
Monday 16 May 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weeekend was good. Mine started off well, went for dinner with a friend on Friday, got lots of work done on my balcony on Saturday, and then in the evening I started to freeze and shake, and had a temperature, and felt really bad. I went to bed, and stayed there all day on Sunday, with a bad conscience, because I always think I need to be doing someting....Anyway, I feel better now, but will still take things easier the next few days.

This evening we will be starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely and talented Michele is hosting. She has chosen buttons and bows for her theme. You can use both or just one of them on your tag. As always tags of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to join us. The challenge goes lives at 9 pm on Monday evening:

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit  here. A huge cup of cappuccino:

Out for a meal at 'Bruschetta' with Heike:

We were drinking alcohol free white beer. Mymeal was noodles with mushrooms and  chicken, Heike had salad with turkey steaks:

And on another evening we went out and had the same white beer- This is the only sort of beer I like:

Some friends went to a rhodadendron park and found a species called Valerie:

The neighbour's roses:

White wisteria, so beautiful:

I love seeing plants growing out of the walls.

Along the Rhine:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great day. take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, beautiful post. so glad you are feeling better. Love your tag, and your meals out sound and look so delicious. What a beautiful flower named Valerie-very special. Enjoyed all the photos very much-I love plants growing out of rocks too. good thinkies Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy, thanks. It was great to go out for a meal! Have a great day, hugs!

  2. So sorry you weren't feeling well. Lovely tag and good thinkies. Lovely meal and photos.

  3. So sorry you were not well. Lovely tag and meal. Enjoyed the photos and thinkies.

  4. I never seen white wisteria.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, the white wisteria is so pretty!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Hope you are feeling better, you were hoping for a different Sunday, I know. Still, glad you are feeling better. Here all is well. Your tag is very pretty, and bows and buttons is a nice theme! Hugs from us all!

    1. Hi Sara, thanks! Yes, My time off was meant to be spent differently! But at least I got a good rest. Hugs to all!

  6. We are always so hard on ourselves when our body tells us to rest, be kinder to yourself and think of all the things you got done the day before. Glad you are taking it easy.
    Love the tag, buttons are a favourite addition on many of my things, your lady looks very very happy.
    I've a rhododendron exactly that colour in my front garden, I shall call it Valerie from now on :)) I'm hoping the rains do not beat up on it too hard this week.
    Take care & rest Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Love the dog through the door hee hee!! x

    1. Thanks Tracey, I can Imagine you talking to my flower in your Garden! Have a great week! Hugs!

  7. I hope that the mental and social stimulation of going out for dinner was adequate recompense for feeling sick, Valerie. To find a plant named after you is pretty special and you could weave a whole range of stories around that. Your tag is very nicely done and buttons is a great theme. It seems we spend our whole lives buttoning or unbuttoning. If only our politicians would would button their lips, noise pollution would drop by half! More and more of my comments seem not to make it through to the blogs on which they are posted, so I hope this one makes it. It is frustrating when comments simply disappear, and in many cases I have no way of contacting the intended recipient to explain what is happening. Take care good care of yourself, rest up for a while, and go out to dinner again! Hugs and kisses, David

    1. It was wonderful going out for dinner, and certainly not the reason for feeling ill. I'm blaming it on the work I did on Saturday, I shall try to avoid work in future! Today it's warm and stormy, I got my walk done just on time! Blogger is very problematic just now, I hope it soon improves! Have a great week, have fun! Hugs!

  8. Fab tag. I’m glad you enjoy a nice meal out with a nice friend, I hope you didn’t catch anything and that you are well. That dog gate is hilarious and the flowers growing from the wall are gorgeous.

  9. What a lovely tag.
    Beautiful photographs, and how lovely to have a plant named after you :)

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  10. what a lovely flower Valerie...i enjoy the photos because i like gardening so much...the dog in last pict looks so cute..and i agree with the quote that sound need an empty field to scream sometimes...have a nice day Dear ^^

    1. Thanks so much. Right now I would love that empty field to scream, too! Have a great week, hugs!

  11. I'm so sorry you felt ill but am glad you are better now. Your noodle dish looks tasty. Gorgeous flowers! Happy T Day :)

  12. I like both meals. I wouldn't mind that alcohol-free beer. Wonder what it tastes like. Take care. Hope you are feeling better.

  13. So glad you are feeling better. Love the tag you created. Hope that you have a good week. ANesha x

  14. Glad you're feeling better. Looks like a fun time out with your friend. I like the button on the tag like a moon over the girl's head. Stunning flowers. How cool to have a special flower named after you. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks, we really had a nice evening. Now I feel like a Rhododendron! Happy T Day!

  15. Some comments just disappear and I never know if that is because they need to be approved prior to publication or if they are lost & gone forever. At least repeated reports of the same thing happening to other people means I'm probably doing nothing wrong ... and you aren't doing anything wrong either.

    I hope your health is improving ... best, mae at

    1. No, we're not doing anything wrong. Blogger is just putting comments for no reason into Spam. This, too, shall pass! Happy T Day!

  16. A wonderful post Valerie. Your tag is beautiful.
    I hope you are feeling better tonight.

  17. Lovely tag. I hope you are able to rest and feel better, Valerie. Sickness is no fun. We are dealing with it in our home.
    I agree with you, plants growing out of walls and buildings are lovely. The wisteria is my favorite. I have always wanted to grow purple wisteria.
    Loved that cute dog.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Wistaria is always beautiful! Happy T Day!

