
Monday 22 August 2022

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody!

The weekend is over, and a new week is coming - let's hope it will be a good one for us all.

Today I am sharing a very simple hybrid piece made for Chris's 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. I don't know where the weekend went, it's Sunday evening as I write this and I'm still sitting in my nightdress....

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here today. I am showing a coffee-bird, as long as he doedsn't drink my coffee it's okay!

And 2 cups of delicious coffee in Cafè Schuster, a wonderful place for coffee and cake:

And some thinkies and funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Good evening, Valerie, I loved your art today. I love gnomes so was smiling at that one, Love your coffee bird and great funnies too--Happy new week Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, gnomes are gorgeous. I would love a big one for my balcony! Have a great, new week, and stay happy and healthy! Hugs!

  2. LOL...I pee my self.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes, that's a good one, huh? Have a great week, stay safe!

  3. Fun page and thinkies have a good week Valerie!

    1. Thanks Christine, have a wonderful week! Hugs!

  4. Your funnies always brighten my day, Valerie.
    Loving your art as always. So fun and whimsical!

    1. Thanks Veronica, have a great week, take care and stay safe!

  5. Love the gnomes and the coffee bird, must be a special German one!! Always enjoy the funnies.

    1. Thanks Sue. I know you love gnomes! The coffee bird can only be found in this area, it's very rare! Hugs!

  6. Fabulous great colours and brilliant result x

  7. I love your gnomes! Those coffees look perfect too! You aren't alone finding yourself not properly up on a weekend, it often happens here too. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, I would like a gnome for my balcony, must look for one when I go out! And yes, I'm sure I'm not alone with my Sunday customs! Have a great week, take care!

  8. Good morning, Valerie: Since it is now right around lunch time where you are, I hope that you have finally shucked your nightie and donned some clothes. We don't want to read reports of an eccentric old lady walking alongside the Rhine in her come-hither nighttime passion piece! Speaking of the Rhine, I saw pictures yesterday. In places it looks almost like a tiny rural stream. There were pictures of the Danube too and it didn't look much better. Who could have imagined that these mighty European rivers could be reduced to this? Even the coffee-bird must be perplexed by it all. Who knew there were birds addicted to coffee - and in Germany too? Ethiopia or Brazil would make more sense. This morning a fellow is coming to replace our doorbell, which has been out of commission for a while. Maybe he will have a chime that plays segments of Beethoven's 5th or an aria from Tosca, or something equally stirring. The Grand March from Aida would be perfect! I suspect we will only get an innocuous ding dong. Take good care and stay cool. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! Yes, I have shucked my nightie and was up and about early because Monday is the day my neighbour drives me to Aldi to do the shopping. That's where the planes always fly so close. Of c ourse there are birds addicted to coffee, I know several here in Balconia, and have shown them here at various times. And my nighties are so respectable these days that it would certainly cause no scandal outside. I hope you get a doorbell with a nice, melodious chime. The Rhine is indeed a sorry sight. They have had to rescue fish from the river and bring them into deeper water as they weren't getting enough oxygen, poor things. Have a great day, take care, BIG hugs, Valerie

  9. CHildhood fantasy can't be beat in many ways, and this is a great idea for a page. This page is very fun Valerie. I would have thought those gnomes were living in the garden when I was little. And your coffee bird is a lot of fun too. Happy new week to you, and happy T day too. Hope your week and T day are great. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I would love some gnomes in the garden, that would be fun! Have a great day 😊❤️

  10. The gnomes are cute guarding the front door. The coffee bird looks like she'll give into the temptation to taste the coffee if not drain the entire cup!. Happy T Day

  11. Love the gnomes and the cute coffee bird art. Thanks for the funnies. The tickle beans makes me laugh.

  12. Thanks Nancy, glad it made you laugh!

  13. ooo, a coffee bird! The perfect companion :)

  14. That coffee bird is cute. The meme about laughing at her husband when she first saw him is too funny. Yeah, that's telling that old geezer!

