
Monday 19 December 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good and that this week will be even better with  not too much Christmas stress.

This evening we will be celebrating  Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, where bloggers from various countries meet to share their drinks. Welcome to all who visit here! I am sharing a hybrid piece  made using photos of my Christmas endeavours taken a few years back. Coffee and mince pies - there's nothing nicer! I am also linking to Jo's snowy weather challenge at AJJ

Sorry, I'm having problems typing just now, so this post is short.

Have a great week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Those mince pies look yummy. I like how you made this page, using the stamps. You had me thinking of Christmas card and sending cheer. And I do love the dog meme. It's so true, and the pup does look cute with those nonpareils . Have a great T day week ahead, and Happy Hanukkah too. hugs-Erika

    1. Hi Erika, mince pies are really yummy. I will try to make some more today, so hope my fingers behave. Have a great week, hugs!

  2. Lovely post, my grandma would make mince pies-I haven't had one since. Loving your page and great memes-I enjoyed them all take care of You Happy T and Happy Hanukkah hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, I wish I could send you one! Hve a great week, hugs, Valerie

    2. oh thanks, you have an awesome week too hugs

  3. I find the photo with purple Christmas tree quite interesting.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  5. Hahahah, no, I haven’t seen any Christmas cookies! That jeep is a hoot. Oh no, sorry you’re having trouble typing. Not fun. There’s a thing called Otter? I believe is the spelling. We can talk into the free version and it transcribes for us. Not sure if that’s helpful to you, tossing it out in case.

    1. Thanks Ivy. I have a speech to word programme, but it doesn't work well, and writes things I didn't say, perhaps I don't speak distinctly enough! Have a great week. Hugs, Valerie

    2. Otter is the same, doesn't do all the words right. Does work well enough for me when I need to transcribe a video, but not well enough for me to up to the paid plan.

    3. Yes, all of the word to text programmes snd the same!

  6. Love your snowy post. I love the snow white dog in the last picture.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! It's raining heavily here but at least there was no ice. I love your 🤶 Christmas page, so pretty - great funnies, too. I need to do a big clean and tidy up before the family comes. Have a great week, hugs from all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I am sure you will have everything finished by the time the family descends on you! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  8. I can't even remember the last time I had a mince pie, Valerie. I think you should come over here and make them for us. Your bed is made, the pillow fluffed, we are well stocked with coffee, so all is in readiness. Be sure to let me know your flight details so that I can pick you up. I even drive a VW so you will feel right at home in a German car. Yesterday I awoke with a bit of a sore throat and a headache, so I thought I might have contracted the dreaded COVID, but I tested myself and the result is negative, so I guess it is just a common cold. My throat is still raspy this morning. I am happy not to have a long neck like the ladies you create or that would really give a whole new meaning to sore throat! Happy Hannukah, may the menorah in Kiev shine as a beacon of defiance to that butcher, Putin. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I'm so glad you haven't got Covid, and hope that your cold is soon history! When I can afford the bus fare I wll hop over to visit you, and bring mnce pies with me. Yes, let's hope that a bright light will soon shine for Ukraine, my heart goes out to those poor people who are suffering so much. After Christmas I will be going into the clinic again, I hope they can help a bit. Have a great day, BIG hugs! xxx

  9. Such a fun post! I love the one of the dog with the sprinkles on his nose..

    1. Thanks Judee, my dog would have enjoyed those sprinkles, too!

  10. A delicious page. I've never had mince pie. Happy T Day

  11. I'm going to try the little mince pies this year. I'm the only one who likes it, so a "real" pie just doesn't make sense. Happy T Day!

  12. Mince sounds good! Grocery stores used to have packaged vegetarian mince filling for pie, but not so much any more. I always enjoyed the spice blends in it. I haven't had it in ages.

    best...mae at

    1. It's not available in the shops here, I have to order it from an English shop in Hamburg. I love the spices, too.

  13. I love mince pies! I enjoyed the funnies!

  14. Hi Valerie, I think he definitely knows where the cookies went Lol!. Mince pies, it wouldn't be Christmas without them. I'm lucky as a parent of a girl my hubby used to teach has made ours for years and they are so good, nothing like the homemade Mince pies. Take care and stay warm. Christmas hugs, Angela xXx

  15. I love how you created the journal page. The stamps are so clever and fun. Loved the snowflakes, the bird, and the mince pies. My grandmother made mince pies and suet pudding every year at Christmas. I miss them. Thanks for sharing this great entry that works so well with both T Tuesday and Jo's theme at AJJ.

