
Monday 17 January 2022

T sTands for This and ThaT

Hi Everybody !

Today I have a tag for Wendy's challenge at Tag Tuesday, add some fabric:

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. My drink is, as always, coffee:

A Sunday walk past the stores here:

The Rhine on Sunday was very grey as was the sky:

And some funnies/ thinkies:

Sorry, not much text today, I am just exhausted at the moment.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks for coming by!


  1. I got plenty of scarp fabrics for quite a few quilts.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  2. Fun tag and thinkies! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you enjoyed your weekend and got a good rest! Here it was cold and grey, too. Love your gorgeous tag! And the pure bread dogs funny is fantastic. Have a great week, hugs, from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks. Hope you are all well and fit. Have a great week, hugs to all!

  5. that's a fun tag and the stores look very interesting! which city are you in ?
    wishing you a wonderful year ahead
    style frontier

  6. Good morning Valerie: I hope that a good night's sleep took care of your exhaustion. Your theme of scraps and quilts could just about define Miriam these days. She has been going through all her scraps and using tiny pieces of fabric pieced together in intricate ways to make the most exquisite products. In a couple of the larger items I have no doubt that there are three million pieces in all.....well, maybe only two million. I don't want to exaggerate. Yesterday, a lovely lady in our nature club came out with us to find a Snowy Owl, a bird she had never seen, and we located a pristine male for her, and she was as delighted as could possibly be. We also were able to show her two magnificent Rough-legged Hawks, and two flocks of Snow Buntings. Her happiness cup ranneth over. Now she wants a Short-eared Owl and a Lapland Longspur. Some people are so demanding. The little shops in your town are delightful, so much more intimate and appealing than the cavernous monstrosities of today. I remember as a little boy that there was a baker, a greengrocer, a butcher, and so on, and you even got to know the owners. We are now in the middle of the heaviest snowfall of the season, and it looks like I will be spending more time that I care to shovelling the driveway. C'est la vie. Hugs and kisses de moi à toi. David

    1. Thanks David, I feel better today! I think its fascinating to stitch little bots of cloth or paper together and make new things from it! Glad Miriam is keeping busy stitching! That lady must have been delighted to see not just a snowy owl but all of those other wonderful species. I hope you have the other birds she wants to see ready for her the next time. You can send the birds a tweet. I am not a friend of huge stores, and i like our little, intimate shops with an always friendly service. It is so much nicer to shop there, and we have one of almost everything here. But we have 2 bakeries Nd three chemists, they seem to be in demand. I hope you don't get snowed in, and that you will not have to shovel snow for too many hours! C'est la vie indeed! Keep warm and safe, hugs!

  7. Beautiful art with the scraps. I love coffee but can't drink it everyday. It gives me sleepless night with active mind. Cute bread dogs.

    1. Yes, the bread dogs are cute! Have a great day!

  8. What a fantastic tag Valerie. It’s a great quote and perfect with that bit of cloth. Nice. And happy T day to you also. I have a new mug for t this week, and I notice on if the store windows had a lot of them. It’s snowing here right now. Just going to be a messy day. Get some rest and hope you feeling refreshed as the day goes on. By the way, I love those pure bread dogs. Ha ha. Take care and have a happy T day. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I wonder how your dogs would react if you were to dress them up with slices of bread! But it's a fun meme! I thought you would like it! I'm looking forward to seeing the new mug! Hugs!

  9. Your photos of the little shops and their windows are wonderful. People here would love to look but wouldn't buy the products from the little shops because they would find better prices at big stores or online. The personal touch isn't free for nothin' -- so we don't have them. In our town, the small-scale shops disappeared a long time ago when a big mall opened and super-stores like WalMart offered cheap goods: the change predated online shopping. Unfortunately the shopkeepers here had a very entitled view of their existence, and didn't get any sympathy. I hope the situation is different in your town.

    best... mae at

    1. Here the Shop owners are all very friendly and offer good service, and they all seem to flourish. They sell high quality products and you can also handle with them! Happy T Day!

  10. Fun tag. The diaper pin reminds me of a fad when my nephew was around 7 or 8 yrs. old. You put beads on the pins and then pinned them to your shoe laces.

    1. When I was about 10 we all put beads on them and wore them as brooches!

  11. Love the fun tag and cute bread dogs.

    I enjoyed the photos of the interesting shops too.

    Happy Monday, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Veronica, glad you like the tags and the funnies. Have a great week, Hugs!

  12. Lovely post. The dog pic was great! I hope you will feel much better soon. I am praying for you.

    1. Thanks so much Debra, I appreciate it very much!

  13. You have The Best window shopping opportunities! I'll join you in a cup of coffee while we discuss which of those treasures we had the hardest time resisting ;)

    Happy T Day!

