
Thursday 5 May 2022

Thursday/ Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ. This was painted on an A3 page using acrylic paints in blue and black and some white splatters. I drew and painted the lady and put a white, die-cut bird and some feathers on her head.  The leaves and birds were drrawn with a white acrylic pen. I added some colours with soft pastels, and glued the 'par avion' sticker on:

I had an appointment in town on Wednesday morning, and and made sure I got a few minutes in Hofgarten to visit the birds. There are black swans for Elizabeth, and Canada geese for David and lots of birds for everybody:

I love this giant nail (it's bigger than I am!)

I am also linking to Rain's Thursday art date.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Lovely page and bird photos today Valerie! The weather looks nice.

  2. That lady is amazing. I love how the sky and the bird are her hair. This is really a very clever piece for Matilde's challenge. And beautifully done too. And you have such wonderful weather. The Hofgarten looks like a nuice place to walk. And that nail is something else. Hope you're having a good week and maybe no A fib attacks- that would be great to hear. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like my lady, I wanted to try something different. The weather is really nice, I am enjoying it! And thanks for the good wishes!

  3. I really enjoy watch water fowl in water. Don't know what it is but I like to splatter when come to art.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. I can watch the water fowl for hours, it's always so relaxing!

  4. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you had a good night! Love the lady with the bird on her head. She looks like she is smiling about something that others don't know, she is lovely! Have a wonderful day, here it's quiet, the kids are at Leah's! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like my lady. I'm having a quiet day today, I was ou and about too much yesterday! Hugs to all!

  6. Awesome post, certainly looks great...♥

  7. What a lot of lovely photographs. Always a pleasure to see what you have been taking photos of Valerie.
    I love your blue lady, she has her shoulders hunched up as if she is laughing at something, I wonder what it is. The bird on her head is lovely and adds so much interest to her. Maybe he is a prince waiting for a kiss.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, so glad you like my blue lady. I Love the Idea of the bird being a prince waiting to be Kissed! Hugs!

  8. A wonderful art journal page Valerie, I like how you perched that bird on her head. The photos were lovely and that nail looked amazing.
    have a good rest of the week.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I'm glad I haven't got a bird on my head! Have a great day!

  9. This is a lovely bird-filled extravaganza, Valerie, with Canada Geese raining supreme of course, mighty birds of the marsh that they are, bastions of the northland, hardy warriors and dedicated parents. As you probably know, it is not unknown for birds to try to pluck hair from humans (that's why I have none) to line their nests, so it is apparent that at least one species has taken the practice one step further and has decided to build its nest on a human head. Better have lots of tissue at hand is all I can say. Wouldn't it be lovely if they chose Trumps's head and located their nests in his ridiculous thatch? Shitting on his head would be so appropriate! I had a great walk with the ladies yesterday and the woods have come alive with spring flowers which I was able to identify for them in addition to the birds. It's such a great time of the year. Take very, very good care of yourself. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. You and I are going to have to agree to disagree about the Canadian Geese, David. They have taken over our river and parks, as well as encroaching on our neighborhood looking for food. See my comment below.

    2. Thanks David, I knew you would like the Geese, even if Elizabeth isn't happy with them. I like to see them in the parks and by the Rhine. They reduce the numbers of the geese here by removing sxome of the eggs from their nests. And now I know why you have no hair.... Glad you had a great day with your group of ladies! Hugs!

  10. Wonderful to see the swans and geese enjoying the water. That is a strange looking black sculplture.

  11. Your lady is beautiful Valerie, and I love your photos of the birds.

  12. I thought my comment had published, but apparently it didn't. I can't understand why Canadian Geese are so enamored. When they chose Wichita in their flight path about 15 years ago, people thought they were SO cute, they fed them. Why leave when they could get food free. Now they have taken over our river and parks. If people don't feed them, they can get very aggressive. And they have even encroached on your neighborhood, leaving behind a slimy mess. On a brighter note, I loved seeing the black swans.

    Your journal page is wonderful. I love the bird in her hair and the beautiful lady too. Thanks so much for another inspiring entry using Matilde's theme at AJJ. Hope your day and weekend are great, dear.

