies ... I don't know where you gather them from, but you always hit a home run with them. Be warm and stay well, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad the snow queen. It seems to be cold everywhere just now, I wear my warm hoodies and padded coat and that keeps me warm outside. I'm always on the lookout for thinkies and funnies! Stay safe and warm and enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  28. I do like your snow queen and your snowy pictures.
    It has been very cold in the UK too, although I think we will have a change in the weather from Sunday ... wind and rain!!!

    Keep warm and have a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I think we are all having the same weather just now!

  29. lovely post, I like the snowy trees and the little dog who'se a got a little 'horse' :) I dropped by from Rains art date :)

  30. Your snow queen lady is prettiest (in my humble opinion) lady of yours that I have seen. She is spectacular! And your snow photos are lovely. Snow is very beautiful, and I love how it transforms the world. But I'm enjoying it more looking out the windows these days. The packages with the deer gift wrap and the twine, rosemary, and cones are really pretty. Such a great post, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Louise. The older I get the more I like to look at snow from the inside, too! Glad you like my snow lady! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  31. Your Snow Queen is beautiful Valerie! ♥

  32. By the way, that Anonymous comment above is me Rain, I'm having issues with Blogger today! ♥


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