
Monday 5 September 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed - or are still enjoying your weekend for those celebrating Labor Day in the States and Labour Day in Canada . David, I hope you now feel pacified!
Today I have a hybrid piece for Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ. Hybrid is a mix of hands-on cafting, photography and digital elements put together in a graphic s programme. As you see, I have gone with feathers:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday drink meet up, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

This painting is by Henry Nelson O'Neil:

And some photos from the ornate Barocke palace in Benrath which is in the south of Düsseldorf:

This pair were newly weds:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh I like that crow piece. You combined some great elements. It makes it interesting to look at. And I also like that blue coffee mug with the pink steam. How fun. Happy early T day to you. And that castle looks beautiful and like a nice place to visit. The pink is quite the color. Happy new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Benrath is a fun place to visit, there's a lot to see there! Have a great week! Hugs!

  2. I like how you circle the crow. It sure stands out well.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Lovely hybrid piece reminds me of a dream catcher. Enjoyed the coffee and photos

    1. Thanks Christine, it does look like a dream catcher. Have a great week!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! We had an early start again, the kids all need to get off to school. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Happy new week to you all! Hope you are able to enjoy some peace and quiet when they all go! Have a great week, hugs to all!

  5. I love seeing one of my favourite cities through your eyes. What gorgeous photos from the palace.
    Also love your entry for Art Journal Journey, such a beautiful background colour, very striking. The contrast between the turquoise and the purple is stunning. Great composition too and your blackbird, who takes centre stage is a favourite bird of mine.
    Great T page - one of your funnies has both fur and feathers on too.
    Hope you have a good week ahead.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet, glad you liked the photos of Benrath. The blackbird in my journal page pops up in lots of my creations. It was a baby bird which was all alone on my balcony, and I made it a nest in a box, fed it, and it stayed with me till it was grown and flew away, but came every day to visit me. It's my special bird! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  6. I like your art pieces. Beautiful paintings. Piping hot coffee makes me yearn for one. Beautiful photos especially the lake and fountain.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Benrath is a beautiful place to visit. And hot coffee is always good!

  7. I love your hybrid piece! The swallows are sweet, but I especially like how you have encircled the blackbird. As always, I enjoy seeing your out and about photos. We've had a huge change in our weather now! Heavy rain, cooler, and windy. What I'd normally see in late Autumn, not now! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Here it's still very hot, and there's been no rain. BUT it shoud rain from tomorrow on, we so need rain! Have a good week, hugs, Valerie

  8. Love the bird piece. He looks as if he knows a secret. Pink is not a color I'd expect on a castle, but it does show off the carvings beautifully. I bet it's a popular backdrop for wedding pictures. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks, the bird probably knows that he always gets food from me! Most of the barocke palaces were painted pink, it was the fasion at the time and now its tradition! There are always wedding parties posing on the stairs! Happy T Day

  9. Great photos Valerie, and I love your hybrid page!

  10. Anything showing crows is a winner in my book, Valerie. What wonderful intelligent creatures they are, and so sleek and handsome. They are actually calling outside as I type this comment and I am quite sure they are bidding me good morning. At nine o'clock we will be meeting Heather and Lily, and we are looking forward to seeing them again. It has been over two months since we last saw them. Heather has even been away from home with her job as a field biologist for a couple of extended periods. Apparently Lily copes well just staying with daddy. Miriam will have her camera at the ready so there will be pictures on my blog sometime in the next week or so. Today is Labour Day, of course, but it will be just like any other day for us, but there must be many households where kids are preparing to return to school tomorrow. Take good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses- David

    1. Thanks David. Lots of crows here, and blackbirds and pigeons as well as other species. The crows are the loudest, that's for sure. How lovely to meet up with Heather and Lily, and I am really looking forward to seeing the photos. Children change so much when they are growing. I'm sure Lily enjoys being with her Daddy, but both parents are always better! Enjoy your Labour Day, so glad Canadians know how to spell! The kids here went back to school three weeks ago. Have fun with Lily and Heather! BIG hugs, Valerie

  11. I really like Baroque art and architecture. You won't see Baroque in Hawaii.

    1. We have a lot of these barocke buildings here.

  12. So pretty. Regine

  13. Your crow is beautiful, Valerie. So well done and a great hybrid entry for Neet's theme at AJJ, too.

    I haven't even finished my T Tuesday post, and you are already finished. That is a lovely O'Neil painting and the shop with the mugs is wonderful. Of course, the cat tugged at my heart. Thanks for this lovely addition to T this Tuesday, dear.

    The Barocke palace is amazing. SO impressive and great it is nearby. What lovely photos, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I always work at least one day in advance! Hugs!

  14. Was für ein fabelhaftes Ideenreiches Journal und das Schloss ist wundderschön mit dem Park!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  15. Beautiful project Valerie, I love birds and this is fabulous..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. What a gorgeous piece Valerie, these colours are fabulous and I love your bird! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  17. Beautiful crow piece. They are lovely even if somewhat bothersome. They are smart and useful though. Love all the details you added to the piece. Your coffee art is all fabulou - I just had a cup with the first pumpkin pie spice creamer of the the season (at least my first). Great pictures of the castle - so ornate and beautiful. Lovely place for wedding pictures too. Super post as always, Valerie, and happy T-day! Hugz

    1. Pumpkin spice? Oh yesssssssssssss! Happy T Day!

  18. I love love love your bird page, the blackbird is just like I remember the Amseln, always a bit sassy. Sadly we don't have them here and I miss their joyful singing. I believe I went to Benrath as a child when of course I couldn't really appreciate it. Our parents used to take us to all of these places and forgot that kids often like other stuff much better... I was much more willing to go to the zoo in Duisburg! Have a great week, Valerie!

    1. I found this blackbird as a baby on my balcony, all alone, and made him a box nest, and fed him till he could help himself. But he always came back to visit, and hopped onto my hand or shoulder, so sweet. The zoo in Duisburg is always great fun! Hugs!

  19. I just love crows and ravens so you know i enjoyed your hybrid piece. Thank you for all your lovely photos! I especially like the tea cup painting with all the steam coming off it. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

  20. Your crow looks very real in the midst of the painting -- a great effect in the way you did the art work.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, it's fun to use different media to create!

  21. I want to go on the picnic in that painting :) The little cups in the shop window look just the size I like. The scenes over that lake are beautiful! Happy T Tuesday

    1. Yes, that would be nice to be able to walk into the painting and be part of the picnic party! Happy T day!

  22. I adore your hybrid page Valerie! I knew that you would love Neet's AJJ theme, Loved the pics (hurray for a shop window) Barocke Palace looks wonderful. Happy T Day, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Yes, this is another challenge made for me! Hugss!

  23. I love your hybrid bird page Valerie, it's lovely. Also love that painting of the ladies picnic, have a lovely week. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle. The picnic is indeed lovely, I saw it online, and had to keep looking!

  24. Love your fur or feathers artwork. Great crows! The cat funny is great! Made me smile. All your photos are beautiful. Happy T Day.

  25. Valerie, I just LOVE your hybrid bird art piece!!! The photo and the artwork birds are a wonderful mix. When text is included it’s a big bonus for this art piece. The background colors are so marvelous!


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