
Wednesday 22 June 2022

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have something fishy to share with you again - a mermaid face. Her hair is like seaweed and the fishes swim round her every day. I am linking to Mia's challenge at AJJ and to Rain's TAD:

Some evening photos from my balcony:

The field behind our garden has been left to grow wild - good for the bees:

And some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful art and thanks for the funnies

  2. Love the fishy piece:) The photos are breathtaking and the memes hilarious.
    Please take special care. Hugs. Sandra

  3. Oh I love the fishy woman and love that she is green. She is very fun, right down to her seaweed hair. and the field looks very bee friendly. Right now my asparagus plants are flowering and they are full of noisy bees. It is great. And thanks for the funnies. Hope it was a nice first day of summer. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I walked past another bee-meadow yesterday and you could hear how alive it was with insects, wonderful! sparagus, yummy! Enjoy summer. hugs!

  4. Doggie water stop. They're a few in town of Bonners Ferry.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. The water stops for doggies is great in this heat, there are a lot in our little town here, too. Have a great day!

  5. Beautiful post and lovely colours as always, this is stunning xx

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day, hugs to you and Bella!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and are feeling fit today. Love your green faced mermaid, We are going swimming this afternoon so I'm wondering if I should paint my face green!? Have a great day. hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. You might get turned away with a green face! Have a great time swimming, it sounds the right thing for this weather! Hugs to all!

  7. I like the cute dolphin in the painting. Nice cloud formation. Thanks for the funnies. Lol! I used to talk to my pet dogs.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I always talked to my dxogs and cats, and I'm sure they understood....

  8. M is the letter today, with mermaids, magpies and mirth. Great job, Valerie. I must say that this is the first mermaid I have seen wearing a dress, so perhaps a society for feminine modesty, or some group of religious fanatics dedicated to female purity, invaded the oceans and imposed a dress code. Every sailor will be very disappointed, I can assure you of that! I am happy to see many fishes swimming around, given the sad truth that so many regions and zones of the oceans have been fished almost to extinction. If there is a way to overexploit, pollute and destroy we humans are always up to the task and will get the job done. I had a really good chuckle at the water left out for the dogs. I can easily imagine some toddler taking a drink! Given recent experience, I am wondering whether this comment will find its way to your blog or be immediately whisked into spam? We'll see, I suppose. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. My comment just disappeared into Nirvana. Anyway I'm glad that your comment got to the front page this time with no problems. Short commment today, I've been invited to a very 'posh' restaurant for a a birthday dinner and need to find some clothes fitting for the occasion! Have a great day, take care, BIG hugs!

    2. Make sure you are on your best behaviour and mind your manners!

    3. My auntie used to say that I didn't know how to behave myself. She was rightt!

  9. I love the mermaid's eyeliner and seaweed hair. The funnies made my day!

    1. Thanks Debra. If I was younger I would buy gold eyeliner, too!

  10. I like what you did with her hair and all the gold.

    1. Thanks so much, sorry I don't knw your name!

  11. Your balcony views have a lot to offer. I like the idea of setting a space aside for the bees :) Nice!

    1. A lot of farmers are doing this now. They get a small compensation from the government for planting bee meadows.

  12. I love this green lady. Good job on the eyes. Hope your are feeling well.

  13. Those funnies actually made me laugh! Where do you get them? Love the fish in the hair. Kind of unique. Gigi hawaii

  14. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  15. This is pretty amazing Valerie, love the colours and the fish swimming through her hair, fabulous work of art..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  16. Wow your fishy lady looks amazing, and you certainly have some lovely views from your balcony! Take care and have a lovely evening, Sue xx

  17. I love your mermaid, and the dolphin at her neck looks so happy!!
    Great funnies, they gave me a good laugh. Have a good rest of the week, Valerie.

  18. Love your green lady. Her hair is inspired and the fish swimming around are lovely, especially the one top left, something about it reminds me of a seahorse in the face.
    Fab funnnies, just what I needed today, a good laugh.
    Have a lovely weekend, restful and happy.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  19. Beautiful art, lovely photos, and good funnies:):). Hope you are feeling much better and resting.

    1. Thanks Linda, my temperature is up high today! Have a great Weekend!

  20. I do like your lady, great colours.

    Brilliant funnies you've shared :)

    All the best Jan

  21. She's like the watcher of the sea Valerie, beautiful colours. Lovely to see the fields left to grow wild, we have many area's of our nature walk left to grow, it's been full with bee's and butterflies this year. Wonderful!! Happy TAD Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, Watchers of the sea is a great description. Enjoy your walks in Nature! Hugs!

  22. A mermaid who figured out how to keep her dress dry ... so clever. Valerie, your art is so creative ... where in your brain do you pull out your wonderful ideas and then have the talent to put them on paper. Your make me smile and then I smile again at your awesome views from your window and then again at your humor (LOL). I especially like the sign by the bucket of water ... Ha! "We don't Judge" ... hmmm! So I know we live far apart, but I would love to spend a day with you. I can only imagine the fun we would have :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. Yes, it think we would have fun together! My head is always stuffed with nonsense! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  23. mermaid, yes! My thought was she lives in the water. And she does. .) I like it. I also see beautiful skies. :)

  24. Oh those funnies...I talk to my pets as though they completely understand me, and I just assume they do lol...Your mermaid is so beautiful Valerie! I love how you made her hair the sea and the cute blue whale!! Beautiful photos today too! ☺

  25. Your mermaid is gorgeous Valerie!


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