
Monday 14 February 2022

T sTands for This, ThaT and The neighbour's caT

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed a good weekend and are feeling fit and well for the new week.

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for  Tuesday link party, so here a hearty welcome to all of the nice ladies who visit here. At the weekend I painted this A3 picture as my ticket to the party and for Elizabeth's 'what's my style' challenge at AJJ - coffee is always my style. I am also linking to Country View challenges, hearts and flowers:

The photos from Friday's walk make me hopeful for spring:

Some thinkies and funnies:

And not to forget the neighbour's cat:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm waiting ever so patient for spring blooms.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. That's such a joyful painting Valerie. The hearts and flowers made me smile. And the big bouquet of them is the perfect addition. and speaking of flowers, I can't believe you have spring blooms already. Wow. I really do live in an arctic like environment as it will be at least April before I see spring flowers. So glad you can enjoy them. Take care, happy new week and happy early T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like the painting, I just felt like making something different. You have to wait a long time for the first flowers- Have a great week!

  3. Lovely painting for the tea party! Nice to see spring in your area it is freezing here in Toronto. Good thinkies today

    1. Thanks Christine, hope it soon gets warmer over there!

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely to See spring blooms, we have a few in the Garden poking their Heads through the grass. Have a great week, Take care, hugs Sarah

    1. Thanks so much, have a great week! Hugs to all!

  5. Lovely art work again Valerie, so good to be seeing the spring bulbs popping up over there.

    1. Thanks so much, have a great week! I love seeing the first spring flowers!

  6. I love that painting, Valerie it makes me feel better just looking at it. That is a great cat pic! V xx

    1. Thanks so much, have a great week! That kitty is so cute!

  7. Good morning Your Enchanted Valerieness: Your ticket to the party is bright, lovely, appealing, vibrant, welcoming and wonderful. If I were to attend an event and the ticket was half as nice as that I would save the stub! In keeping with Valentine's Day, that pagan festival co-opted by Christians, and seized on by merchants everywhere, I see that you worked in some hearts and flowers. My heart will pump for Miriam this morning exactly as it always does, thump, thump, thump. Alas, I have no flowers, but freshly showered I will smell as sweet! No confections either. Just another day spent together. And that's enough. Meantime the economy of China will surge as container loads of baubles will be speeding across the oceans to restock empty shelves. The St. Valentine's Day massacre has the potential to take on a whole new meaning in Ukraine, I fear. You have flowers in the gardens already! How jealousy-provoking! Yesterday when I left the house to pick up a bottle of wine to quaff with dinner, it was minus 14.5 degrees, with the sides of my driveway piled high with snow. No snowdrops for several weeks, nor crocuses, nor daffodils, nor tulips, nor any other colourful decorations will tint the whiteness that is everywhere. Such is winter in Ontario. Stay well, stay warm, drink coffee. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Thanks David, I just felt like making something different. Yes, the Ukraine troubles pose a big problem here. I so love to see the first spring flowers. It sounds very cold over there! Today I managed to fall flat on my face when I went out, now EVERYTHING hurts, no joke! Tomorrow I will not go out! Have a great week, big hugs!

    2. That sounds terrible, Valerie. Rest up indeed. At least you are in a clinic to get a little care and attention to scrapes, bumps and bruises. Thank goodness you didn't break anything.

  8. Bright and cheerful painting. Spring is coming and the plants and horses know it. I know some people who can easily fall asleep anytime, anywhere. I am just the opposite. Have a wonderful week.

    1. Yes, spring is coming, and that makes me happy!

  9. Coffee is always my style, too, and what a cheering image with the pretty spring flowers in that vase :) Happy T Day!

  10. Both the painting and the photos really seem the essence of spring. We have ice on everything, including on the piles of snow, the walkways, and the roofs. I think our snowdrops and daffodils will be back in late March if we are lucky. Have a good week, and I hope you get good news about your health.

    best...mae at

    1. Sorry it's so cold where you are. The Rhine valley is mostly rather mild, and we often have spring flowers in February, but it might get cold again - who knows?

  11. Beautiful art and wonderful photos Valerie!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. I love that joke about falling asleep quickly. So true! Thoughts keep me up, too!

    1. I know what you mean, the thoughts are always racing around in my head when I want to sleep!

  13. OMGoodness. Where did you get that photo of Squiggles? Yhat could be his brother or sister at that meat counter.

    This is a love entry for T this Tuesday, Valerie. Your drawing is beautiful and I am in total awe. What a wonderful way to celebrate the day. Good coffee, hearts, and flowers. Thanks so very much for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey using Bleubeard’s and my theme.

    Your spring is fast approaching and everything looks so green there already. It's still brown and dull here. Adorable flowers in bloom, too.

    1. Hope your spring comes soon, too. Perhaps it was Squiggles at the meat counter?! Glad you like my painting! HAPPY T Day!

