
Saturday 5 March 2022

Weekend post - Sprng

Hi Everybody!

Happy Weekend! Today I am sharing another piece for my spring challenge at AJJ.  I used lots of techniques - the background was painted, the central image is from Gecko Galz, te purple flowers were painted and cut out and the bird is a photo. I combined it all digitally and added some butterflies, and more flowers and decorations:

An aftenoon walk through the clinic grounds:

I think this is an old bird house:

A thinky and a funny!

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful art and photographs, lovely to see the blossom and daffodils, Spring is getting nearer :)

    All the best Jan

  2. Hi Valerie, love your art, and looks like nice grounds to take a walk. loved the photo with the hands-Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I love that pic, too, so touching!

  3. Lovely art and beautiful clinic grounds. Thanks for the thinkies.

  4. Now that's just what I needed to see this weekend, fabulous uplifting AJJ Theme, lovely to see you are hosting this month. Everything crossed I get time to join you all in March. She is a beautiful image surrounded by all things Spring. Sending creative Hugs Tracey x

    1. Thanks Tracey, hope to see you at AJJ if you have time. Take care, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, lovely art, have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a wonderful day in spite of the chaos!

  6. Beautiful art piece. Nice photos from the clinic ground. Thanks for the funny. Have a lovely weekend.

  7. There is a lot going on in this piece, Valerie, and it's fun to look at all the elements. I will be leaving soon to lead a bird walk for what seems to be an interesting group of enthusiasts, several of them novices, and most I have not met before. It will be a good antidote to the sadness engendered by the events in Ukraine and the destruction of a society, its infrastructure and the death of its people. Who could ever have imagined that this could happen again in Europe, a continent reduced to ruin less than eighty years ago. We never learn. I am not sure we even have a willingness to learn. It dismays me to witness all the expressions of solidarity with Ukraine and its people, gestures of compassion and humanity, while simultaneously granting Putin untrammelled occupation of the skies, to destroy the entire country city by city, knowing that no one will intervene to stop him. Pat Robertson, a right-wing christian fanatic has proclaimed that Putin has no choice, he is being led by god (his version of course), that soon Putin will turn his attention to Israel and Armageddon will have begun. Just the kind of sage advice we need. I am in despair of the human race, I can tell you. Hugs and kisses, David. PS - a cardinal (the bird type, not the virgins (?) in Rome), just started to sing in my garden. Perhaps it is a summons to a mate, but perhaps also a requiem for Ukraine.

    1. Hi David, I hope your bird walk was a success, ad that the new accolytes behaved themselves. The situation here is just awful. So many politicians and nations don't seem to give a flying fuck what happens, and they wont help because it would be diplomatically incorrect. They are such assholes. Excuse my French, I'm just so mad at it all, and that maniac just carries on and destroys everything. I hope the cardinal is just singing to attract a mate. Take are, BIG hugs, Valerie

  8. Beautiful goddess. She reminds me of the elaborate costumes and floral headgear from the Ukrainian national costume. 🌻Looks like you had a lovely walk and it sure is good to see signs of Spring

  9. I love this beautiful spring woman. She is amazing. You combined such wonderful pieces. She could out in a beautiful garden, much like the grounds of the clinic. It is beautiful there, and I love that stained glass design. And you have real spring too. I am jealous as we still have snow. I hope you are enjoying some beautiful weather this weekend as well as are feeling less tired. Hugs-Erika

    1. Spring will come to you, too, I'm sure it will be soon! Hugs!

  10. She has such a serene expression.

    It's a joy to see trees beginning to bloom.

  11. Hello Valerie! Really sorry it's been so long since I last visited. Family stuff to blame!
    Absolutely stunning artwork and love seeing your photos again.
    Hope you're ok and keeping well.
    Fliss xx

    1. I'm still in the clinic and dont have much time for visiting just now!

  12. Love your art piece and always love the photos. Hoping you are feeling better-thinking of you and praying for you...

  13. A beautiful spring goddess, and wonderful photos Valerie.
    I hope you are feeling more rested today.

  14. WOW, so bright and colourful and beautiful Valerie, I love this one..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. Your spring goddess is stunning. I love how you incorporated so many techniques then was able to pull it all together digitally. She is a goddess indeed.

    Nice to see where you are staying. I hope your heart issues are not as severe as they sound. Thanks for sharing your spring goddess with us at AJJ using your theme, and thanks for showing us the grounds around the hospital/clinic, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I am now on heart medication and blood thinners, it's a bit scary just now! Playtime with paper and paint helps! Have a great weekend.

  16. Beautiful spring goddess, love all the pieces you have combined. Enjoy that spring weather.

  17. I love your journal work and this is beautiful. I am more and more tempted every time to start blogging my journal but I often feel shy about my journalling. You should not have apologised about visits as I have not been very consistent for a few months for various reasons I hope to start doing better again soon. V xx ps predictive text wanted to change journalling to journal lingerie! Can you imagine:)

    1. Thanks Vee, that's hilarious! Start journaling! You can't go wrong and it's fun!

  18. Great photos ;) Have a nice day :)

  19. Beautiful art and gorgeous display of colours ♥

  20. Wonderful post have a lovely day.

  21. I love this piece, Valerie. Wonderful colors and a feel of it. And I'm so glad you are able to get out for walks as spring begins to burst. I hope every day you are feeling a little better and stronger, less tired and healing. Take care.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I get Out for a Shorts week each day. Have a great week!

  22. Beautiful daffodils, sure sign of spring.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  23. Your piece is so delicate and pretty.
    The grounds look nice and lovely for walking.
    Take special care.

  24. Such a beautiful lady on this art page Valerie and perfect inspiration for your theme at AJJ.
    It was good to see the photos of the grounds where you go for your walk, very pretty and peaceful.
    Yvonne xx

  25. What an absolutely wonderful digital page - so perfect for your AJJ theme. The grounds of the clinic look like a good place for a walk. Hugs, Chrisx

  26. She truly is a Goddess of Spring. What a beautiful face you found to use for today's journal page. I love all the different aspects of Spring that you use to decorate the central image.
    Thanks for the photos of the grounds which look beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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