    1. That should read OUR, not YOUR neighborhood.

    2. It could be both - it's the same problem everywhere!

  13. Great bird-watching opportunity! I got a kick out of the huge nail sculpture.

    1. Thanks, that sculpture is something different! In Hofgarten it's always wonderful for watching birds!

  14. Very nice! I love the eyes because they have emotion in them. Very cool.

  15. Oh your 'lady' is divinely created and your photos are awesome ~ wonder when you sleep ~ you are so prolific with your creations ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, love. and laughter in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, I go to bed early and sleep well!

  16. Wonderful art, love the colours and the textures from the feathers and lovely photos to start my dark Autumn morning off..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  17. The photo of the Canada Goose is great Valerie! What a nice place to visit! Your airmail bird lady is very creative! Oh I love that nail! ☺

  18. I am so in love with your header, wisteria are my favourite flowers. Loving the new lady too and your walk round the town, great photographs. Have a lovely creative week. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Wisteria are really beautiful, they dont last long but I njoy them as long as they are there! Have a great weekend!

  19. lol, your lady seem quite happy for the bird on her head :) Great idea :)

    1. Thanks Monika. I would not be so happy with a bird on my head! Have a great weekend!

  20. Beautiful bird lady like the added par avion. Love that nail and other photos. Vee xx

  21. A Canada Goose attacked me yesterday! Nothing serious (I evaded it in time) but really amazing! They have vicious looking teeth lining their beaks. They are a nuisance with all the goose poo they leave on lawns. And they breed very effectively, filling up the environment with more and more little —- then big — geese.

    best… mae at

    1. Oh dear, I've never heard of anything like that before, it must have been scary. Sorry to hear it!

  22. Love the bird in her hair. All of the photos are so nice. Hope you are feeling well.

  23. What a great outing. Love the black and blue background and the white bird and feather's on your lady's head:) Have a relaxing, enjoyable weekend. Hugs

  24. Your Lady Par Avion is beautiful ... she looks like she is floating and her face is peaceful and sweet. Of course having a bird in your hair can be curious, but she braves it with dignity. Your pictures are lovely. The gardens and flowers, I can almost smell them. I am so looking forward to springs blooming flowers. The Black Swan, I think I have seen one in my lifetime. They don't seem to be in our area unless somebody brings them in artificially and then I don't know if they fare well. As for the Canada Geese ... not unlike many other things, when man starts interfering with nature it tips the balance. Yes, they are a nuisance, but they are still beautiful and who can blame them for being successful with man's help. Stop feeding them and they will go elsewhere. The human animal has tilted the balance of everything and we are starting to pay the price and yet we trudge on in our calamitous ways. I doubt that I will live to see how this ends, but I pray that we find our conscience and start behaving as being a part of nature rather than the owner of it. So sorry for proselytizing, though I am quite certain I am preaching to the choir. Go back and enjoy your spring in all it's glory, Valerie.

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  25. You are so right, Andrea, man is really busy destroying the world, bit by bit. If they don't put the breaks on now it will be disastrous! Have a good weekend, hugs, Valerie

  26. What a fabulous collection of birds! I know the geese are so messy but I confess, I love seeing them (except on my beach!). Beautiful art today! Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Yes, they are beautiful to look at, and I love to see them flying! Have a great weekend!

  27. Interesting concept! A bird on a lady's head! LOL. Loved your Hofgarten.

  28. Wow! luv that she is smiling. Fantastic painting. Thanks for dropping by and linking to Art For Fun Friday.


  29. Beautiful piece of art. Hope you are doing better. Hugs Anesha x

  30. I hope the bird doesn't add any more white splatters on her head. :-)
    Lovely photos.

  31. Hello Valerie! I love your lady with the bird and the nest on her head :) You had great idea for that! And the photos are awesome :) I hope you have wonderful weekend :*

  32. Fabulous bird lady and the photos are wonderful 😀. That nail statue is amazing! Take care and wishing you a happy weekend! Hugs Jo x

  33. Lovely art and a great selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  34. Your painting reminds me of Marc Chagall. I’ve always liked his strangeness and joy. Speaking of which, what about that character of a black goose you featured in a few of your neat photos? Your photos are like illustrations in a picture book.

    1. Thanks so much! Do you mean the black swans? I love watching the waterfowl! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  35. What a gorgeous piece, I love your blue lady! What lovely bird photos too! Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

  36. I had to sign in again to comment - what is blogger doing? I love this new lady, clearly a bird lover! Lovely photos ! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Blogger is rather difficult just now!


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