
Thursday 25 August 2022

Thursday / Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Sorry I wasn't around yesterday to visit you all - I had an appointment with a cardiologist in Düsseldorf, with lots of different tests and examinations, and by the time I got  back I was tired and went for a nap which lasted for hours. It did me good, and now I'm sitting here drinking coffee to wake up again while I write this blog!

I am sharing another of my ladies. I made another 2 similar to this, but in different colour schemes. This is the one I like best. I will be linking to Nicole's FFO and to Gillena's Friday art:

And I have a mixed media recycling project, made with many layers of scraps and book papers on a re-used carboard substrate. The flowers were painted. I had fun with this one, even if it turned out differently to how I had planned it! This was inspired by one of the Kaleidoscope taster sessions:

And this is for Rain's TAD, gestures and movement:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh I like your lady and her long lovely neck. And your flowers are lovely. The background is great. I can tell you had fun with this piece. And nice art for Rain's challenge too. I do enjoy your heads and I noticed you even included a #42. And I had to laugh at your Peanuts comic because as I read your post there were several political ads on tv since our state primary is coming up in a few weeks. I hope your heart tests come back with good results and you have a great rest of your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I always have fun when can just paint! Yesy. I know about the elections, and found this appropriate in view of past events....

  2. Glad you got through your appointments beautiful art and thanks for the laughs

  3. You have a LOT going on in this post, Valerie. Nice to know you made it through all your appointments. I'm envious of the woman with the long neck. It's beautiful, but I have to admit I love the flowers. The page has so many layers and so much going on under the flowers. It is fabulous.

    Your TADD entry is lovely, too. I bet Divers and Sundry would love how you used the 42.

    I adore the library quote. Missouri is now banning books on things like "My body," and other works that talk about who we are and why. Such a travesty. It begins with the ban, then the burning. LOVE Charlie Brown. He is SO wise.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks E! I have heard from fellow bloggers about fanatics trying to ban books and even libraries. That all happened in Germany back when, and the thought makes me shudder, especially when it's happeneing in the 'land of the Free'. I had fun doing that many layered piece, sometimes mindless play is good in these difficult times. And yes, Charlie Brown is always good! Hugs!

    3. Thanks for your input, Kathy!

    4. thanks Valerie, I just deleted it-didn't want to cause issues on your page. I don't watch the news so hadn't heard of this-bill goes into law end of this month-no specific books being banned from I what could read-but not allowing explicit-porn materials in schools for elementry children

    5. Kathy, you are always welcome to air your views here, even if they are not the same as mine or other people's. The right to free speech is a precious good. I know we are on opposite sides with our poltical views, but I value you as a friend. Hugs!

  4. Beautiful painting and I especially love the project with recycled materials.

    1. Thanks Lovely, much appreciated! Have a great day!

  5. Good morning, I love your art Valerie. Your ladies are always so beautiful and I really loved the flowers very much. the piece for Rain is great too-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy. Art can take our minds off all of the troubling happenings in the present world. Stay safe and happy and have a great day. Hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Ooops, it's nearly midday, where did the time go when I should have been doing the housework!? Hope you soon get the results of your tests, and that they are good. All is well here, the kids will soon be home from school. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm still in my nightie, had a bad night and then slept in. Have a great day take care! Hugs to all!

  7. Liebe Valerie, das sind tolle Arbeiten von dir, besonders gut gefällt mir deine Purple Lady!
    Alles Liebe aus Österreich,

    1. Thanks Traude, I love painting strange ladies! Liebe Grüße aus Kaiserswerth. dir einen shönen Abend!

  8. Lovely goddess. I like the color of her hair. Beautiful flowers and look at the 42s! Enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, I thought you and others would be happy about 42s!

  9. Such a lovely, long-necked beauty, Valerie. Think of all the kisses one could leave there! Her hat is very appealing too. But the thing that caught my attention most in this post is the library sign. It is all so true, and a library is absolutely vital to a well-functioning society, and the most cowardly, non-sensical action that any community can take is to ban books. It is also the classic hallmark of fascism. Everyone who ever voted to elect a politician who deems that his or her interpretation of morality trumps all others will live to regret it. They should go online and see old films of Nazis burning books; we all know where that ended. The United States is coming apart at the seams. Hugs and kisses, Valerie from your one hundred percent libertarian, freedom of thought, freedom of expression friend, David

  10. I trust you'll get good reports from your tests.

    I especially like your purpose/keep going flowers piece. Such pretty colors. And look at those 42s! Cool!

    The book issue is a real problem. If we'd trust our teachers to teach and not try to micromanage their every move we'd be better off. Here in TN our teachers are having trouble figuring out which of their books they can allow their students to read, and even then random parents can force their own issues on an entire school system. I see Kathy's comment about porn, and I don't know about where she lives but porn has never been allowed in schools here at any grade. It's not a matter of porn but a matter of hypersensitive, easily offended parents who want their own personal prejudices imposed on an entire school. *sigh* Anyway, our state's anti-abortion trigger law went into effect today. It's an avalanche of reversals for all kinds of freedoms here. Book-banning is just one aspect of it :(

    1. May I say that I endorse everything you have said so cogently. Well done!

    2. Thank you. I'm in Memphis where there's general agreement along those lines, but we're a blue dot in a bright red state :(

    3. When I just hear about books being banned, I get panic. What will the outcome be? Glad you are a blue dot, hope Memphis stays as blue spot of hope for ever!

