
Wednesday 12 January 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well. Here I've been busy, and haven't had much time at the computer, I think I'm getting withdrawal symptoms! Today I am sharing another of my ladies inspired by Effy. I m linking to Erika's let's face it challenge at AJJ :

And some thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful art, I like the last meme.

  2. That goat made me laugh. Nice meme. And your lady is another lovely piece Valerie. I like that pink shadowing on her skin, and all those leaves and flower. She is blooming. She has amazing hair too. Hope all is well at the clinik. I guess it is good you haven't had as much computer time as it is addicting. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, perhaps it's goo not to be on the computer all day! Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  3. Hi Val, good morning, Hope you are doing well. Beautiful art again! Take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  4. Beautiful lady and thanks for the funnies. V xx

  5. Great memes and stunning art Valerie!
    Happy midweek.

  6. Good morning Your Exquisite Valerieness: What a lovely lady you have created once again. I am quite sure this one is winking at me with her concealed eye, and promising unknown levels of excitement. That will be between she and I, or should that be her and me? I couldn't quite figure out initially whether it is her hair being flung to the four corners of the earth or whether she is wearing a hat. I decided on hair. Less time spent on the computer is probably a good thing for all of us, but it's hard to do when so much of our lives are wrapped up on these devices, made even more apparent during COVID, when for some, social media, blogs, facetime etc have been lifelines to the world. My birding outing to Long Point yesterday was well enjoyed by those who took part, and I shall be regaling you with a full account on my blog over the next day or two. Not much time for anything today. I think I have mentioned that one of my brothers-in-law has dementia, and I have to spend time with him while his wife goes to medical appointments. It is sad to see someone enter into decline like this. When my time comes I hope a bird from Balconia flies into my binocular view and I drop dead from excitement! In the meantime I will carry on with walking, talking, writing, eating, drinking wine, watching birds and generally having a good time. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, glad you approve the lady I have painted for you today, let's see what I find tomorrow! He hair is not a hat, just extravagant hair. I wish I had such a main instead of my thin strands! I'm sorry to hear your brother-in-law has dementia, that's very hard for all concerned, I know how it is to cope with people in this condition, and it's so much harder when it's someone out of the family. Have a great day, stay safe, hugs!

  7. Oh My! you are tempting me to have a go at faces though I'm sure they will never be as beautiful as yours, they are so wonderful and characterful. The sentiment funnies are brilliant, think I'm definitely the goat Lol! Have a great day. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. I think we all have a touch of the goat now and then! Faces are fun! I like practising them. Have a great day Angela!

  8. First of all Valerie, how are you? I do hope that your time at the clinik is helping and that the fingers are starting to heal. Can understand computer time must be difficult when you are in pain with the digits. Wishes for a long lasting recovery.
    You have done it again, a lovely lady, I do like how you incorporate the shading with the use of the paint, not something I find at all easy to do. You have defined cheek, chin and forehead so well, I am rally impressed. Then of course there is the hair. I love how you paint hair on your ladies and how freely it flows. There must be a great deal of satisfaction as you do it with the strokes of your brush. Thank you for another lovely face.
    And thanks for the thinkies - they helped me smile on a dull day here in the north of England.
    Gentle Hugs Neet xx

    1. Hi Neet, it's good here at the clinic, but a lot of work with the treatments. Glad you like my lady, I am having fun painting faces with big hair just now! And glad you liked the memes! Hugs!

  9. A lovely lady. I like the "already disturbed, proceed with caution".

  10. I love all that red in your art. Very pretty. The last meme says it all.

  11. Hi Valerie, I hope all's going well for you. Are you still at the clinic? I hope that whatever is going on you are getting all the help you need! Love your art piece today and I love the funnies -- especially "Already distrubed, proceed with caution!"

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I'm still here for a few weeks. Take care, hugs.

  12. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely girl you painted! Stay safe!

  13. Another wonderful painting. Hope all is well. Enjoy your week.Anesha

  14. This latest face is amazing. I especially LOVE her hair. I never want mine long, but I sure love the lovely beauty's. This is great for Erika's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I especially love the goat. Reminds me of me!! Take care and stay safe, dear.

  15. Loving your art-I always love your faces. and great memes-perfect-Happy mid-week hugs

  16. Your Bugs Bunny meme, really made me laugh.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora, Bugs Bunny is always good for a laugh!

  17. I love your pages and the way you are painting your beautiful ladies, you must take hours to complete each one. The funnies were super and good to start the day with a smile.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I'm having fun with these faces! Hugs, Valerie

  18. Stunning art. I also need that first sign. Have a good day today.

  19. I nearly spluttered my coffee when I saw the goat. Your painting is wonderful - she really is a true beauty. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Yes, the goat has got it right! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  20. Love the artwork, Valerie, super pretty face and hair plus the colors are fab. Great funnies (especially the goat). Hope you are feeling better. Hugz

  21. Such a beautiful page! Your painting is amazing and I love how you added the flowers shapes to her hair and leaves to the foreground 😀. Thanks for the smiles too! Take care and Happy January! Hugs Jo x


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