    1. At the moment I have ma eye on a beautiful mug with a mouse peaking over the rim, so pretty! Have a great week!

  14. Haha. That hand in the butt just slayed me!!!

  15. i am truly in love in this art craft!

  16. Hi Valerie, loving the tag but best of all those gorgeous shops. You coffee looks a bit strong for me but i shall be making a Latte soon which is more to my taste. I think boots are one of my most favourite foot wear so just as well I can't pop in that shop. Love the funnies though not the lady at the pumps! Looks like your weather has been pretty much like ours though we did have a bit of sun this afternoon. Happy crafty week, Angela xXx

    1. Yes, that Lady at the pumps is hard to Imagine! Glad you had some sun!

  17. I love your scraps tag Valerie, and those wonderful photos and memes.
    Hope you're feeling better today.
    Take care,

  18. Wow this quilt is amazing Valerie ! Really great how you recycle everything and create fabulous art ! I hope you feel better now.
    Thansk so much for the beautiful photographs from the shops. Happy T-day !
    These lovely dogs are so funny!
    I wish you a very nice week, stay safe and
    Big hugs, Caty

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Love your tag Valerie and the town and Rhine photos. The pure bread dogs gave me a good laugh. Hope you are feeling much better soon. xx

  21. Great tag love that safety pin embellishment. V xx

  22. Sorry you are exhausted - praying everything is ok, Valerie! Love your tag, your lovely coffee picture, the Rhine and your funnies. I just went and purchased some gloves for my car (to get gas from now on after seeing that one funny - lol). Fun post. Happy T-day! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you have some gloves! Thanks for the prayers, happy T Day! Hugs!

  23. Good morning, loving your newest tag, I love the coffee photo too. that is one thing I have been doing since the beginning-wearing disposable plastic to put gas in my car-then toss it-then sanitize my hands once back in the car.
    lovely photos too Happy T hugs

    1. Thanks so much Kathy, you are wise to wear gloves at the pumps! Happy T Day!

  24. cute tag art! I'd be all day on a walk past those store fronts- because I'd just have to go in and browse each one:):):). We always wear gloves at the pump especially!
    Love "pure bread" dogs:) Sending healing wishes. Take care, and happy T day!

  25. I completely enjoyed your post. Love the quotes & photos and laughing at the pure bread dogs! I don't want to forget to say what a lovely tag! I love your shops! I want to be there! LOL Happy T Day!

  26. I love love love that piece of scrap art. Nice photos of the store fronts. OMG the gas station girl. I have seen stuff like that in the store. That's why even before covid I wore a mask and gloves. People are so gross. LOL

    1. They are indeed! We really need to protect ourselves!

  27. I was here hours ago, but I just left a comment on Sandra's blog, so I am trying here again. I love the saying on that tag. It is wonderful and so is the tag itself. Great way to use your scraps, too.

    I love your coffee you shared. I'll share mine, too. Some of those store fronts are wonderful. The cups and mugs caught my eye, and I swear I'm wearing a nightgown right now that is designed exactly like that dark blue one, I wear nightgowns at home because they are so comfy and I can even go outside with mine on.

    I had to laugh at the lady at the gas pump. I wear disposable gloves everywhere when I'm outside and it made me laugh so hard. Thanks for sharing your tag, coffee, store fronts, and funnies with us for T this Tuesday. If this doesn't post I'm going to get very angry.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I have the same problems on several blogs. I don't want to know how many germs are on everything outside, we need to protect ourselves indeed. The lady at the gas pump really breaks all records!

  28. Your shops look more interesting than the ones around here.

  29. Such a lovely tag, and the bread dogs made me smile.
    Take care, sending healing wishes your way.

    All the best Jan

  30. Loving all the shop windows and your tags.
    Funny memes as always. The gas pump one...WOW!
    Happy Tea Day,

  31. Thank you for taking me window shopping. They are lovely shops. The Danish one is always a favorite of mine and I like the shop with the fountain pens. That shoe shop I think I would walk past very quickly as they have beautiful shoes that i could never afford.
    Your tag (and quote) are great.
    I enjoyed the funnies/thinkies. From now on I wil use gloves when getting the fuel.
    I hope you will feel better soon.
    Happy T-Day,

  32. I thought I had called in yesterday Valerie. I hope you are feeling a lot better and getting lots of rest. Stay safe my friend.
    Yvonne xxx

  33. I love the pure bread dogs. Too funny.

  34. your steampunk tag is just gorgeous. i sure hope you will be feeling better soon. sending big healing hugs. xo


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