
Monday 28 November 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

This will be another short post, don't like working on my tablet and my laptop  is being repaired. On top of that I have a very nasty cold, bronchitis and a temperature, and need to stay in bed. I have been ill so much lately, I really need a break from it all, a few nice, healthy weeks or months! Getting old sucks.

For Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party I have some pics, mostly coffee, all the ones I could find on my phone:

And food and drink in my hospital room. I wasn't allowed to eat for the first 4 days, just tea or water:

But then it got better:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Haved a great day, take care,
and thaks a lot for coming by!


  1. I hope I don't find frog in my coffee cup. Take care

  2. How did I miss that you were in the hospital? I knew you were not well, but had NO idea you had gone back to the clinic/hospital.

    You found some wonderful coffee related images on your phone and the food you are being fed now is certainly mouth watering. I'm not sure I could make it four days without coffee (admitted caffeine addict). Thanks for sharing these with us for T this week, dear Valerie.

    Love the funnies/thinkies, too. They are simply adorable, especially the "singing" kitten and the rust remover. Get well and feel better soon, please!

    1. Hi Val, good morning. I wish you a happy and healthy week, Hope your bronchitis is soon better, look after yourself and keep warm! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    2. Elizabeth, the hospital pics are from my stay there in October when I was taken in an ambulance with sirens and flashing lights - scary.

  3. It would be facile to say, "Get well soon, Valerie," because if it were within your control that's exactly what you would do. Just know that we are all thinking of you and wishing for the best. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, I am doing my best! Thanks for the good wishes. Hope all is well at your end. Big hugsxx

  4. Hope you feel better. Take care and God bless.

  5. Nice coffee photos, and boy your hospital looks like it serves delicious snacks. YUM! Not that you want to be there just for the snacks. I get what you mean about being sick of being sick. Have a great HEALTHY new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Cake is nice but being healthy is better! You have a happy T Day and a great week.

  6. Życzę Ci dużo zdrowia. Fajne fotki :)

  7. Hi Valerie, sorry to hear you're not feeling too good again. Loving the funnies though and hope you have a better week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, sooner or later it must get better!

  8. Your coffee photos are lovely! I'm sorry that you're sick again and I don't blame you at all for being sick of being sick. I would feel exactly the same. The Fencheltee from your hospital reminds me of the liters of Fencheltee I drank after my daughter was born. Get well soon, Valerie, and to a healthy new month!

    1. Thanks Carola. German hospitals seem to love Fencheltee....And it's supposed to be healthy! Happy T Day!

  9. Sorry to hear you have been unwell, sending Aussie hugs without my covid xx

  10. Liebe Valerie,
    ja , Alter werden ist Mist und man möchte noch so viel tun und es behindert einen wenn man erkrankt ist.Doch der Wille ist stark und so lass dich gut gesund pflegen. Ich finde dein Krankenhaus sehr schön und die Zimmer.
    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung!
    LIebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Das Krankenhaus hier ist gut, aber ich bin lieber Zuhause! Hugs!

  11. I am definitely that pigeon! No frog in my coffee hopefully - we have tons of them around here though - they love our pond. Fun pictures! Hope you feel better soon and so does your computer. At least those desserts look fabulous. Happy T-day! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! That pigeon 🐦🐦 is good. My computer is back with me, that's something. Happy T Day, hugs!

  12. Sorry that you were not feeling well lately. Hope you are feeling better now. The hospital snacks look yummy but no one wants to stay in the hospital because home is always better. Thanks for the funnies. Sending hugs to you.

    1. Thanks Nancy, the past months have been hard, it can only get better! Hugs

  13. How awful that you are ill again. I'm really sorry to hear that. (Compromised immune system? ) Are you in hospital now? or home?
    Your image of the 'permanently exhausted pigeon is me to a tee! I felt like that until this morning as I have had the first night's sleep since a long time. Hubby is now unconscious so things are now less fraught. It's a question of waiting now. We have soft music playing and it's okay...
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I have sarkoidosis, which causes lots of different illnesses and symptoms, I hope it soon gets better. Sending hugs and prayers for you and your hubby. Big hugs, Valerie

  14. Valerie I am so sorry you are not well again. I agree, agree, agree, getting old sucks. I know you are strong though. I will be lighting a haealing candle for you today. I really love the the car pix spraying away the rust. LOL Get some rest.

    1. Yes, it sucks big time! Thanks for the good wishes, sending good vibes your way!

  15. Hoping you will be feeling better soon-hugs and prayers. yes aging is difficult for sure-sigh enjoyed your photos and memes Happy T

  16. Enjoyed your Post so much Valerie.... I had to swipe your image of the exhausted pigeon.. My daughter has a 2yr old and 4yr old and i think she would agree with the sentiment. Feel better soon! Looks like you sure made up for 4 days! of not eating! Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Swipe what you like, it sounds like just the thing for your daughter! Happy T Day! Hugs!

  17. I hope you're feeling better soon. Sounds like a good rest is what's needed. Bronchitis is no fun and needs tending to {hug} Happy T Tuesday

    1. Thanks. Lately I have spent a lot of time in various clinics and hospitals. Happy T Day!

  18. So sorry you are having a bad time of it. The pic of the baby squirrels is heart melting.

    1. Thamks Sandra, they are really precious! Hugs!

  19. So sorry to hear you've been so unwell, I hope you're feeling much better soon! Your thinkies and funnies are fabulous, loving the cat selfies 😊. Take care and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, those selfies are a hoot! Happy T Day!

  20. It was nice to see your photographs, memes and funnies :)

    So sorry you are not well, sending healing thoughts and good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  21. So sorry you were sick. Four days no food. Wow, wow.

    1. Thanks, I didn't even want food, I felt so bad!

  22. I know I commented on this post! It may have gone into spam!
    I will try as anonymous :)

    Thank you for sharing all the photographs.
    Feel better soon

    All the best Jan

    1. I found your comment in spam, thanks. Naughty blogger!

  23. Oh Valerie, I do hope you feel better (and for longer) soon! Great pics..until I came to the
    frog ;-) Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Sorry, I forgot that you don't like frogs! Happy T day!

  24. OH, I am so sorry to hear that you are still sick. Please rest and feel better soon. I know what you mean, prolonged sickness gets old.
    Loving your funnies but especially the frog and that beautiful teacup.
    Happy Tea Day,

  25. I agree! Getting old sucks. I am also a coffee person. No Coffee, no conversation. Two of your funnies struck a chord. The pigeon and the rust remover. Laughed for awhile with these two. Great sense of humor with all that is happening in your life.

    Love, Hugs, Blessings and lots of Prayers

  26. I hope you feel better soon. I love your blog header! Still looking after sick kitties, so I'm very late to the party. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  27. I love the art and funnies, where do you find them, cheers me up. Hugs Wendy.


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