
Wednesday 25 May 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. My computer and mouse are having hissy fits all day, everything is taking twice as long as it should! I hope I manage to get this post done and dusted. And my apartment needs dusting, too, got a visitor coming tomorrow!

This is a hybrid page made with a face I painted, a rusty photo taken by me, and some digital flowers and birds. Some people are rather disparaging of hybrid or digital art, but it is a lot of work and often takes as much time to make as a hands-on page. I love making things like this as it opens up many new possibilities to be creative. I am linking to Matilde's birds chllenge at AJJ, and to Rain's Tad, blooming flowers:

Today I have some pre-covid pictures to share, when wse visited the neighbouring town of Neuss, a town foundcd by the Romans way back when. We visited a flea market and walked through the crowded town, it feels so strange now to see people close together and not wearing masks:

If you look hard you can see me in this pic:

More flowers for Rain:

The figures on this building move and 'march' about every so many minutes:

And more blooming flowers for Rain's TAD:

Some funnies / thinkies:

I'm glad I managed to finish the post without further problems!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Great post Valerie, I really enjoyed it-beautiful art and loved all the photos-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy! Have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  2. Beautiful hybrid page. Enjoyed the pre covid photos and thinkies too! It will be back to normal one day.

  3. Glad you could finish your post Valerie. Hope the computer stops acting up, but you never know with them, do you? I happen to like your digital piece. It still has lovely texture (being digital) and some very interesting things to see on it. And was that you snapping the photo? Have a great middle of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Yes, that's me snapping the photo! My computer is old and past its best by date, a bit like me!

  4. I love this face! I think I saw you....What a grand place to visit. Hope your computer continues to behave and doesn't have a setback.

    1. Neuss is a beautiful town, there are lots of wonderful Roman remains and artifacts to see there!

  5. Lovely post Valerie, enjoyed your art creation and the photos. I am still wearing a mask if I have to be with large groups of people. Not many others worry these days.

    1. Thanks Sue. It's wise to protect yourself. In shops and public transport we still hae to wear masks, but that's fine with me!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! I hope you slept better this past night and are feeling fit today. I love this creation, I love how you create, real and digital, you are good. Don't take an notice of stupid people! Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm up early today, a friend is visiting this afternoon, and I need to do some cleaning beforehand! Hugs!

  7. I hope you have no further problem with your computer. Beautiful art. Lovely sky. Flea market is interesting with so many things to see. :Love the flowers. Let laughter takes the place of worries and tensions. Have a great day.

  8. There are many elements to this post, Valerie, and I like them all, the birds reigning supreme, of course. But you knew that! When birds fly directly overhead it's not having them nest in your hair you should be worried about, they are known to dispense hair conditioner of a very special kind! I tried very hard to pick you out in the picture, but unless you are the woman pointing the camera (this picture being taken by someone else) I have been unsuccessful. I am quite sure you are not the little girl sitting in the centre of the picture. The town looks like a charming place, but it obviously gets very crowded, which would be a little off-putting for me, as I am not a big fan of such throngs. That was true before COVID and was magnified by the pandemic. I don't think I am specifically claustrophobic, I just spend so much time alone or in very small groups, crowds and noise seem a little overwhelming. Rain has given everyone lots of scope with her challenge this week and you have come up with some great floral images. It's mid week already. Enjoy what's left of it and have a great visit with your friend. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, I am late starting on my comments, I had a visitor and then we went out to dinner with another friend, and enjoyed our get together very much. I know what you mean about crowds, I'm not a big fan either! In the photo, which I took
      while standing in front of those tables, you can see me in my red jacket taking the photo because the shop front was mirored, a little trick! Neuss is a fun place to visit. Have a great day, take care, BIG hugs, Valerie

  9. Your hybrid art piece is lovely. I've dabbled with digital art and it is not easy.
    Oh, is that a flea market? I haven’t seen one of those in ever so long.
    Those marching life sized figures on that building are marvellous. That must be a sight to be seen.
    Hugs and smiles,

    1. Thanks Teresa! I love flea markets, and this was a huge one! The figures on the building are great. I love wtaching them move! Hugs!

  10. I love digital art and I can't imagine actually doing it because I have no clue how to get started. You do it very well, and paint well too. This was another lovely post.

    1. Getting started is the hardest part, after that it gets better! Hugs!

  11. I like that digital art piece. It's very pretty. I like that small parade in the tower. It must be fascinating to watch them move.

    1. Thanks, I love watching things like that, in our hearts we are still children!

  12. I love the art. Your face art just get better and better. Don't forget Friday Face Off. FFO LOL I also enjoy seeing all of the street shops. Lots of cool things. Lovely flowers and good funnies. Sorry about your mouse and PC acting up. Have a great day Valerie.