    4. We are a majority black city with a strong history of Democratic candidates locally, though the white-flight suburbs elect some far right folks who work directly against the interests of the city. It can be frustrating.

    5. I just don't understand these people and their right wing ideas. Wherever they are, they are troublemakers working to destroy the state and the freedoms we have. It's more than frustrating!

    6. We've had particular trouble here for years with issues like Memphis trying to rename parks that had confederacy-based names and statues, for example, and the state actually passing a law prohibiting us from from doing it. It's a bizarre look at the fact that "small government" and "local control" go by the boards if the Republicans don't like what we're doing.

    7. I just hope they will be stopped before Mr T can win another election. Here there were lots of streets, parks etc named after NS Bigwigs, but they have all long been removed and renamed. It is wrong that such small minded idiots are grasping power and stopping democracy.

  11. A wonderful selection of your beautiful art Valerie!

  12. Your floral piece is especially beautiful today, Valerie. And I'm glad you got a good nap in after a tiring day and I hope the results will be good from your tests. Love all the memes and funnies, but especially the Peanuts and Blind Date!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. We need something to laugh about in these difficult times!

  13. I love your elegant lady, she has violet eyes like Elizabeth Taylor!

    1. Thanks Deb. Elizabeth Taylor was really beautiful! Hope all is well with you, hugs!

  14. Your lady is beautiful. And I love the mixed media piece. Especially loved the library artwork and words.

  15. Valerie, I love your lady (even if I'm not thinking of all the kisses like David does!), she is simply wonderful. As someone who worked in a high school library your library "funny" resonated deeply. We often had kids come into the library who just wouldn't fit in - but they found a safe space here. I'm very angry about the "war on librarians" and the banning of books in the US. As a German this makes me shudder, knowing what happened in my country after books were banned and burnt. It is unbelievable that the narrow views of a few people are forced onto everybody else and this is mainly fought out in schools. I wonder what these parents are so afraid of? It would be much better if we let our teachers teach instead of constantly telling them what to teach and what not to teach. Thank you, vent over.

    1. I'm glad you're not also thinking of all the kisses! Libraries are so important. As a child they were my paradise, and it's where I first fell in love with books. Yes, the mere thought of people burning books brings back the images of what happened here back in the bad times. There are books I don't like - I don't read them, or films I think are disgusting - I don't watch them! We have the freedom to choose. And teachers need to teach, as you so rightly said. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  16. Oh, that last meme is spot on. Love your pieces. Especially your lady and the flowers. How about a lady with a hat?
    Hope you have good test results.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I will start thinking about a lady with a hat! Hugs!

  17. I am getting ready to go to Eugene to have a stress test done. I can't have it here because the last time I had one here I passed out from the injection. So I have to have it done at the big hospital where they use a different medicine. I am a bit worried. Glad your tests are done. I love this girl with her long neck and the flowers are so pretty. Relax and have a great evening.

    1. Have a safe drive to Eugene and hope the test goes well. Take care!

  18. We all need to push forward.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes, we need to go forwards, not backwards as these extreme right wing people are doing! Stay safe!

  19. Hope everything is well. Love the elegant looking lady with a beautiful long neck. Nice art and funnies.

    1. Thnks Nancy, I always wanted big hair and a long neck! Take care!

  20. Gorgeous art and words, Valerie. Luv luv the peanuts cartoon.
    Thanks for droppibg by and linking to Art For Fun Friday


    1. Thanks Gillena, Peanuts always gets it right!

  21. Replies
    1. Thanks Tom. I mostly run around like a scarecrow, but my ladies are always stylish!

  22. I love your Lady painting. And thanks for the laughs from the comics.

  23. Thank you Valerie for joining Friday Face OFF.

  24. ooh I love her hair and that pink background. Hope you are feeling OK, Happy Friday Face-off Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks, I would love har like that! Happy Weekend

  25. A great post from beginning to end, Valerie! I love the peace quote ~ It's so very true. And your lady is compelling with her long graceful neck and her color palette. Have a relaxing weekend

    1. Thanks Louise! We all need peace, and the world just gets crazier from day to day!

  26. Man, the first one featuring those 2 dogs made me laugh, especially these days! I love the girl. What an interesting face.

  27. Everything about your art is moving and pleasing and even inspiring. Your have a wonderful gift, not just artistic talent but the vision and kindness to use it for good things. I love the piece on the library ... truer words were never spoken ( or written as the case may be). My husband went through the nuclear imaging and stress tests this week and I know how tiring it is. I hope your results are promising and that you are feeling better these days. Take care Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. Yes, books and libraries are so important. I need my books, and practically grew up in the library! Have a great weekend, take care, hugs!

  28. Hope you are having a relaxing weekend, watching birds, reading books, watching movies and eating cookies:)


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