
Saturday 1 January 2022

New Challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Hi Everybody!

A new day, a new year, a new challenge.

Here's wishing us all a safe and healthy New Year 2022

The new challenge at Art Journal Journey is being hosted by our wonderful and talented Erika, and she has chosen 'Let's Face It' as her challenge. As you can imagine it's all about faces - of humans, pets, clocks etc - whatever you can find with a face. For more ideas read our post at  AJJ. Here is my face. Well, not MY face, but an A3 face I painted. She looks rather pensive, perhaps she is really thinking of starting an adventure:

Some photos from January 1st last year:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm loving the face you drew, Valerie. Even with your fingers in such bad shape, you still gave us a beauty. I think she looks sultry. I like her attitude, too. Thanks for this great first entry at Art Journal Journey using Erika's theme.

    I love that moon shot and the skyline. Get to feeling better soon, before you become addicted to the clinic's 24/7 coffee!

    1. Thanks E, I'm only Here for the coffee! From monday on I have lots of examinations, then we will See....

  2. Great post to start the new year Vj! Keep rocking this year too!

  3. Hi Val, good morning and a happy and healthy new year! I hope your time in the hospital will bring you some relief from your problems. The kids are still all asleep, I#m enjoying a quiet hour with tea and aspirins before they all come down! Let's see what the new year brings us, hopefully some better things in this year. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, hope your headaches soon go away, perhaps you can have a little nap this afternoon....I wish you all a happy and healthy new year, and that you have a bit more time for yourself! Take care, hugs to all!

  4. Valerie, what a thought provoking face you have painted for us today. There is sadness behind those eyes and I am wondering if she got all dressed up and was let down at the last minute. Whatever, she is a beautiful young woman and I admire th4e way you use colour in your portraits.
    So sorry you are having to go back in hospital, I hope your stay is short and you soon get back to your balcony but if staying in hospital means getting much better then stay as long as it takes.
    Sending gentle hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I feel good here, and the coffee is fantastic! Glad you like my young woman! Happy New Year, take care, hugs!

  5. Hi Valerie, I thought I had stopped here , but goodness knows where blogger sent my first reply.
    This is a beautiful painting , she looks so thoughtful and I loved the bold colours you are using for the portraits.
    Happy New Year wishes to you stay safe. I hadn't realised you were going back to hospital, I hope all will go well for you.
    Hugs Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, Blogger swallows a lot of comment just now! Glad you like the bold colours, I had fun painting her! Stay safe and well! Hugs!

  6. I am so glad you have one of your faves today Valerie. I was hoping you would. I wonder what kind of adventure she is thinking about. Perhaps just the adventure of starting a new year. She is lovely and a perfect Start to the month. And nice photos too. It’s raining here today. Hopefully that won’t turn our little white into a thicker coat of ice than it already is. Happy new year! Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I have lots of faces lined up for you! Starting a new adventure is always good, even if it's only in a clinic. I hope you don't get too much ice. It's very mild here. Take care, stay safe! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Happy New Year, Valerie. Your face is fabulous - her eyes, the shadows, the colors - it is all very well done. We all need to start a new adventure of some type this year. I love the idea of resolutions at the start of the year - a perfect time to start an adventure to a new you or a fresh perspective or to learn something new or start new habits (or dump old ones). Love it! Great pictures of last year too. Hugz

    1. I'm in a clinic for treatment just now, so my adventures are limited, but my time will come! Have a great new year, stay safe! Hugs!

  8. Wishing you a very happy New Year. Love your journal page. Anesha x

  9. HAPPY NEW YEAR, Valerie. May your indomitable spirit keep you well throughout 2022. You have made a very good start by welcoming in the new year with a Canada Goose on your blog. That's a firm beginning. And the woman you have created to beguile and enchant me is doing exactly that. I am sure that she is whispering sweet things in my ear. I cannot divulge what she is saying, of course, but excitement is in the air. I see that your fellow artists are already heaping praise on this face, as well they should. Erika has chosen a great theme with lots of scope for creative flights of fancy. I'll be interested to see what she comes up with. Maybe the faces of her bees peering from the hive, longing for warm weather and blossoms filled with sweet nectar. I hope that you are doing well at the clinic, and that you have already embarked on the road to recovery. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, I have had my first tests and examinations, and on Monday I will be sent hither and thither for tests, in the various departments of the Florence Nightingale Hospital. I thought you would enjoy the Canada goose! And have fun with the beguiling lay who is whispering sweet nothings in your ear! I like this theme very much! Take care, hugs to you both!

  10. I sent a message about an hour ago, Valerie, but I have no idea what happened to it. Let me see if this goes through.

  11. Well that worked. I'll wait a while to see if the original finally surfaces. If not, I will try to compose some more bin mots!

  12. Happy New Year Valerie, I hope your clinic stay is going well and you can be home soon!
    I love this face, great use of colour. I hope we get to see many more of your portraits.
    Love the photos of last year, we had dregs of snow then but today the sun is shining and we went for a walk wearing lightweight jackets. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, happy new year to you and yours! I will probably be here for about 6 weeks, but it's a good place to be! Glad you like the face, I had fun painting her. It's very mild again here, felt like spring, bu I'm sure winter will soon be back! Hugs!

  13. That's a neat challenge. Your face looks great!

    1. Thanks Danielle! All the best for the new year!

  14. Lovely face art enjoyed your photos from last year January.

  15. Love your colourful face. She certainly does seem to be thinking.

  16. Gorgeous nature photography and creative journal art work ~ Xo

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. She's a beauty Valerie, I love her!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos too.
    Hugs, Alison

  18. Now she is absolutely amazing Valerie with those vivid greens and reds, she reminds me of a painting my Grandma used to have on her wall back in the 70's. Definitely one to be framed. Beautiful past photo's of the start of a new year too.
    Take care lovely Happy New Year Hugs Tracey xx
    I know i've already said it but I get to say it again today ;)

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you like my girl! I've had fun making faces recently. Have a great New Year, stay safe, and look after yourself. Hugs!

  19. Happy New Year Wishes.
    Lovely face-art so colourful, and nice to see your photographs from last year.

    All the best Jan

  20. I really like that portrait - you always have a lot going on in the eyes. V xx

  21. I like her expression and that side-long look. I'm waving hello to the goose and admiring your moon photo.

  22. Your painting is lovely, Valerie. And I wish you all good things for our new year!

  23. Ich bin begeistert von deinen Frauengesicht, die Farbe ist grossartig und die weisse und schwarze Gesichtumrisse! Das ist wundervolles Kunstwerke, Valerie!
    Die Fotos sind auch so schön, danke dir!
    Alles gute für das neue Jahr wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  24. She is beautiful. You really captured some emotion in this face.

  25. So happy I can comment without being forced to sign in to Google! I really love your face - so evocative and I love how she seems to be looking forward into the future! Beautiful.
    Mary Anne

  26. Happy New Year, Valerie! I love your photos from last January and especially like what you created for this month's AJJ theme. Your face is absolutely beautiful and I like that she is contemplating an adventure! Thanks! HUGS, Sharon


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