
Friday 10 June 2022

Weekend Post.

Hi Everybody!

I have decided to have a long weekend to give myself a rest, so I'm sharing my A3 acrylic painting meant for Mia's fish challenge at AJJ now. My fingers are very shaky, I just deleted the whole post I was writing as I pressed a wrong  button. Here I have a slightly different seascape, imspired by a digital piece I  made sometime in the past. The text reads, 'Don't try to find me, I want to stay lost'. At the moment I feel like that, too! I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday fun. Sorry about the poor quality of the photos, we had a dark and dismal day which didn't give the right light:

And this is a tag I made for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday, I forgot to post it. The girl and the pocket were cutouts from a bought set. The icecream cone was made with corrugated card and the ice from some left over bits. The background was part of a page with paint and brushos. The girl and the ice are tucked into the pocket:

And some funnies / thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Your 'fish' creation is very dynamic ~ love it! ~ Great tag art too and I love the sweet dachsund doggie photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. Our neighbour has 3 Dachshund doggies, we mostly call them 'Dackel' here, but they are so sweet. Have a great weekend, Valerie

  2. Love your fishy painting!!! Also got a kick out of the fun pics!!!

  3. Sorry your fingers are shaky. Beautiful page and tag and enjoyed the thinkies!

    1. Thanks Christine, have a great Friday! Hugs!

  4. Your art is always so wonderful, loved the thinkies too-take care of You hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, I will just look after myself this weekend!

  5. I enjoyed all of your artwork. the colors are exquisite. Thanks for the funny cartoons too.

  6. Hope your fingers get unshaky! And that you have a wonderful weekend. Cheers, Ivy.

    1. Thanks Ivy. Unshaky fingers would be good! Enjoy your weekend!

  7. Loved the art vj..wonderfully composed.
    Have a great weekend

  8. Lovely page and tag, Valerie! I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell. Have a wonderful weekend and take care.


    1. Thanks Soma, enjoy your weekend, stay safe!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good and long sleep and are feeling less shaky today. Love your message in a bottle, if you decide to go lost, tell me, I'll go with you, and we'll look for a nice little hideout somewhere! That would be fun! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! That's a tempting thought to bog off and find a hideaway somewhere, perhaps we shoud really start thinking about it! Somewhere we can get fish and chips every day, but wth no Boris Johnson! Think about it! Hugs!

  10. First of all I love your funnies, that daschund picture is brilliant!
    Oh dear, sounds as if you need to rest a while so I do hope that it does you good and you are feeling much better by Monday at the very latest. Also that you have good neighbours to call on should you need them.
    In the meantime I know what you mean about shaky fingers, I sometimes have a twitch or something and press a wrong button and delete something I have just done . So annoying.
    However, you have given us a lovely journal page for your fishy scene this morning. I do love the deep blue of the background. The sky looks menacing and dark against the blue of the sea.
    Love the ship in the bottle bobbing along on the crest of the wave and the little fish swimming happily underneath. A truly delightful page.
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neeet. The shakiness is not only annoying, it is also exhausting, and everything takes a long time to get done! And it's past midday and Im still sitting here in my pyjamas and havent done anything! So, enough of moaning! Glad you like my message in a bottle, it was fun to make. This evening I'm going out for a meal with a friend, that will do me good! Have a great weekend, take care, have fun! Hugs, Valerie

  11. Good morning, Valerie: Sorry to hear that your hands are shaky, not good for creating art nor typing on a keyboard. Perhaps a weekend of rest will ameliorate the situation. Your fishy artwork is very pleasing to the eye and I can see that you have mastered the subterranean realm. As you know, many birds dive in pursuit of fish, so I expect that we will soon be seeing some of them underwater in hard pursuit of their fish filet lunch. They get to have sushi every day. I scanned closely for a mermaid or two but I didn't find any, much to my chagrin. The cartoon regarding the purchase of the AR-15 would be funny if it wasn't absolutely true. They even ban kinder surprises. Take good care of yourself this weekend. Relax and get well soon. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Good Morning, dear David. Sorry, I will try to find a few mermaids for ou in future, very amiss of me! typing s hard, bcause ms fingers shake and tpe lots of extra alphas which I don't want, and i have to keep altering tings to make it more or less normal. Life is sometimes hard, and we have to get on with it. I often watch how the herons go fishing in the Rhine, they have a very good aim! Perhaps I will eat fish this evening when I go for a meal! Are you joking about Kinder surprises? Why woud they be banned? But AR-15 is okay. What a crazy politic! Hve agod weekend in spite of it all! Big Hugs!

