
Saturday 19 November 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Have a great weekend!

Today I have another A3 piece with collage fodder for Elizabeth's challenge at AJJ. A few weeks back I painted this face, and didn't like it, so I chopped it up into various pieces and placed them on a brush-wipe page. Then I added the little figures, the bird and the text, cut from a magazine. I'm still not really happy with it, but I don't want to change it again!

Some thinkies/funnies

Some Autumn photos:

Magpies on a wind day:

Full moon and foliage:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, I love your thinkies and photos very much and I think your art page turned out pretty neat-hugs

  2. Lovely page, enjoyed your thinkies and photos!

    1. Thanks so much, Christine, have a great weekend!

  3. That is another great collaged piece Valerie. I like how you cut the face and the way you laid it out. It almost looks like a poster. And nice funnies/memes today. I'm with you about how fast time goes. I hope you have a great weekend; get some rest, and are feeling good. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I enjoy c hopping things up! Yes, time flies!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and feel good today! Love your fabulous collage, bright and beautiful and very cleverly put together. We're off to Leah's for the weekend, should be fun! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, hugs to you all!

  5. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  6. Love the magpies on a windy day. Your moon photos with foliage remind me of some I've taken. Now I wonder where I've put them? Have a good weekend. Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb. I love watching he magpies, and listening to their loud chattering. If I knew where I had everything, it would be a wonder! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. I must say, Valerie, that it is more than a little intimidating to start my day chatting to a face chopper! This brings a whole new meaning to trimming my beard. I know of people who throw things when they are frustrated, kick the cat even (bad people), throw things at the wall, but chopping up faces - never. I shall tread very carefully around you today! Thanks for the bird pictures, especially the cormorants perched in the trees. And the magpies too, a lovely species and much maligned - unfairly, I might add. It's amazing how humans look at other creatures and say, "We don't much like the way you do things so, therefore, you are bad." Here we are, eight billion people and growing, destroying the planet, and we pass judgement on birds! Making sense has never been our strong suit. The poor people of Ukraine are being hammered again and face terrible hardship in the winter ahead, all to satisfy the perverted ego of one mad Russian. Think I need another cup of coffee! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, David, when I'm frustrated I enjoy chopping or tearing paper and creating something new. This collage is a bit hard, but at least the colours are nice! I NEVER throw things these days, as I mainly miss what I'm aiming at. Old age sucks! I love watching the birds that perch in the tree behind the garden, but it will probably be cut down soon as part of the trunk is foul. Pity, the birds all love it! Yes, the situation in Ukraine is heartbreaking, how I hate that man who is to blame for so much death and destruction. Coffee is a good idea, now! BIG hugs!

  8. I enjoyed your thinkies and photos, Valerie.

    Hugs and blessings 💐

  9. These animal photos really are the best! I've been watching "Magpie Murders" and your photos remind me of the scenic transitions in the show!

    1. Magpie Murders is good! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  10. You got some great shots here. The kitty memes are the sweetest. Love your piece, especially how those eyes are zeroing in on wonderful and the little girl. YOU take special care.Hugs

  11. Love this page Valerie! Such a great idea. Yes, getting old doesn't creep up slowly it rushes up and surprises you! Lovely Autumn pics, love those scruffy magpies. Happy weekend, hugs Chrisx

  12. Thanks Chris. Yes, all of a sudden we're old! Have a great weekend 😀😊😊 hugs!

  13. Great collage work and love the sweet fur babies photos ~ Beautiful photography series

    1. Thanks Carol, much appreciated! Have a great day!

  14. Lovely art, and I particularly like the moon photographs.
    Have a restful weekend.

    All the best Jan

  15. Hope you are resting and feeling better. I love your page-what a great idea to chop it up and re-use something again. Of course the thinkies are wonderful, and so are your photos.

    1. Thanks Debra, I have had a quiet weekend and that was good. Have a great, new week, take care!

  16. Sorry to be late visiting. I've been very sick and have mostly stayed in bed. The collage fodder image you have given us is wonderful. It really makes me smile the way you cut her face, then added the other images. It's a beautiful journal entry. Thanks for sharing this lovely piece with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    Beautiful thinkies, memes, and magpies. Tonight is the final Magpie Murders on PBS and we will know who killed who!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! Sorry you have been sick. Magpie murders is really good, enjoy!

  17. I love your idea of chopping that face like that. What an interesting collage you have made and so much to see and enjoy in your finished piece. I always look forward to visiting you and especially if you have one of your ladies in the post.
    Thank you for the photos too, I love the birds, they look chubby in silhouette. The other funnies are lovely, I do like the little cat one.
    Hope you are well on the way to recovery now.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet, have a great day ❤️😊❤️

  18. I like the vibrant colors in your piece, Valerie. I think the chopped face makes it more compelling. And I love the contrasting black crow that really pulls me into the artwork. The windblown magpie made me laugh! Not very sympathetic of me, I admit!


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