    1. Hmmm, FFO could be interpreted differently! I will have another face for Friday!

  13. I like the hybrid page very much! I can't do this but I adore how you've combinated it. All the elements fit perfect!

  14. i like your art:) looks amazing!

    1. I forgot to say that i am also sleepless... I can't sleep well...

    2. That's not good, Hope it geht's better soon

  15. I'm in awe of anyone that can create on a computer, copy and paste is my limit! I love your photos, so many people so close together lol, it looks really strange now. Take care and have a great week, and I hope your computer behaves, Sue xx

  16. Thanks Sue. I can't Imagine being in crowds like that again!

  17. Yes, the photos of the crowded streets, markets, and shops in the little town do recall a different reality. As the pandemic re-emerges, I say we are going back to abnormal here. Very scary times when you look back at the way we could lead our lives.

    best... mae at

  18. Fabulous post, just loved seeing all of the photographs.

    All the best Jan

  19. Is that darn computer behaving itself?

    1. It's on its last legs, it's old and tired like me!

  20. I think you will guess I am a true fan of hybrid and digital art. It can take as much time as hands on work, a plus being that the hands may not get as messy. Your journal page looks fantastic.
    Great photos as well and i hope the computer problems will get sorted out.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I Love the possibility to Alter and add to work this way!

  21. Hi beautiful lady as beautiful as your art, your photos, your smiles and inspiration. xx

  22. I love your multimedia piece. :) The flowers and the bird look so pretty, and I love her facial expression.

  23. 😁😁😁luv the funnies.
    Gorgeous pics another lovely face

    Have a nice Thursday


  24. Google is at it again ~ trouble commenting ~

    I appreciate your digital art as I know how time consuming it is ~ It is gorgeous as are you beautiful photos ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol! Google is awful just now, I hope they soon get things sorted. Have a great day!

  25. I know how you feel, it's been a frustrating week as our internet has been playing around and then it died so I haven't been able to post anything or visit. Luckily its now all sorted out now - yay! Loving your page and all your photos 😀. I hope you got your dusting done and enjoyed your time with your friend. Take care and happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. It's annoying when nothing works! And I had a great time with my friend.

  26. Each and every image a gem, Valerie. I think Mercury must be retrograde and if it's not, it sure feels like it. I've been having computer issues, too. Love those town market photos!

  27. I was here yesterday and came back to see your comment to my comment. It isn't here and I am just so far behind I can't take time to write another one!!

    1. Sorry, I have no idea why!

    2. One thing I will say is, I want that rocking horse (grin)!!

    3. I believe you, a rocking unicorn would be something new for your collection!

  28. I should dust, but I probably won't ;) I'd much rather go to that flea market. So much to see! The architecture is fascinating and the flowers lovely.

    1. I love flea markets and thrift shops, always fun to look and enjoy!

  29. Your digital piece is gorgeous and I agree with you ... digital art is not easy but it is fun and opens new avenues to being creative. Neuss looks like a fun place to visit. Do they have street markets all of the time or just on special occasions. Some interesting old and new buildings and love the clock ... like the Cuckoo clock that has figures that march in and out of it. I always enjoy your posts and usually learn something new, sometimes about myself :) Stay well Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. The big street markets take place 4 times a year, but there are other, smaller ones in between! I love visiting flea markets and wondering where all the things came from and what histor they have! Hugs!

  30. Thank you for the lovely flowers Valerie! ♥ Digital art takes just as much creativity as hands on art, and it takes time and sometimes creates a lot of frustration! At least for me! ☺ Your page is gorgeous! I love the big M&M lol...that's so cute! Is that you taking the photo in the background?

  31. Thanks Rain. Yes that's me! I wanted that big M&M for my balcony, but it was too expensive!

  32. What a lovely, colorful and crowded city (shopping) center. I think you dont need to wear face mask. Many people also dont use face masks but i still use it. Thanks for this post.

  33. Disparaging is not the word I would use for my view of hybrid artwork - more like 'envious'. I often look at the work on AJJ and wish I could do things like that. I am limited to stamping figures or whatever and the occasional bit of a drawing. I do admire what you do and am sure it takes a while to achieve the perfect picture. Love your girl and the flowers in her hair. Beautiful!
    Thanks also for the pictures of Neuss, so enjoyable to see Europe through someone else's eyes. Makes up for my now being able to visit myeself.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps hope you are feeling ok

    1. I hope one day that you can visit here again. And then we can meet up on he Kö for a coffee! Hugs!

  34. Hi, Valerie! Here I am at last, finally making Rain's TAD rounds. What a week! What a weekend! Your painted face is so beautiful! It's sad to think that someone might disparage such a beautiful multi-media, digital, and non-digital fusion. I don't even know how to describe it, but it is ART!!! My understanding of art has exploded since I met Rain, and it's thanks to creative artists like you. Hugs to you!


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