  18. Your button tag is so cute. Love the white wisteria. I am glad you are feeling better.
    Absolutely no fun to be sick! I like the idea of going out into a field and screaming! LOL Have a wonderful week; stay well.

  19. You sound like you had a lovely weekend. Your meal looks so good. You must have really enjoyed getting out with friends and walking to see the rhododendrons. I love that it's named the same as you. All your flowers look pretty. And that's a beautiful tag too. And that Susan B Anthony photo and quote is so timely right now. I like it. I hope you have a great T day and week ahead. Hugs-Erika

    1. Sometimes it's strange how History repeats itself!

  20. So many beautiful blooms! Love seeing all the different types of flowers. I always love seeing flowers growing in unusual places. :) I could do with a good "scream in a field". Maybe if everyone did it- people would have less anger. Hope you have a good week and feel well.

  21. I can't seem to leave comments. I got a Whoops, which I haven't seen in weeks.

    I'm glad to read you are feeling better. I know the feeling of overworking and then suffering the next day. Take good care of YOU, dear.

    Your tag is fun and you got both a button and a bow in. Really cute and clever.

    Your meal looks wonderful and non-alcoholic beer is what I would prefer, too. Thanks for sharing them and your tag with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, I also just want to stand in a field and SCREAM blogger's name!!

    1. Blogger is a Nightmare Just now, I don't know what they are up to!

    2. I checked my spam folder and there is NOTHING from you in it. I am sorry your posts are getting lost, but I am definitely NOT deleting them!!

    3. I'm sure you don't deleted Posts, but some Just disappear. Today I got a real Spam Mail and it was published with no problems, Go figure

  22. Beautiful lady in the portrait. Do take things easy and get plenty of rest. Glad you are feeling better now. Beautiful Valerie flowers. Love the other flowers photos too. There are times I feel like screaming out loud. The last photo is cute.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Sometimes we need to scream out loud!

  23. Beautiful macros,tags and photos. Happy Tuesdayto you Valerie


  24. Valerie ii have never in all my days seen a white wysteria... Gosh that was beautiful! I have a soft spot for plants growing out of walls too.. In Arkansas i had some tiny ferns doing that... I made sure not to touch them when i used the weedeater.. I swooned over your noodles as we no longer eat them but very very occasionally.. I would have ordered what your friend did.. Every thing looks delish! I'm sorry you were sick... After all this Covid stuff we forget there are other bugs out there! Glad your better .. Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Den, wisteria is always wonderful to see, and plants growing out of old walls are a delight!

  25. Fab tag! And a great new theme too.
    I’m sorry you felt so ill and glad you have recovered. It’s so difficult to moderate your activities when you are feeling okay, but then you pay for it later.
    I love all the flowers you showed. Yes, the wisteria is a delight and fancy finding a flower named after you!
    The meal looks lovely. I would have chosen the meat dish as I can cook noodles at home and it would not be anything special ( although yours looked really yummy).
    Happy T-day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, I was hungry for noodles! I always tend to do too much and pay for it Afterwards!

  26. Hi! I've never heard of "White beer" but it sounds like a good alternative ~ Both meals looks yummy too. White Wisteria is another new one on me ~ Beautiful! I hope your feeling all better! Great tag too ~ She has some crazy hair!! :)

    1. It's called white beer here, and is a light wheat beer, and we always take the alcohol free variety, it's very refreshing, and always served in tall glasses.

  27. Hi Valerie. Sorry I am running late on comments. I love the face with buttons and bow. I hope you add one of your beautiful faces to my Friday Face OFF. That first boat is just too cool. This weekend in my town it Rhody days. Yes, there are more Rhododendrons here than any other place in the US. Every variety too. It is against the law to cut them down. Hope you are feeling much better now.

    1. I will have a face for Friday, I'm sure! How lovely to have so many rhodadendrons, suc h lovely flowers!

  28. Hope you are feeling better now, your pasta looks yum, and I had to laugh at that last photo of the gate with the dog's head peeking through, what a great idea. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

  29. I'm so sorry your weekend was ruined by you not feeling well. Hope you are feeling much better now

  30. This is what happens when I use my tablet - I catch a corner and whoops - published. Lovely photos Valerie! The tag is a beauty. Your meals both look delicious and of course there's a cappuccino in your post! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

  31. Love the rhododendron named after you (yes it was).
    So sorry you started off the week feeling so poorly, you did right to stay in bed, no good trying to do things when you feel so bad. Hope it does not return, you have had enough now, time to be well and enjoying the summer that is just around the corner.
    Such a beautiful tag, perfect colours and the bow just adds so much interest although really the face is fabulous on its own.
    That white wisteria is beautiful too but sadly I cannot be near it for too long as it kicks of some allergic reaction with me. So pretty too. Wonder if th3e white variety would be any different?
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx

  32. your tag is so pretty and perfect for the challenge! have a great weekend. xo

  33. Oh no, sorry to hear you weren't well Valerie but glad you took a good rest and recovered again. Takes a bit longer to recharge as you get older, I have found anyway lol. I love your gorgeous tag, wow that is such a great image. What a beautiful flower to bear your name, I'm jealous!! Take care xxx

    1. Thanks Pinky, life is sometimes hard! Hugs!


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