
Monday 26 September 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a good start in the new week!

Coffee and pretty flowers are a good way to start the week for me:

From this evening on we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I have some coffee and cake to share with you:

And some funnies/ thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Such boldly bright and beautiful art today. I do like the look of the Sasha torte. Rich and decadent, and so chocolatey. I recognised the Dunoon ceramics even before I saw the sign. It's one of my favourite brands of mugs. They do some beautiful designs. they are long lasting and dishwasher safe so a bonus. A delight to use. I feel like I've just done promotion for Dunoon. LOL. Have a great week, Deb.

    1. Good morning Deb! That cake is out of this world, very rich and tempting! Thanks for advertising Dunoon! Their products are really good, I have some and love them! Have a great week! Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good morning. Love your cheery, painted table setting this morning, a great start in the week. The weekend here was chaotic and busy, but fun. Now it's quiet again and I need to start clearing up....Have a great week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Hope you don't need to do too much clearing and cleaning! Have a great week, hugs to you all!

  3. Beautiful and healthy chickens in your blog header. Beautiful art. I would love to join you for some coffee and delicious looking cakes.

    1. The chickens are in a little farm at the bottom of our road. They have pigs, geese and lots of horses and ponies, too. Wouldn't it be nice if we could just join each other for coffee and cake! Hugs, Valerie

  4. HI Valerie, just having what seems to be my weekly catch up these days. I have loved seeing your art and reading the funnies. You realy had my mouth watering when I saw the piece of cake on this post, I think the biscuit tin is about to be raised with my morning cuppa.
    Have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne x

    1. Always good to see you here, Yvonne! Enjoy your biscuits with your tea! Hugs!

  5. I think I am in a time warp, Valerie. The heading refers to Tuesday on Monday and the post appeared on Sunday! And I have trouble knowing what day it is anyway. I know that today an appliance repairman is due to come and see if he can repair no less than three of our aging appliances which are being temperamental as old things (or people) are wont to do. The timer on the dryer needs to be replaced, the washing machine won't deliver cold water any more and the timer there seems to need replacing too, and the stove won't illuminate. We are keen to have these old workhorses fixed if possible since new appliances seem to barely last beyond unpacking the box. No doubt we will be poorer in a few hours with barely a penny left to buy these decadent cakes. Perhaps it's just as well. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I think you are a bit confused, dearest David. Time is always in flow, so it can be Tuesday on Monday or whatever you want! And if it's Tuesday on Monday I don't need to do Monday's chores. Sorry that so many of your kitchen pieces are in need of repair. Here, too. My washing machine has rusted through, and one of the water pipes in the kitchen is leaking, happy times! And repairs here are also really expensive. C'est la vie! Have a great week, big hugs 🤗🤗🤗!

  6. Hi Valerie, it took me a while to understand what was going on with the matress until I got to the end...very funny. Loving the new art work and a coffee and that gorgeous cake look just what I could do with. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I love that mattress funny, too! The cake 🍰🎂 is sooooo good!

  7. That is a cheery coffee painting Valerie. It makes me want a cup, even if I'm not a coffee drinker. Smile. Those are such fun colors! And your cake slices look delicious. I will have to settle for my chocolate bread pudding I made this weekend since I'm not their to indulge in your Sacher torte and other goodies. Smile. Have a wonderful T day and start to the new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's cold and grey weather, so colours are good. Chocolate bread pudding sounds very good! Have a great 😃😃😃 week

  8. Tea and flowers and I'm onboard. Oh, my! That chocolate cake! And me with no chocolate in the house except baking chocolate chip bits. Happy T Day!

  9. Your painting is great! I love all the photos too.

  10. Wonderful post Valerie. I love the bright colorful art. The coffee shop looks so nice, especially all those cakes. Have a lovely day today.

  11. Lovely cheerful page. Enjoyed the thinkies too.

  12. Hahaha. The last meme really made me laugh. I'll never look at a mattress the same again.

  13. What a pretty bouquet! I'd like to pull a chair up to any table featuring that arrangement :) Happy T Day

  14. The little French-style pastries and the Sacher Torte look so appealing — I’d love to find some cakes like that to have with my coffee. Even if they look similar, the ones in the US never come up to the standard in France and Germany and Austria.

    best… mae at

    1. The cakes in that cafe are wonderful, and there are always long queues to get in. We have lots of wonderful cafes here, we are spoilt for choice, and the quality is always amazing. It's expensive, but I prefer one piece of good cake to piles of tasteless ones!

