
Wednesday 11 May 2022

Midweek post

 Hi Everybody!

Time is flying by again, and i have been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the good weather and visiting friends, which means I didn't get a lot  done at home. But I must give myself a pat on the back for tidying up my closet and folding everything neatly, phew! But it does look good now - the question is only, for how long?

And I have managed to finish another A3 acrylic painting meant for Matilde's birds challenge at AJJ. I gave the background texture by brayering a mix of blues onto it. The birds and stars were stenciled, everything else was drawn or dotted by hand:

I am also linking to Rain's Thursday Art Date. Her theme is sun and water. My photos are all higgeldy-piggeldy mixed up, but I did manage to find pics of sun or water, so hope that is enough. Enjoy:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow I so enjoyed all of these wonderful photos-really nice I enjoyed them all-great art too-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, have a wonderful day, take care! Hugs!

  2. Lovely art page and you have captured sun and water beautifully

  3. Nice job on bird pictures.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. hello friend, very nice photos as always..I Have spend time outside to taking lots of photos in lovely spring denmark. we love that the two of us lol lol and i have bought a caravan in which iam going to spend my summer in NO more garden and hard work for me

    1. Yes, there's nothing like being outside in nature. Your caravan sounds wonderful, what a great idea, enjoy and have fun! Hugs!

  5. She is a beauty, love the drama of this piece. You must be glad to be getting out and about now. Vee xx

    1. Thanks Vee, ist great to be able to be outside!

  6. Your art page is very lovely, Valerie, once again Van Gogh-inspired, with stars to gaze at and contemplate the vastness of the universe and the meaning of life and all those trivial matters! Then tidying up the closet will bring you down to reality in a hurry! As you say, however, there's always a good feeling immediately after doing it, and you have every right to feel smug for a while. Sometimes I take everything out of cupboards and drawers and wash the interior until it is sparkling and clean with not a blemish anywhere and I am quite sure I have a self-satisfied smirk for a day or two. This series of bird pictures does you proud, especially since you include CANADA Geese, masters of the air, lords of the universe, honkers-in-chief. Maybe at some point they will become naturalized and you will call them Germany Geese, but I am quite sure they will never lose their Canadian accent, nor gain a taste for sauerkraut, which, given their prolific pooping skills, is probably a good thing. Enjoy the day ahead of you. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thnaks David, the Canada Geese are everywhere snd not everyone likes them, but they really are handsome, there's no denying that, and I love watching them. But they are still honking in English with a Candian accent, they really should learn German and German customs. But, on the other hand, if they start eating sauerkraut....the mind boggles. Have a wonderful day, take care, BIg hugs!

  7. She is so regal with the blue. Very nicely done. I am enjoying all your faces as they all have such different personalities. Like you, I have been enjoying the outside, and enjoying your photos of your outside too. Have fun with your ice cream for dinner, and congrats on straightening out the closet. I have many that could stand that being done, some year or another. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Who makes all the mess in closets? Hope the new rooms is soon ready. Have a great day, hugs!

  8. Your photos are beautiful. Have a lovely day.

  9. Losing oneself in the night sky does sound like a calming activity :) Water lilies are gorgeous, aren't they! You have a great variety of waterfowl.

    1. Yes, I have offen wished I could fly to the Stars!

  10. You really are lucky to have such a nice environment to photograph. Love those pretty water lilies.

  11. Oh Valerie ~ your art creation is beautiful ~ love the blue and gold and your photo series is awesome ~ such treasures seen and photographed ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. What a lovely lady. Very elegant. I was taken by all the dots you created. It must have taken you hours. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us at AJJ using Matilde's theme.

    I LOVE the sun and water shots. I really love the birds. Have a super rest of the week, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The dots do take a long time, but they are very meditative. Have a great day, hugs!

  13. OK, you know I am not a blue person, but I really like this with the gold. Your photos are wonderful too. Have a lovely day.