    2. They are deemed to be a choking risk for children, but it's okay to sell weapons to kill those same children.

  12. I love this piece. Wow. How clever Valerie. The ship in the bottle is an amazing idea. And it looks great too. And nice tag for Wendy's challenge. I love those vintage pieces; I think I have the same packet. And I'm so sorry your hands are so shaky. A restful weekend sounds good. Take care and hope you're feeling better very soon. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I had fun with this one. I have had that children's packet for ages, and still have goodies in it! Have a great weekend, have fun! Hugs!

  13. A very fun page. The ship in a bottle on an adventure only the sailors don't know they are in a bottle. The little bird looking up dreaming about flying like the sea gulls. So many stories from this piece. Your tag captures the joy of Summer. Have a relaxing weekend.

    1. I love making pictures that tell stories! Have a great weekend!

  14. Enjoy your rest. God bless your day. Regine

    1. Thanks Regine, here's wishing you a blessed day, too!

  15. Beautiful pictures 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  16. Beautiful art. Love the ship in the bottle. Cut dog on the dog sculpture. Enjoy your weekend.

  17. I so love the art today. The eye, ship and fish. Kind of a powerful piece. I am glad you are resting today. It never hurts to take some time off. I laughed about the toast. Good one. Have a great day and thanks for joining Friday Face Off

  18. Hi Valerie, it's lovely and sunny here for a change and no rain! You poor thing that is so annoying to lose everything when you've got a long post to type up. You deserve a rest. Loving the bottle and the little fishies. The funnies are good though the AR15 one is not funny but obviously not meant to be. I wonder how many more people must die before they see the light and do the right thing. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. Länge Darts are forbidden as they are classed as dangerous but those rifles are allowed.

  19. Oh WOW. I love that ship in a bottle. It is incredible and beautiful. It and the fishes make this a perfect entry for Mia's theme at AJJ.

    What a fun tag. I wish I had time to make tags. Yours is adorable.

    I LOVE the authenticity quote and the AR 15, which hits close to home. I hope you get rest and are able top feel better and less shaky soon, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E, glad you Like it, I had fun making it! I need to rest over the weekend. You have a good one, too!

  20. Hope the shakiness passes for good. I love that ship in the bottle. Gigi Hawaii

    1. Thanks Glenda, the shakes won't Go away but sometimes it's not so bad!

  21. OMG. That gun meme says it all doesn't it? Good on Germany for being smarter about guns than we are over here.
    Love your pieces, especially the fishies.
    A nice extended weekend of relaxing and taking care of yourself sounds exactly what you need. Sorry you lost your post. Ack.

    1. Yes, I hope things never get like that here. Stay safe, huvs!

  22. I love your little tag Valerie. I hope you have a restful weekend, I'm fighting a chest infection at the moment, just haven't had much luck healthwise lately. x

    1. Thanks Sandie, sorry you're not feeling good eithef! Get well soon!

  23. Eine tolle Seite, die Idee mit der Flasche ist klasse.

  24. Your fishy art is very enjoyable. Good luck with your recovery from whatever causes the shakiness.

    best... mae at

  25. I'm sorry that you feel so shaky and I hope a well deserved long weekend will make you feel better. The seascape painting is interesting (in a really good way), lovely blues and the little bird standing on the bottleneck is super cute. The second cartoon is the deeply sad truth in this country, something that I fail to understand. David is right about the Kinder Überraschungseier. Same goes for Bucky Balls and and and. Pro-life for the fetus only to get the children killed.

    1. Yes, there are some stranged double standards at work there!

  26. I hope your fingers calm down and that you can find some antidote to the shakiness. Have a lovely weekend.

  27. I like the cut out fishes, it adds a nice touch to the picture.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  28. I really like your works, they are full of sunshine and joy. I hope your health will improve soon, which I wish you with all my heart. Have a nice weekend:)

    1. Thanks so much, Lucyna. Have a great Weekend!

    2. It seems my comment doesn't want to load, so this is my last try. I loved the art and hope you are having a good restful weekend. I know how it feels for the hands when they don't do as the are told.
      Yvonne xx

    3. Thanks Yvonne. So sorry you had problems again, Blogger s a pain in the bum just now! Have a good, new week, hugs!

  29. Enjoy your long weekend Valerie, we have one here too! Beautiful art works and funnies.

    1. Thanks Sue, long weekends are good, huh? Enjoy yours!

  30. Lovely art.
    So sorry to read about your shaky fingers, I hope a quiet weekend may have helped them.
    Sending lots of good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

    1. I think the rest did me good, I always find it hard to stop working!

  31. I hope things have improved with your fingers, a weekend away from the computer should be just what you need. I love your ship in a bottle, and the two dogs really made me laugh! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, those dogs made me laugh, too, so funny! have a great week, hugs!

  32. Love your painting. Your meal looks lovely. Have a great week. Anesha x

  33. Lovely tag and journal page Valerie. Hope your fingers improve asap. Hugs Wendy

  34. What a great interpretatin of this theme :) Beautiful page!


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