    1. Right, sometimes we need to tell them from which direction the wind is blowing!

  15. It has been awhile. Your art is a breath of fresh air. Your humor is good for the soul.

    Hugs and Blessings,

    1. Thanks Jim. We all need light and laughter! Hugs!

  16. I love your coffee bird he reminds me of a cockatiel I used to have. Great funnies too. Have a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xXx

  17. What great fun pieces Valerie, I love your coffee bird, great funnies too! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  18. You did a beautiful job with the gnomes and the arched door. A great childhood fantasy. I think it's great for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    I LOVE your coffee bird. I bet your coffee bird would share, too. Thanks for sharing the incredible art, the coffees, and your coffee bird for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    I LOVE the thinkie about the election. SO to the point!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. My coffee bird is always prepared to share the coffee! Hugs!

  19. Being out of touch, I am happy to see a new Valerie here -- more upbeat and I hope healthier! Sometimes it's good to spend a day doing nothing. When I went on vacation, Valerie wasn't I fear in such good shape. I hope it's different now.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae. I wouldn't say I do nothing, but I only do things I like! I am feeling a lot better, but there's still room for improvement, and I'm trying to learn to pace myself! I hope you are well and fit, Mae!

  20. Your coffee bird is a real cutie!!! He would be great company to have coffee with. I also like your journal page, those gnomes are very German - are there still that many in German gardens? A German friend of mine here in CA once gave me a garden gnome that stood next to my lavender for several years until one night the fox kicked it over and it broke. I guess the fox wasn't very impressed with it...

    1. Thanks Carola. There are no gnomes in the gardens on the street where I live, but if I walk through the allotments I still see a lot. They are slowly coming back into fashion, but the modern ones are a bit different. Happy T Day, hugs!

  21. The AJJ page is very sweet Valerie! I hope the Coffee Bird did not drink all your coffee. Have a wonderful week!


    1. Thanks Soma. The coffee bird probably would drink all the coffee if I let her! Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  22. Great When we were young page, but I love your coffee bird! Great funnies, too. Happy T Day.

  23. Hello sweet Valerie. Hope you are feeling well.

    Love your hybrid piece - so true. I do still live in fantasy land - it is way more fun.

    The coffee bird is fabulous and fun.

    Your funnies got me. My hubby has a routine for telemarkers - he babbles in his super deep voice - it is hysterical. We have gotten less calls since he

    The peas one made me laugh out loud.

    Super post as always. Happy T-day! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy! Yes, fantasy land is a better place to be than in reality these days. Those peas were my faves, too funny! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  24. That coffeebird would look great in a kitchen!

    1. Thanks Jackie! That Coffee bird is hanging on my coffee cupboard in the kitchen, I think she's happy there! Hugs!

  25. Your art is always so cleaver. The coffee bird is wonderful. I had to stop drinking coffee but I would like to find a nice coffee shop like the one you describe. Just the fragrance alone would be fine for me. LOL Have a lovely day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. We have lots of coffee shops here, which is really good for me. The fragrance is always so good, even just sniffint it is fine! Hugs!

  26. Well it took awhile to get to the bottom of your comment Just to tell you i LOVED your CoffeeBird!! AND several of your funnies made me smile... shoot maybe even Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

  27. Okay, I just noticed, and yes, it's long, sorry! The coffee bird is one of my faves because it just fits to me! Hope all is well with you and yous, hugs!

  28. Love the gnomes and the chicken! So adorable. Beautiful art today.
    I love the funny about the peas!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. The peas funny is really funny!

  29. Love the coffee bird Valerie and the cute gnome page. Had to laugh at the peas lol Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

  30. I wouldn't trust that coffee bird, he has a look in his eyes that says he is going to take a long drink of your coffee.
    Love the gnomes. How true that it was wonderful when, as a child, we lived in a fantasy world. I would love to go to your little door and walk in, I wonder what is behind it
    Hoping you are feeling a bit better as each day goes by.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. My coffee bird lives from coffee, so I have to watch my cup! I am feeling a bit better, but still get very tired. I hate getting old and useless! Hugs!


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