  14. So glad to hear you're getting out and having fun.

  15. Hi Val, love this face very much! Hope your day was good, hugs from us all, Sarah

  16. Neatly folded cupboards and drawers are such a relief. I'm going to have to go on a picline soon and the meds need to be in the fridge which means a massive clean and throwout (or eat-down) and lots of scrubbing. It's probably a good thing (the fridge cleaning, not the picline). But it will be nice not to have to dig too deep in a clean fridge! Love all your waterlilies and beautiful water birds. Lovely, all.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, have fun scrubbing your fridge, I need to do mine, too

    2. Sorry about the picc line, Hope all goes well

  17. Tidying up the closet? You get several pats on the back for that:)

  18. Oh my, your photos are wonderful but not nearly as wonderful as your new lady. Definitely my new favourite, hugs, Chrisx

  19. I know I left a comment earlier, but now it is gone. I even saw it, so it's not like it went to your spam folder.

    1. It was in my spam folder, along with sevral others. What is Blogger up to?

    2. I'm thrilled you found it. I've found some of your comments in spam, too. Now I check several times a day.

    3. Blogger is a pain in the whatever just now, I spend lots of time looking for comments whic h have dspapeared!

  20. Beautiful, love the stunning design with the beautiful image

  21. I love to look up at the night sky especially when it is a starry night.

  22. A fabulous page Valerie, i lobe the blue base you created, beautiful photos as well, it seems like you are well settled back home especially getting out to walk in your favourite places. Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, glad you like it! Have a great day!

  23. Such a lovely page Valerie. I do like how you do the dots in all of those different colours and sizes. It looks quite dimensional. Your lady is beautiful and the birds add so much interest to the page. Love how the gold shows up against the blue background.
    I do hope you don't mind my mentioning you in a roundabout way on my blog today. it was meant as a compliment to your blog.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. I am tickled pink that you have mentioned my Queendom of Balconia in you blog story, it really made me smile, thanks! BIG hugs

  24. Your photos are amazing! And I also adore the page in your art journal :)

  25. Terrific page ~ yes we all need to take time to look up and enjoy the night sky. I love the photos of the water lilies, and all the others are beautiful too. Congrats on getting your closet cleaned :)

    1. Thanks Karen. The other closet is still waiting!

  26. gorgeous girl. lovely photos.
    Have a nice Thursday


  27. Your photos are fantastic and I loved your art piece. The sentiment is very good!

  28. Another beautiful spotty piece and the photos are lovely. I like the herons as long as they stay out of my garden. We have had to cover the pond with netting, surrounded it with cane and employ a Heron Scarer. Thank goodness it's worked so far as I hardly dare describe the damage they do to the fish! The water lilies are amazing, still waiting for mine to show their faces. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I know what you mean- The house next door used to have a fish pond, and the herons always hunted the fish. Now they just have a garden without pond!

  29. Your page is so lovely, that deep blue and gold is so rich and vibrant 😀. Wow, your photos of all the different birds are amazing especially that adorable coot splashing the water! Take care and happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. The baby coots were gorgeous and really stole the Show!! Hugs!

  30. I used to do that ... get lost in the night sky, when I was a kid. As an adult, I have lived in a highly populated area with street lights and store lights. Lights, lights everywhere and while they keep us safe on the ground, they also fade out the night sky so there is hardly a star in sight. Sad, right? But that doesn't take away from your message or your beautiful painting. Really very nice, Valerie. Love all of your water bird and sun light pictures too. You clearly live close to nature which is a wonderful thing. Stay well, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. The beauty of Nature and the night Sky, moon and Stars are so precious. Have a great Weekend! Hugs

  31. A beautiful painting Valerie, I love the quote.
    And I love all your photos of the waterbirds.

  32. Beautiful photos of sun and water Valerie, especially the duck shaking!!! ♥ I love your dot and star lady! Good for you for getting outside, tis the season, I'm trying to spend as much time outside as I can too! ☺


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