
Tuesday 8 November 2022

Anything goes at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Sandie has chosen a great theme at Tag Tuesday- anything goes. The challenge runs for another week so you have plenty of time to link to us. Sandie is also doing the admin and planning, for which I am very grateful.  My recovery after the operrations in October is too slow for my liking, but it is as it is!The medication that I have to take makes me tired and fuzzy, and I will be happy when I don't need to take it anymore.

I chose to make a tag to support the people of Ukraine, who are suffering so badly, many have no water, no homes, no electricity - everything has been destroyed in these vicious attacks.

And some more of my sunflower art:

This photo was not from me

These were supposed to be sunflowers, too, not so good, but I tried!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love all your sunflowers Valerie. I know, I feel so bad for those people in Ukraine. Why must some leaders be so greedy? But your sunflowers are all so beautifully done. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It breaks my heart to see what is happening just a short distance from here, and t just goes on and on....

  2. Lovely sunflowers...yes, prayers for every suffering soul

  3. Hi Val, good morning! I love the theme for your beautiful tag and paintings. And thanks for reminding us to pray for the people of Ukraine. They are suffering so much, Hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Hi Sarah those people are suffering and dying and here in Germy people are just moaning because the prices are going up. I know it's hard, but the war there is much harder!

  4. They are wonderful sunflowers, Valerie. They are your sunflowers. The situation in Ukraine continues to distress us all, and there seems to be no end in sight. Putin is able to continue to inflict this misery on those embattled people in the sure knowledge that there will be no reprisals on his own territory. The only solution, it seems, rests in the hands of the Russian generals and others in high places, who need to remove Putin, preferably permanently. Even better would be to turn him over to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The world is often a sad place. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Putin gets away with destroying a neighbouring land and nobody stops him. He is a war criminal and needs to be treated that way! Sad indeed! Big hugs!

  5. Love sunflowers, to me they are a happy flower, standing proud with their beautiful yellow petals. Your Tag is fab, and so is your painting, wish I could paint, I can barely colour within lines, let alone paint,lol. Take it easy and rest...xx ( I have emailed you )

    1. Thanks Sandie, I love sunflowers, too. I will read your mail now!

  6. Your sunflowers are beautiful. I agree with what David said about the war in Ukraine. Be well.

    1. Thanks 🙏 CJ, David is right! Happy 😁😁 T Day!

  7. Hi Valerie, love your beautiful 🌻🌻🌻 sunflowers and the message! Martha

  8. This is a gorgeous post and your painting is very beautiful too!

  9. Beautiful sunflower art. May peace return to the Ukraine soon.


  10. Thanks so much Gillena, have a great week, big hugs!

  11. Liebe Valerie , Geduld zu haben ist auch nicht meins aber es muss sein und hoffe dass es bald wieder besser dir geht ohne diese Medikamenten dann. Ein wunderschönes gemaltes Sonnenblumenbildund Posting. Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich hab Glück dass ich alles überlebt hab. Also passen wir beide gut auf uns auf! Alles Liebe!

  12. So lovely. Regine

  13. Love all your art work Valerie and I love sunflowers, they are such happy,happy flowers..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. Sunflowers are a symbol of summer. All of the sun flower images are beautiful. Your sunflowers capture the essence of the flower. Bright and full of sunshine. Nicely done.
    I tried growing them but the squirrels liked them too. Never managed to get the seed harvest for the birds. The squirrels took the seed heads and ate all of the seeds. Oh well. They were enjoyed.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

    1. Yes, squirrels love them too! Have a wonderful week!

  15. I love sunflowers. They are bright and beautiful.

  16. I love that sunflower at the top, the national flower of Ukraine. Let's all pray for peace and recovery!

  17. We all need peace on earth.
    Sunflowers are so wonderful... mine in the garden are wilting now, but next summer will come again.
    All good wishes for you.

    1. Thaanks so much. Peace for the world would be wonderful!

  18. i love sunflowers:) they are so warm flowers

  19. Love your painted sunflowers, great textures. Wonderful tag as well. Hope you are doing better. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, I have good days and bad days, it can only get better!

  20. Beautiful sunflowers Valerie, a wonderful tribute to the bravery of the Ukranian people.
    I hope you are feeling better soon, and can stop the medication.

  21. all of your remembrances for ukraine are beautiful and meaningful. hoping for peace and safety soon. xo

  22. So glad I looked back and saw this incredible tag you have given us honoring Ukraine. What a beauty. I also LOVE the sunflowers you drew and the other ones you gave us.

    I just learned this morning that Putin isn't attending the G7 climate conference, but sending Laslov instead. Biden doesn't plan to meet with him, but plans to meet with Xi of China on more than just climate change.

    Feel better soon, dear. I hope you can rid yourself of that medication soon.

    1. Glad you like the tag and the flowers. If I write what I think about Putin I might get into trouble.... I will have to take the tablets for a long time, but it is as it is!

  23. Your sunflowers are lovely.
    Prayers for peace.

    All the best Jan

  24. I love your tag and your inspiration for it too! Sunflowers are so fascinating, hugs, Chrisx

  25. I love your bright and very uplifting post today Valerie. Your tag is just beautiful and my heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. I hope the tablets you are on are working their magic and you will be back on top form soon!!

  26. The photo of the sunflowers has a stark, surreal feel to it. Your painted sunflowers are happy and cheerful. I'll take yours hands down, Valerie!


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