  15. Lovely post! Your artwork is beautiful. I love the photos of your beverages and desserts, too. I had to laugh at the memory foam mattress! I do remember when I wet my pants in second grade! LOL Happy T day!

    1. I think we all did things like that in first and second grade, it happens! Happy T day!

  16. I love the colors and the abstractness of the tea-cup painting. :) It's so beautiful.

  17. I want a Sacher Torte with my coffee and flowers. This is a beautiful drawing and a wonderful time with friends sharing coffee and good will. These are wonderful examples of great art and fun with friends you are sharing with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    I absolutely adore the Queen being met in heaven by her corgis. That is fabulous.

    1. Thanks E. If we go to a cafe we order one piece each, and then share them with each other, so we get to taste lots of different ones, yummy! Yes, that's a lovely cartoon of the Queen and her corgis!

  18. Your painting is colourful and uplifting (as if it were real coffee).
    And oh that Sacher torte! My mouth waters. (I haven't had breakfast yet). I also spotted signs for waffels. (more drooling on my part, I must make some today)
    Your funnies are great. I love the one with the Corgis, and the memory foam made me chuckle too.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Glad you enjoyed it all, Lisca! Thinking of cake before breakfast is hard. I'm sitting at my computer drinking my first coffee of the day. Happy T Day!

  19. A post full of things to make us smile, Valerie. Can't decide if I smiled more over your artwork, the cake, the dogs meeting the queen or that memory foam funny. Sadly, I think it was the memory foam funny - I think I have finally found out why I can't sleep! LOL.

    Your art is happy and lovely - your coffee art always is delightful. I wish I could visit all those fab places in your pictures too.

    Lovely post. Happy T-day and hugz

    1. Hi Sweetie, glad it gave you some smiles. I think of that joke now everytime I get into bed! Have a great week, Nancy, take care, hugs!

  20. A perfectly bright and cheerful creation with coffee, cake and a chuckle. Perfect for starting a new day. Great fun post. you began my day on a bright note.
    Hugs and Blessings

    1. Glad my post entertained you! Have a great week, hugs!

  21. Running a little late here Valerie.... But you have inspired me to paint my own picture of a flower vase/teapot/teacup... What type of paint did you use?? ....Your memory foam funny made me chuckle outloud!! Love the Amanda Gorman quote.. how true! ... Oh to lay my hand on a hippo's snout! .. And the Fall Cat image is just delightful!! The food and drink look divine! Chocolate!!! Mmmm.. i'm a sucker for chocolate...! Happy T day! Loved your post this week!! Hugs! deb

    1. I think we all love chocolate!.I use acrylic paint from Artina for most of my work. Have a great week, take care!

  22. Hope all is well. Blogger isn't letting me post.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Hi Dora, why won't blogger let you post? Look after yourself

  23. Coffee and flowers are good anytime - I'm right there with you. The Sachertorte looks sinfully delicious - I miss the good cakes in Germany. Or really nice coffee places. I love the "funny" where the corgis greet the Queen at heaven's door.

    1. The cafes here are really good. It's nice to have a little great now and then. Happy T Day!

  24. I find that a very happy painting. Some good funnies.

  25. Loving your coffee and pretty flowers, the detail that you created is so amazing - beautiful 😊. I'd love to join you in the cafe, those cakes look so yummy! I smiled at the most wonderful time of the year, I love autumn too. Happy Autumn and sending you Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

  26. Your paintings of the flowers are lovely! Some very pretty mugs in the shop window.
    Happy Tea day,

  27. I just love this piece! It's incredibly beautiful and so bright and happy. And your excursion photos are terrific, too. Love those English mugs. And the drawing of the queen being greeted by her Corgis. Every image a gem!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I love painting things like this. Have a great week!

  28. Love your vase of flowers and coffee cup Valerie, and those Dunoon mugs, though the one with the teeth is a bit weird isn't it lol. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I wouldn't buy that mug either! Have a great day!

  29. Fabulous art, the colours are amazing.
    Coffee and cake looks very yummy :)

    All the best Jan


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