
Friday 2 September 2022

2nd on the 2nd of September

 Hi Everybody!

Today is the 2nd of September, and that means it's time for Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we show things we have previously blogged. These journal pages are mostly from 2014 - 2016. Many are a combination of painting combined with photos, and all show birds. I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday fun:

Here are some of my silly birds:

This is one of my van Gogh knock-offs:

Back to ancient Egypt:

If you're still awake after so many pictures, well done!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm still awake! Mind, it is long past bedtime here in the UK. Such a lovely collection of pages. I suppose growing amounts of journals is the natural product of what we do. Night night, time for bed now!

    1. You must have been up very late! Yes, I have huge amounts of journal pages and other paintings I have made over the years! Have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  2. I love your art Valerie, great collection hugs

  3. Oh my goodness they are all wonderful Valerie..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  4. I am still awake too! Enjoyed a look at your art works.

    1. Thanks Sue, glad you stayed awake, too. Have a great day, hugs!

  5. What a fabulous second look and a good way to honor Neet's theme at AJJ, too. I can't believe I didn't think of birds because I know how much you love them. I am also surprised I recognized all of these because I didn't realize I have known you that long. Your birds always bring joy and I am so delighted you shared these with us as your second look this month.

    1. Glad you like the bird collection. It was hard to just choose a few! Have a great day, hugs to you and the boys!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Shalom to you, too! Lovely to see all of these beautiful pieces again, so pretty. And I didn't fall asleep! Have a blessed Frifay, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Friday not Frifay!!

    2. Hi Sarah, I thought we had a new week day! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. A joy to see your inspiring art work again. I never tire of it. I didn't fall asleep even though it is 4 am here.
    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jim. 4 am is not a time I am acquainted with! Hugs!

  8. Yes, still awake. In fact it’s morning and I’m sitting in bed enjoying your lovely pages and also reading each quote. They are lovely. I don’t know where you dig them up from.
    I’m sorry my last post was unreadable. I don’t know what I can do about it. I wanted to post it again, but my tablet wouldn’t copy and paste more than four lines at a time, so I started courageously but ran out of oomph and gave up.
    Sorry. I will post it next month as a second on the 2nd.
    Have a lovely weekend,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I love quotes, and whenever I see a good one it lands in my quote book. You can also find good quotes on the net and at Pinteres1. Sorry you had such problems last week. Blogger also keeps us on our toes....Good idea to post it next month! I hope you are still enjoying your holiday with your family. Have a great week, hugs!

  9. Wow what a great collection of pages, all those birds especially, Valerie. Happy Friday, have a great weekend! Visiting from Second on the Second Elle/EOTC xx

  10. Such a great collection, Valerie! Birds reign supreme here, as of course they should! I don't usually try to pick favourites, but with this collection I find it hard not to. Number one for me is the owl at night, followed very closely by the first image in your post. You have so much talent! It amazes me how you manage to keep track of all the challenges that occur, and go on to produce suitable art for each one of them. It's fun to see how different artists approach the same set of criteria, and then you all explain to each other the process whereby you made the creation, including the techniques and materials used. What a wonderful collective venture it is, filled with cooperation and camaraderie, with any competitive element entirely secondary I suspect. And I get to sit back and enjoy it all!
    Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Glad you enjoyed my array of birds, I always have fun creating with birds or introducing my own 'specials'. Glad you like the owl, I was quite proud of it, too! My computer keeps track of the challenges for me, but sometimes I really don't know which piece is for which challenge! We learn a lot from one another through the challenges, it's always fun to see what others do. The challenges I join in are all just for fun, and it is fun! Today I'm going to see if I can 'find' some new birds! BIG hugs!

  11. WOW!!! Valerie; these journal pages are fabulous. Enjoyed everyone.
    Happy you dropped by and linked yo Art For Fun Friday


  12. ...Valerie, you have a wonderful collection of face and your cows in your header are great.

  13. Lovely pages. Yes, I am still awake. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad it didn't send you to sleep! Hugs!

  14. Beautiful collection of past artwork

  15. Hi Valerie. All of this art is just amazing. I love the faces with the birds and the owl. Thank you for joining Friday Face OFF. Have a lovely day.

  16. You are freaking out on birds. I suppose David G. is enjoying looking at them.

  17. Oh Valerie, what an abundance of such beautiful artwork. You are so talented. I love all of these, especially the pieces with birds in them. But all of them are gorgeous with beautiful colors and techniques I don't even know how you do them. If I had only half of your creativity I would be happy. If I had to pick a favorite - which is hard - it would be no.1 because of the colors, the bird, the hedgehog and the beautiful autumn woman.

    1. Thanks so much Carola. No. 1 is my fave, I love autumn. You are a very talented photographer, and that is a great gift, too. Have a great weekend!

  18. I love the first one-- I love that her hair is made of leafs, and I love the whole autumn theme.

  19. Nice collection of images -- they are so interesting and varied. The colors are very pleasing as well.

    best... mae at

  20. I'm a little late for the second (commenting) but I made it. This is a fun post Valerie. I love seeing some of these for the first time and some for the second. And I love all the birds and the fall themes. It feels like it here. I hope you had a great Sept. 2, and weekend too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's always good to see you here, late or early!. Here it has cooled down a bit, so now I feel happier. I'm looking forward to autumn! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  21. A wonderful selection of your beautiful art Valerie!

  22. Autumn is here! I love the seasonal changes :)

  23. Well these are all a first look for me and I love them all ... and the wonderful quotes you use . You should be an life counselor. So many oh so wonderful, but I feel I need to choose favorites. The Barn Owl, of course, for me brings back the time I spent with Barn Owls at the Raptor Center. We used to raise them from eggs and release them in the area to research their patterns of behavior. It was an amazing experience. And, I think the first picture was mesmerizing with the cute little faces on the bird and the hedgehog. Finally, I can't pass up on the bluebird singing Sinatra :) So good and so much fun, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, glad you enjoyed my post! They are all faves of mine! Hugs!

  24. I love your artwork and all the positive messages and encouragements. Way to go! Cheers!

  25. Lots of wonderful work in your post today. Lots of birds and ancient Egypt. Love that!

  26. Wow! I'm still awake and really enjoyed seeing everything you've shared here.

    All the best Jan

  27. Brilliant lo back and a great promotion for Neet's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

  28. Your beards are beautiful, Valerie! I especially enjoyed the Egyptian piece. Have a good one!


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