
Monday 29 August 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed a quiet and relaxing weekend, or a weekend full of adventure and action as the case may be! I didn't do much - visited my friend for coffee, sat on the balcony in the evenings and enjoyed reading and painting.

Today I have another tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday - black, white and a spot of colour. You still have a week to enter! I chose an Andy Warhol stencil to make my tag, with a red heart as my spot of colour:

This evening we will also be starting Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit my blog. As most of you know, I drink coffee or cappucccino, and I do like a nice, large mug. The one I have painted here is a bit wonky, but it does hold a lot of coffee, and that's the main thing:

As I have a sweet little boy on my page, I am linking to Chris's 'when we were young'  challenge at AJJ.

And some thinkins/funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the new cow header. Cows are so sweet, aren't they? I like your tag a lot. I need to fix the tag I made because although it is mostly black and white, I did a little more than a spot of color. I think I can fix it though tomorrow. And wonderful coffee piece for T. And AJJ too. Fun you could combine them together. I'm glad you had a nice weekend. Mine was also quiet, but that did allow me to do a few well needed chores. Happy new week and happy early T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love cows. their eyes are always so beautiful. And I love that this cow herd at the end of our road has a wonderful pasture to graze. It''s so nice to watch them! Have a great week, hugs!

  2. The ape looks so tender.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, the apes handle ther babes really well!

  3. Hi Val, good morning. Love your giant mug and the sweet little boy. Great selection of funnies, too. Have a great day,. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope you have recovered from the weekend! You will need giant mugs of tea to keep you going today! Hugs!

  4. Lovely art works vj , fun post

  5. Lovely post Valerie, enjoyed the funnies. Good to hear you had a relaxing weekend.

  6. I like your blog header. I am trying to cut down my coffee intake but the aroma of coffee makes it difficult. Lol! Love the ape and duckling pictures, so sweet. Hmmm no wonder the poor cat is lonely.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I can't do without my coffee! That cat will stay lonely with that attitide!

  7. Cool header! Large mug of coffee will be ready in a moment! Bank Holiday here, signals the end of Summer. Hugs, Deb

    1. Just got back from an early tour to Aldi with my neighbour, and am now enjoying caffee and a currant bun. Enjoy your Bank Holiday, autumn is really on it's way!

  8. I love your tag with it's lovely red heart. I also love your blog header Valerie, the cow and her calves are just a delight..x

    1. Thanks Sandra. The meadow where the cows graze is so pretty, I love to watch them!

  9. Thanks Annie, have a great week!

  10. I like your Warholian piece, Valerie. Andy Warhol certainly left his mark on the art world, didn't he? There are stories of people holding pieces he did before he was so famous that he gave to them as gifts, often as a gesture of appreciation for favours rendered, and they are made for life. Too bad I didn't know Andy Warhol and take him on a couple of bird walks! If you had a fortune from such a windfall you'd be able to fill your swimming pool with coffee and do laps in cappuccino every day. Ah, the decadence of it all. Your new header by the way is very attractive. Are they local cows seen on a recent walk? Today I have to go and get blood work done. Just routine. I will probably cry when they prick my arm, and fall into a faint, but other than that it will go well! I'll just have to remember all the tests you have had to endure and it will seem like nothing! Until the next time, hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! Andy Warhol really made his mark, I'm sorry I didn't know him back then. A swimming pool full of coffee, what a wonderful thought! If I go dxown to the end of the road here I come to some fields, where there are 2 farms. The First has chickens, geese, pigs and lots of horses and ponies. The second one is the dairy farm where they really have cows who spend their days on the meadows. I love watching them. I hope they don't prick your poor arm too hard, you must keep a stiff upper lip! It's a bit cooler today with pleasant temperatures and a light breeze, I met up with Heike and we went for coffee at our fave café. Have a great day David, take care, BIG hugs!

  11. It's nice to sit on a Sunday afternoon with a cup of coffee on the balcony. It is good to rest. Have a nice week:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, it's always good to sit on the balcony with coffee. Enjoy your wine festival!

  12. Wonderful painting and great tag. Have a great week. Anesha

  13. Love your giant mug and the sweet little boy.

    I enjoyed your selection of funnies too.

    Hugs and blessings, my dear friend.

  14. Your memes are hilarious! I loved the toilet paper one!

  15. Happy T Day! I love the colorful mug :)

  16. Nice tag and I’d change the saying for the orange cup to cup of tea. Sounds like a nice time visiting with your friend and being able to spend art and relax time on the balcony. Happy T Day

  17. I do like the giant mug with the small boy :)

    A good selection of funnies too, and the picture of the ape and baby is wonderful.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jab. I loved the ape and baby photo, too, so much love there!

