
Wednesday 21 September 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hybrid piece for Neet's fur or feathers challenge, and I'm happy to say that this time I have both on my page. The background is hand painted, the ladies are both lino cuts I made a couple of years back. The animals and tree are from Serif. The text is a hymn we used to sing in morning assembly at primary school, I'm sure others who went to school back in those times will know it, too:

I'm also linking to Rain'sTADD -harvest and food.

Some thinkies and funnies:

I will be back on Friday!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This is a great page with your fur and feathers. You picked some lovely animals. I am a giraffe fan, so of course this page caught my attention. I love seeing the ladies too. I know you've used them before, but they are always nice to see. I love those colorful chickens and the rooster on your new header too. I hope you have a nice middle of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks Erika! Giraffes are really beatiful. They have such lovely eyes, too. Last week I dug out the bag with all my home-carved stamps, and decided that I need to use them again! Have a great day!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Here all is well. Love your Africa page, really beautiful. Hugs from us all, Sarah

  3. Those boots are horrendous. Whoever would buy them - someone obviously.
    Your page is fantastic. I love the lino cuts of the two women, how fabulous are they? The whole page is so beautifully constructed, I adore the background colours you have used, they capture what i imagine is the dusk out there. I love how you placed the giraffe and the zebra framing the picture on the right with your two ladies slightly to the left.
    Yes, I remember the hymn, in fact if I want to block something out I sing this hymn silently in my head and it helps me get through that terrible moment.
    Thanks for another great entry for Art Journal Journey Valerie.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thnaks Neet! Those boots are really awful! Glad you like my Africa scene. I often sing this hymn - and others - they are sometimes very comforting. Have a great day, Neet, take care! Hugs!

  4. Thanks for this vision of Africa, Valerie. It takes me right back to the several trips I have made there, and the recollections are pleasant indeed. I don't think anything quite prepares you for the sight of a giraffe ambling across the savannah. Once seen it is never forgotten. Those boots are about as ugly as anything I have ever seen but the fashion industry seems to excel at producing items no sane person would ever want to wear. Had a great walk yesterday morning with lots of migrants moving though and my companions were delighted - as was I, of course. Today I will be having lunch with a young friend of mine, a tradition we started several years ago and have continued ever since, interrupted only by COVID. He has done well in his chosen career. Hugs and kisses from Ontario - David

    1. Glad you enjoyed your walk, and that you all saw lots of migrants. That must have been wonderful for you all. Today I had a whole flock of green finches on my balcony, they ate everything they coud find! I would love to see a giraffe in the Savannah, but for the time being I will have to be content with my own imagination ans what I see there. Hope you enjoyed having lunch with your young friend, it's good to keep in touc h! Big hugs!

  5. I truly like this art today. It's so appealing - the animals and the women, the tree. Just love it.

  6. A great journal page, Valerie! I love your painted background. All the images are placed perfectly for a well composed collage.

    1. Thanks Annie. Have a great rest ofc the week! Hugs!

  7. Love that piece and recognize the hymn;) 'Call it a day.' Heh.

  8. Hi Val, lovely art again. Hope you are doing well. Hugs, Martha

  9. That's very lovely hybrid piece today, Valerie. Now as to those shoes with toes. Who do you think would wear some like that? I remember back in the 1980s I had socks with individual toes in them. They were the most uncomfortable things ever. Very, very pretty Fair Isle patterns but all my toes wrapped individually, I was waddling about like a duck.

    1. Thanks Deb! I can't imagine anyone wanting to wear boots like that - fancy dress perhaps!? I know those socks, I had some and they rubbed my toes sore! Have a great week, take care!

  10. Fabulous Valerie, love your piece and remember the song well and now I'm singing it..badly, but singing it..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks hrissy. I think that we all learned that song, but I still like it today. Keep singing my friend! Hugs!

  11. What a fabulous piece Valerie, this is my favourite hymn, I had it for my wedding 40 years ago as it was one that everybody knows. I love your funnies/thinkies too, but those boots are just wrong! Have a great week xx

    1. Thanks Sue, glad you like that hymn, and it's certainly one that we all learnt. I can't imagine anyone wanting boots like that! Hugs!

  12. I've always liked that hymn.
    In fact it was sung at our wedding by the local school choir, special memories :)

    Good selection of funnies.

    All the best Jan

    1. Yes, it's good to sing about beauty and happiness. Glad it has nice memories for you!

  13. Beautiful post, arty, most gorgeous designs and colours xx

  14. Dear Valérie! Really a beautiful art piece. Colors combination is perfect. I loved it. Greetings.

  15. OMG those toe shoes made me smile 😊😊😊

    Happy Thursday Valerie


  16. Love your art and harvest photos. Those shoes made me smile!

  17. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  18. OMG Valerie this piece of art is fabulous. I love your harvest photos too. But I would like those witches shoes. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole! Ha, I would like to see you weäring shoes like that!

  19. What a lovely page, Valerie! I love the lino cut ladies, they are wonderful. Last time I did lino cut I was in high school. Your painted background is beautiful. I really like this page very much.

  20. Thanks Carola. I used to love making lino cuts, but my fingers won't do it anymore!

  21. I remember when you made a bunch of those Egyptian lino cuts. This journal page turned out great and is wonderful. It's also perfect for Neet's theme at AJJ.

    You KNOW I love the Pink Floyd song. Awesome.

  22. Your art is wonderful and though I don't remember the song in grade school, I love what it says. Your harvest pictures are great and I especially love the Sun Flower picture ... a reminder of what is happening in Ukraine. Your thinkies are awesome and your funnies and a hoot. All in all a wonderful post, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  23. Thanks so much, Andrea. I went to school in England, so perhaps we learnt different songs! Have a great weekend 😊😊😊

  24. Your African piece is awesome, Valerie! I thought I'd have the hymn as a brain worm, because I've sung it many times, but Pink Floyd pushed it out. I heard "Wish you were here" on the radio yesterday. It's one of my all time favorite songs. Great thinks and funnies. Have a happy and relaxing weekend!

    1. I created a nice mixture out of Pink Floyd and all things bright and beautiful! Pink Floyd is really legend! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  25. I love your African themed page Valerie! That hymn takes me back to primary school assemblies.

    1. Thanks Alison. Primary school is long, long ago but I still love that hymn!

  26. Wow, such gorgeous artwork and thinkies! The black and white against the colourful background is beautiful 😊. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

  27. I remember the song from church, not school, but I do remember it :)


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