  14. i like tour art very much:) and i adore those flowers photos;)

  15. Wonderful post. I hope you are feeling well. I love the art.

    1. Thanks Nicole, have a wonderful week, stay safe!

  16. Such a gorgeous page! I love the bright and bold colours that you used and the coffee design 😁. Fabulous photos too, spring is on its way! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks so much Jo, happy T Day!

    2. Thanks so much for joining us at Country View Challenges too, it's a pleasure to see you there 😀. Hugs Jo x

  17. Beautiful vibrant colors in your painting, I love it! The photos and the funnies are wonderful too, thank you for the smiles.

  18. I love your painting, it's so beautiful. And your photographs are wonderful. :)

  19. I must learn from you and add more colour. Your art work just makes me smile. You have a great style. Yesterday I would have said Spring was on it's way whereas today it just poured it down but guess February is a bit like that. Loving the funnies too. Have a great week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, lately I have had fun with colour! Have a great week, hugs!

  20. That is such a happy colorful piece of art! I'm glad that there are a few signs of spring in your area. Those Schneeglöckchen are always such little charmers. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Carola. The First snowdrops always make me happy!

  21. Beautiful art with such lovely colours and love always . xx
    [yes, my group page is lovely full of amazing artist...]

  22. Beautiful art - hard to beat flowers, hearts and coffee! Great colors too.

    Does look like a bit of Spring in your pictures - all are fun (especially the horses).

    Great funnies and sayings, Valerie. I love the one about not letting others change your mood - I need to remember that one today.

    Happy T-day and hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy,flowers, Hearts and Coffee are always the Tops! Happy T Day! Hugs!

  23. Your painting for the theme is beautiful I love it. and wow there is no signs of spring here just yet and we are headed for very cold and some snow this week too.
    great thinkies, loved the kitty ones. Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, it's so good to see the first flowers! Keep warm and safe, hugs!

  24. I love your A3! A perfect entry. And the cat memes made me smile big, as did the cheery yellow flowers. And we wait...!

  25. Delightful art for T Day Valerie! Haven't seen any spring blooms here yet:(. But I've heard reporting of robins in our area. Thanks too for the funnies and thinkies. Happy T day!

  26. LOVE the painting!
    I especially like the self-control thinkie-advice I so need....and the first one about the cats!!! :)

    1. Thanks Debra, the self Control advice is so true!

  27. What beautiful and colorful photos! Thanks for sharing. Especially, "Dont for get to neight our cat" photo event was lived here. That cat and butcher are still so popular here. Have a wonderful day.

    1. It's a wonderful photo, I couldn't stop laughing!

  28. Great artwork; love the hearts and flowers and coffee. Great funnies, especially the one where she got her coffee before filling their bowls. LOL Hugs!

  29. What a beautiful painting! I love it. Particularly the white lines. It's really pretty.
    I'm sorry you've fallen (flat). That is no joke. Even not breaking anything can set you back and hurt like hell.
    I love the funnies and the thinkies. The last one with the cat is in Turkey. I read a fun article of this butcher who gives this cat a little treat every day. And I recognize the picture from the article. The cat is called Yesim.
    Happy belated T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. That was a great story with the cat and the butcher, a Turkish friend said the whole town is proud of their butcher! My knee is still sore, but it will heal! Hugs!

  30. A fantastic page Valerie, I loved how you painted the coffee and could imagine the aroma.
    Stay safe, I am catching up once again.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I've been doing a lot of catching up recently, and am still not finished!

  31. It's so lovely to see the flowers - a great reminder that Winter will soon be over. I absolutely adore your table setting - fabulous colours and I can almost smell that coffee. Take care, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I'm having fun painting table settings just now!

  32. That is a very homely painting Valerie. It makes me feel all warm and cosy even though I drink neither tea nor coffee. I still love the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, even the instant kind has that smell that makes me feel comfortable. With the crockery you have on your painted table I would certainly feel at home - and though not tempted by tea a coffee might have to be sampled.
    love the signs of spring - ours are covered by snow!
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, coffee is always my fave! Have a great day, hugs!

  33. Charming painting, full of happy colours! Thanks for sharing with us at Country View Challenges!

  34. Love the neighbours cat! Love the flowers and the ponies and 'specialy!!! those fabulous paintings! Happy Very late T for Tuedsay! But I was last!((Lyn))

    1. Thanks Lin. This week I've been late for everything!

  35. I really love your painting, are you going to frame it up? I would definitely hang it on a wall, it's lovely and happy. I also relate to the meme about the coffee before feeding the cats, I know this feeling especially in the morning - they must be fed first! Sorry for my lateness, it's been quite the week Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, cats must always be served first. My dog was always happy to wait a few minutes, Kitty never! Hugs!

  36. What a lovely and cheerful painting!!! I love the bold colours!!! Thank you for joining the February challenge of the Country View Challenges!


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