
Thursday 10 February 2022

Thursday/ Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Another short post, I had a lot of examinations today and have more tomorrow, so I don't have much time. And I didn't get round to visiting anyone today, so sorry, I will try to catch up in the next 2 days. Today I am sharing a piece meant for Elizabeth's challenge 'What's your style' at AJJ and for Paint Party Friday- It's an A3 mixed media painted  collage:

And some thinkies/ funnies:

Medical sensation, a new type of anaesthetic:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful Valerie! The best of luck with all of your examinations. Hugs!

  2. Lovely piece and funny thinkies!

  3. brilliant art...

    i'm very amazed with those butterfly as this lady's bodie...very good talent Val..Have a nice day ^^

  4. Interesting concept.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Take care and good luck with the examinations! Hugs from uus all, Sarah

  6. Beautiful piece the woman is so wise. Take care and good luck with all your tests.

  7. Good morning Valerie:
    This young woman is obviously going to San Francisco, because she has a flower in her hair, a requirement as we all know. Not only that, one of her eyes has migrated there and is shedding a tear for the state of the world with its climate deniers, anti-vaxxers, anarchists, truck-parking idiots and buffoons of every persuasion. But, she is adorned with a butterfly at her neck as a perfect foil to sadness, a symbol of the ephemeral beauty to which we all must cling. It reminds me that the first butterfly of spring, the early-to-emerge Mourning Cloak (Camberwell Beauty where you live), will be putting in an appearance in March. Now that is something to look forward to. It must be exhausting to continue to have so many tests and to be constantly pricked, poked and prodded. Hopefully, they will be able to get to the root of your illness and wave a magic surgical wand to restore you to peak form. In the meantime try to stay strong, difficult though that may be. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David, your fun replies always make my day! Yes, the world is full of idiots, they seem to be lurking everywhere, not able to do anything positive themselves, but happy to protest against everything and spread hate and confusion. I say snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils yesterday on the way back from the hospital where I had the tests, so good to see them. Today I have an easy day, no more exams and just 2 therapies, so I'm trying to catch up on the computer. Have a wonderful weekend, take care, hugs!

  8. I hope all your exams yield the results you hope for.

    I'm thinking every chip bag -no matter the size- is a single serving ;)

    1. Oh yes, chips are impossible to put down once started!

  9. Another wonderful creation. Hope all your exhaminations goes well. Anesha x

  10. A fabulous piece of art Valerie. I hope your examinations went well.

  11. I love this piece Valerie. I hope she is crying tears of happiness. I do love the eye outside of where it should be. I hope the examinations don't go too badly. And that you're getting some rest too.Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika I get the results on Monday, but I hope all is well. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  12. What a beautiful piece, and it's definitely a message to yourself! I hope everything goes well with your tests. Take care, Sue xx

  13. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  14. Vivid, dramatic and meaningful. I really see your style maturing in these faces.

  15. Loved your beautiful art. You need to follow your own advice and rest. Love the face, which is so YOU and the butterfly, which everyone appreciates.

    Truly enjoyed the thinkies, but the potato chips had me rolling on the floor. Please take care of you. I hope the tests were not difficult and the results were favorable. Please look after yourself, dear.

    1. Thanks E, you could be right about following my own advice! Hugs!

  16. A beautiful piece! The different painted elements are amazing and the funnies made me smile 😁. I hope your examinations go well. Take care, happy and creative wishes! Hugs Jo x

  17. I hope all will go well Valerie with the tests you are having.
    This is a beautiful page a touch of sadness was my first thought then a quick change of direction to the hope for better days. Its strange how quickly thoughts can change when looking at art.
    Stay safe and rest.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, you got the message. Sadness but hope for better days! Hugs!

  18. Love the beautiful art piece. Thanks for the funnies. They brighten up our gloomy and rainy day. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Nancy. No Rain Here, but it's very cold.

  19. Love the way you display your wonderful work. Funny about the sealed underwear but not chips.

    1. Thanks Annie! Have a great weekend, stay safe!

  20. Valerie this is AWESOME!!!!! I love this piece of art. Hope you are doing will and will be able to go home soon.

  21. No matter how well the medical people handle things, needing tests and possible therapies is dreadfully stressful, and I feel for you and all the things you must be going through. I hope you receive good and optimistic news on Monday.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, you're right, it is all stressful, but I hope I have most of the tests behind me now. Have a great weekend.

  22. Praying for you...Your art piece is really lovely.

  23. So great your art Valerie ! Love this face, and love the memes too.
    I wish the tests will be good. Take care of yourself, and enjoy the weekend, I send you big hugs, Caty

    1. Thanks dear Caty, you are always so kind. Hugs!

  24. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm trying! It's easier to be kind to others!

  25. Lovely mixed media art work and fun jokes and photos ~ Yes be kind to you ~ good luck with all your tests ~ Xo

    Wishing you lots of love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Sending (((Hugs))) your way Valerie wishing for positive and good news on your test results. Your painted lady is beautiful although sad, I hope you take on board the message and rest too. I'm smiling at the funnies and thinking hard about the thinkies, so important to be kind to oneself. Take care Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I am resting a lot! It's easier being kind to others than oneself! Hugs, Valerie

  27. Lovely painting. Hope your examinations go well.

    1. Thanks Lin! Happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  28. Love your style of portrait painting Valerie- so vibrant and cool looking! All the best for the results you are hoping for with your examinations. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, happy PPF, have a great weekend!

  29. Beautiful artwork.
    Best of luck with your exams.
    Happy PPF and Happy Valentine's Day too!

  30. Hi Valerie. I so love your art work, another amazing piece. Hope the examinations have good results. Loving the puppy funny, so cute. Have a lovely weekend, hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. The puppy funny is really cute! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  31. Great memes. The first is hilarious.
    I especially loved the butterfly and where it's located on your wonderful piece.

  32. Your lady today is exquisite. I love the tears she is shedding. They combined with the butterfly are telling a story and I feel it is connected to how you are feeling yourself today. I hope you get some rest soon,
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, that's just how I feel just now. Have a great Sunday!

  33. Beautiful art work Valerie, hope all the tests give you some good results.

    1. Thanks Sue, hope to get some results on Monday!

  34. Thinking of you and hope the examinations went well.
    Good luck for the results on Monday.

    All the best Jan

  35. Oh my Valerie! This is so beautiful, hugs, Chrisx


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