
Saturday 19 February 2022

Weekend post!

Hi Everybody!

Happy weekend. Here it's very stormy, so just a quick post before I lose the internet connection again. If it's not one thing its another!  I have a rather crazy A3 mixed media piece which I am linking to Elizabeth's what's my style challenge at AJJ:

These were the salads and platters they served for our evening meal today:

Some thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your salads and platters look good.
    I like your art and the last funny had me smiling :)

    Stay safe and warm in the storms ...
    Storm Eunice hit the UK on Friday, fortunately Eddie and I are okay but many have not been as fortunate.

    Do take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, we had a wild day yesterday and some places there was a lot of damage. Today it's calm and sunny! Have a great weekend!

  2. I like this piece with all the circle Valerie. It gives her a fun vintage 60's vibe.And hopefully you don't lose your marbles either. Your dinner looks pretty good too. Looks like a good stormy night dinner. Hope you don't lose power and that the storm isn't too bad. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I think I lost my marbles a long time ago! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  3. Beautiful art piece and the food looks delicious! Stay safe in the storm Valerie. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha, take care, have a great weekend!

  4. Very awesome page Valerie, great thinkies and your meal choices look delicious.
    Hope the storm passes on hugs Happy weekend Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, the storm has moved on, it's calm and sunny today. Look after yourself, hugs!

  5. Another lady of character. Love her.
    Your meal looks delicious.

    1. Thanks Sandra, we get lots of great food here!

  6. Lovely lady and a delicious meal! Thanks for the thinkies.

  7. Fabulous! Hope the weather isn't too bad and that you still have power. :)

    1. Thanks Jess, everything seems to be back to normal today!

  8. Love the marbles art and smiles. We have had snow, hail, winds, ice, rain but not the worst of it by any means. Take care, V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, glad you are safe, have a great weekend!

  9. Nice cheerful art piece. The salads and platters look delicious. These days we are getting more hot days.

    1. Thanks Nancy. No hot days here yet, but today it's sunny, so that's something.

  10. Wonderful painting, love it. Have a great weekend. Anesha

  11. Please take care of yourself, Valerie. Your page is beautiful. I love how you mixed your drawing/painting with the circle images. Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks so much Mia. I love playing with collage! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  12. Good morning Valerie: She looks ravishing, a good time girl if ever I saw one! Send her over will you? That storm you mentioned seems to have affected a good part of northern Europe. I have seen blogs from the Netherlands and Denmark where it is mentioned. Despite all our technology the weather still rules everything, and given the way we are messing with the climate it is going to become less and less friendly. I just read a report that indicates that sea levels around North America are expected to rise by about 30 cm over the next thirty years. That means that cities like Miami will routinely flood and when hurricanes strike and drive storm surges will be totally underwater. Yet we continue to subsidize fossil fuels, effectively working on our own extinction. I shudder to think of the world we are bequeathing to Lily. Look at all that food you have at the clinic - and so much choice. It would almost make you conspire to get in there. Maybe not, good health is worth more than anything else isn't it? Enjoy the weekend. Perhaps your knee will have healed enough to permit a walk. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, so glad you like the lady I created for you today. But beware, she hasn't got all her marbles, just like me! The storm was bad here, but much worse other places in the north and east of Germany. And as you so rightly say, if they continue to do all they can to destroy the world, it won't last long! The kids of Lilys age will not find life easy if they don'r really do something - apart from talking, talking, talking- soon! Our food here at the clinic is always good! But still I will be happy when I'm well enough to go home, hopefully by the end of the month. Have a great weekend, look after yourself, big hugs!

  13. Wow Valerie, I love your collage, it's so striking and full of interest. We have having crazy weather here too, but others are having it so much worse. Your meal looks delicious, but I'm sure you would rather be back home. I hope you knee is feeling better today. Take care and have a lovely (and relaxing) weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Our food here is really good, but as you say, back home wwsould be better! Hugs!

    2. That should be would, don't know how the extra letters crept in!

  14. Hi Val, good afternoon. Sorry I'm so late, a tree in the garden fell into the kitchen and we've been busy getting it chopped up and the wall and window covered till it can be repaired, hopefully this week! Take care, look after yourself, hugs from us all! Sarah

    1. Sarah, I'm so sorry, that must have been am awful shock. I hope noone was hurt. Hope the repairs will be done quickly. Hugs to all, Valerie

  15. Love your lady Valerie! Food looks delicious too!
    Hope you have a good weekend,

    1. Yes the food here is good, I'm getting scared of the scales! Have a great weekend!

  16. Great looking food-I love your painting and the idea of the circles of faces around the main face.

    1. Thanks so much, Debra. Have a great Weekend, stay safe!

  17. What fab a mixed media lady she is. Apart from her wonderful eyes and hair I love the little circles underneath her. I wondered if the beautiful array of dishes influenced you when you decided what they would be like.
    Sorry about the weather, yes it's been rough everywhere but we seem to have escaped. Just hope our caravan is ok. (at the side of a wood)
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet, thanks a lot! The journaL page was made long before the dishes arrived on our table. I hope your caravan escaped the ravages of the weather, it really has been bad everywhere. Today is grey and wet, good weather to stay home and enjoy some painting, reading and relaxing. Enjoy your Sunday!

  18. You must not have noticed, but I was offline since midday yesterday due to an area wide outage at AT&T. Now I'm trying to catch up.

    LOVE your collage and lady. This is really quite different from your other ladies you have given us. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    You eat SO well. I am so impressed with all the fresh foods you get. Please stay safe and warm and eat well, too, dear Valerie.

    1. Hi Elizabeth. I know you often have outages by bad weather, but here it's rare. Glad you are back online again! Glad you liked my fun lady, I wanted to use up all those little circles I cut from a magazine ad. We get lots of good food here, that's for sure! Stay safe and hugs to you and the boys!

  19. I wonder if that chicken count her eggs, before they were hatched.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. That could be the answer to the problem, Dora! Have a great day!

  20. Your food looks delicious, but I hope you are soon well enough to be on your own in your own house, if that's what you like best.

    best... mae at

  21. That big hair reminds me of mine! Out of control -- your blue girl is much better! Boy, they certainly feed you well at the clinic, and I'm so glad. It looks like they do a great deal to present it well, along with serving you wonderful things. But I know you're longing to get out for a cappuccino at your favorite shop soon.

    1. I wish I had big hair! We are well looked after here!

  22. These food look awesome. All the best!

  23. Always late calling in these days Valerie, I hope the food platters tasted as good as they looked in the photos.
    A fantastic and beautiful lady in your page as well.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  24. They certainly know how to do food to make it both healthy and attractive. Nice :)

  25. That last funny made me smile. Loving your new lady. Can't stay long as the lovely food is making me feel hungry Lol!XxX

  26. Love this face. You sure get some good food there. Hope you are well.


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