  18. Quiet time, being with a friend -- that's just totally perfect. Totally. Loved the funnies, especially about petting the cat!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Some cats are really like that!

  19. That Warhol tag is wonderful. Very well done. Of course, I agree you can never have too big a mug of coffee. It's great that you shared it with us for T this Tuesday and also for Chris's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks for both and yes, I will link you.

    Cute thinkies and funnies and the cat one is so true.

    1. Hi Valerie, beautiful art work and great words. Loving the funnies too. The new Header is good, very pretty cows. Happy creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    2. Thanks Elizabeth, enjoy your cofee, happy T Day!

    3. Thanks Angela, those cows are really gorgeous, that's for sure. Hugs!

  20. It's so good to see you in your normal life, taking walks and doing lovely art pieces! Visiting the cows sounds like fun too. I didn't realize your home was in such a rural area. We have to drive quite a long way to see cows, and I'm not even sure the dairy farms are still there -- it's becoming more urban around here. I know that pigs have been discontinued in many of the farms that once raised them.

    best... mae at

    1. It's quite rural here's as we have lots of green along the Rhine, and lots of little farms. I just need to walk down to the bottom of the road and can enjoy farmyard atmosphere.

  21. Your quiet weekend sounds truly lovely, Valerie - time well spent, I'd say. I like your Andy Warhol tag, and the coffee mug is wonderful! I wish I could drink more coffee, but I'm limiting myself to one mug a day. Sometimes two on a Sunday. The cows in your header are so sweet - I always love to see cows that are actually out in the pasture. It is so peaceful - and they can get quite nosy if you have patience and let them "explore" you. I do have a very soft spot for these animals. Have a lovely week, Valerie, and a happy T day.

    1. I don't drink as much coffee as I used to, at least I limit myself to 2 mugs of 'real' coffee and after it's caffeine free coffee. I love cows and often walk to the pastures where I know I will find them, so sweet! Happy T Day!

  22. Such a lovely post. Regine

  23. So pleased you had a suitably quiet weekend. We slowed down at last on Sunday after a really busy week! Your tag is fabulous! What a great coffee cup - as long as you could keep it hot it could last you all week! Thanks for making this fun page for my AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I just had to have a coffee post for your theme! I am really taking things easy, and hope this helps. My wild days are over! Hugs!

  24. Fun art this week! I had never heard of Andy Warhol until last year when my son had to do an art project inspired by him. He has a very interesting style.
    Great funnies.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Warhol's art is interesting, and I like some of his work, but not everything! Happy T Day!

  25. Your artwork is beautiful! The funnies are funny, and ape photo is precious. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon, funnies are meant to be funny! Happy T Day!

  26. Hi Valerie, I really like the black and white but that coffee cup is just perfect! It does remind me of you LOL. The photo of the chimp and baby is so precious. I hope you have a lovely evening.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Glad giant coffee cups remind you of me! Happy T Day!

  27. Oh I forgot, I love your new banner. :)

    1. Thanks, the cows are so sweet, I love watching them!

  28. 😁😁😁luv that big cup of coffee.
    Another nice tag.

    Happy Tuesday


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great day! Take care!

  29. I too love your cow header. And your Warhol tag is great. As is the large coffee, although some people will argue that it’s never big enough.
    Happy T Day,

    1. Thanks Lisa, coffee is never big enough! Enjoy your time in England!

  30. Great tag, Valerie. Andy's words are soooo true. We do fail to see the beauty in everything. I feel like you see more of it than most. BTW love the cows in your header. We used to have Angus cattle about that color and I loved them.

    The giant coffee cup mirrors how I feel about coffee too - I don't even mind when it gets cold - I drink it any temp. LOL. Fun art and the little boy is too cute.

    I like the last funny the best although all are good. I feel like that is super true of many people as well as cats.

    Great post, happy T-day, and lots of hugs and hopes you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment.its so important to go out and look for beauty, especially in these troubled times. And we all need coffee and funnies to keep us going. Happy T Day, Nancy!

  31. ...Warhol was a quite a fellow.

  32. Nothing wrong with relaxing! Great art, love the coffee mug.

  33. A cup of coffee just right for me.

  34. LOL at that last meme. The pieces were great. I love a touch of red on a stark background. It just pops. Hope you're having a day filled with energy. Hugs,

  35. this warhol is among my favorite of all your tags! well done! great journal page too! xo

  36. Hi Valerie, I love your big orange mug, and that cat funny. I had that situation this morning with one of my cats haha well she is in solitary confinement now napping in a cat tree bed with all her friends (ie no one) Sorry for my lateness, end of month is always a busy time for me. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle. cats are often temperamental and a rule to themselves. Don't worry about being late, it's always good to see you!

  37. Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend Valerie! I love your tag, wow, so cool!!


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