    Your funnies are so adorable. My favorite was the snowman DNA kit. Take care, get better, and stay warm, please. Happy Chanukah and Happy Holidays.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you liked it! The snowman DNA funny 🤣 is good!

  16. Valerie, that is such a beautiful page! hose mince pies look to die for - I haven't had a mince pies since forever. The last one I ever had was in England sometime in the early nineties when I spend my Christmasses (?) in London with my then-boyfriend. Lovely memories. The coffee on your page looks delicious and the dog made me laugh! S/he definitely enjoyed those Christmas cookies.

    1. I love mince pies. I used to make my own mince, even better! Hugs!

  17. A wonderful post Valerie. Mince pies? I'm in. Beautiful photos, but I love the dog with the sprinkles on his nose. Have a lovely evening.

  18. Lovely post full of fun art and great pictures/funnies. The dog got me and love the angry jeep. Hoping you are feeling better and hope you have a lovely Christmas, Valerie. Happy T-day too. Hugz - lots of them.

  19. I've definitely missed you and apologize for not stopping by more often. Hate that you're having a rough time typing, but glad you were able to share some of your awesome pics. The teacups 🍵 I adore and the snowman pic is too 😁 The white dog or wolf is stunning 😍 Hugs 🤗 and know that you are always ❤️ in my thoughts . RO

    1. Thanks To, great to hear from you again! This year has been hard, the new year has to be better!

  20. oh mince pies, my favourite! I didn't make any this year but I did buy two boxes of them and have them stashed in the cupboard! Had to laugh at that dog with the sprinkles on his nose haha. Hope you are feeling better soon. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. I think we all love mince pies! Look after yourself, try to stay warm, and hope your sweet kitties are soon better!

    2. Merry Christmas Valerie, thanks for sending the photo today!

    3. Glad it got to you! Hugs! Merry Christmas to you, too!

  21. Hi Valerie,

    Nice to see a project of yours. I've never had a mince pie... what is mince made out of i wonder? Thanks for all the funnies! Merry Christmas and Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Mince is a mix of dried fruits and spices soaked in alcohol and put into glass jars to ripen for a few weeks. Tastes good!

  22. Those mince pies look really pretty with the star.
    I'm sorry to hear your hands are playing up again. I hope it soon gets better.
    I loved the funnies, especially the Jeep. My son has a Jeep and I will send it to him.
    Happy T-Day and have a lovely Christmas, if you celebrate it.

    1. Thanks Lisca, have a blessed Christmas 🎄⛄🎄

  23. Love your Christmas piece and the memes:) Those mince pies look yummy. Is that you in the hat? Whomever it is, looks great;)

  24. Blogger is messing about with comments again!
    I may be in spam!!!

    Lovely post.
    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  25. Such a fantastic page! Loving the snowy theme and those wonderful Christmas images - perfect 😊. Thanks so much for joining AJJ again, you are such an inspiration! Those funnies made me and my hubby smile too. Happy T Day wishes and Happy Holidays! Hugs Jo x

  26. Loved your festive hybrid piece. Such great funnies. I loved the one with the dog and the cookies.
    Happy Tea Day,

  27. I love your hybrid piece and your use of photos. I like the pink cup photo and the snowmen funny. Happy T Day and have a lovely Christmas.

  28. Love your hybrid piece but i must say that the snowman funny has me smiling as I write this and I think the smile will last quite a while yet. In fact I am going to share it with my other half. I don't know where you get them all from but they bring me such joy.
    Hugs Neet xx

  29. What a fabulous page Valerie. My Mum used to make delicious mince pies - my pastry was nowhere near as good! I have made my Christmas cake though. I love the sheep funny! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, merry Christmas to you and yours!

  30. Such a fun and spirit-lifting photo, Valerie! Is that an Arctic fox pup? It's adorable. I hope your hands function and feel better soon.


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