
Monday 6 December 2021

T sTands for This and That

Hi Everybody! 

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend! I spent a lot of the time sleeping, I have no idea why i was so tired, so I didn't get much work done.

This evening we are celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I have made a hybrid piece for my 'doors' challenge at AJJ which is also meant for the tea-party. I altered a photo taken of one of the pretty shops in Zons and added some characters to it. The ladies on the left are having fun and enjoying a meal and a glass of wine. The others are looking into the shop windows or walking past. But there are also a few strange creatures, can you find them?

Some coffee-related photos:

And please help yourselves - short bread, black and white cookies and some home-made chocolates:

And I have a tag for Sandie's 'Use the first letter of your name' challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used a photo of a window and some images of Victorian ladies:

Some thinkies/funnies

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, sometimes our bodies just needs sleep-hugs Your art page and tag are fabulous so creative.
    I love looking into the store windows reminds me of my youth when I could do that. and great funnies and memes hugs Happy T Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! I don't often buy anything, but I do love looking at the windows! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. What a fun T day page and even better it works for your door challenge. I like the cat waiter and Peter Rabbit too. It was like doing one of those Where's Waldo searches. And I'd love a cookie, or 2. They look delicious. Your shop windows looks so festive too. I hope you feel refreshed to start to the new week. And happy early T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like my page! Help yourselves to cookies, plenty there! Have a wonderful week, hugs!

  3. Happy post and love to see the Christmas spirit which we hope will occur a little this year. xx

  4. Zons looks like a wonderful spot. But what really looks wonderful are those delicious looking cookies on your pretty platter! I need to bake!

  5. Oh this is a wonderful post - filled with the beauty of art! I love the kitties! SUch a beautiful time of year with Weinachten and the markts - yummy looking cookies, too. Blessings to you my friend!

    1. Thanks Kelly, it would be even nicer without Corona! Have a great week, stay safe!

  6. I enjoy friends and coffee is an add bonus.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Hi Val, good morning! If you slept so much you needed it! Wonderful page today, love how you mixed reality and fantasy here. And I see Benjamin bunny and Mr Tumnus! Such fun! Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, yesterday I slept till midday! Glad you found some of my hidden creatures! Hugs to all!

  8. Fun page! Nice to see the Christmas spirit

  9. What a fabulous way to fulfill your theme at AJJ and still be able to join in for T this week. It is brilliant. I love the cat in the doorway, the bunny rabbit, and the fish out of water. This cafe certainly attracts some unusual characters.

    I enjoyed window shopping with you and of course, spotted a rocking horse on those mugs and tea pot.

    That selfie cat had me laughing, and that HURT!! I didn't realize I can't laugh that loud without consequences. Thanks for sharing your art, your window shopping, your WONDERFUL cookies, and your funnies with us for T this week. BTW, how did you get the cross into the cookie?

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you had fun looking at my picture I'll tell you about the cross in the cookie another time! Hugs!

    2. I'm going to hold you to that. Now I'm off to rest.

  10. I guess your body just needed sleep, Valerie, so probably that was the best thing to do. I must confess that since I retired, if I am at home I usually take a short afternoon nap. It's wonderful! People in hot countries have siesta every day after all. I had fun scanning through the creatures in your picture and I am sure that others did too. The cat selfies were pretty funny. As for the cookies and the chocolates I know that you are working on a way to mail some to me and I will be checking every day for a package from Germany. Be sure to insulate it well so the chocolate doesn't melt! It's amazing actually what can be sent by mail. I used to buy live meal worms to feed to Eastern Bluebirds in spring and they came through the mail. I still have to decide where we will walk with the regular Tuesday group tomorrow, and I will be leading an outing for the naturalists club on Wednesday. I am sure that Thursday or Friday we will meet up with Heather and Lily at some point. Enjoy your week. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. HI David! Yes, an afternoon nap is good, but I've never yet slept for almost 14 hours in one stretch! The cookies would probably get eaten by mice on the way to Canada! I'll eat your cookies for you and tell you how they taste, even if m put on a kilo or 2 doing it! I would not be happy if i got a parcel of meal worms, but I suppose some birds like them - tastes are different! I'm sure you will find some wonderful places to walk this week, and I shall look forward to seeing them, especially if Princess Lily is there. Have a good week, stay healthy, and have fun! Hugs to you both!

  11. Glad you got the rest you needed. Happy Monday.

  12. Wonderful art and photos Valerie, I spotted those strange creatures on your page.
    Those cat selfies made me laugh!
    Hope you feel nice and rested after the weekend.

    1. Thanks Alison. Those cat selfies are really funny! Have a great day!

  13. I'd love the window shopping there. They don't make much of an effort here like they did when I was a child.

    Happy T Day!

  14. What a fabulous fun piece Valerie would make a wonderful jigsaw..had fun spotting the different creatures..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, glad you Like it! Have a great week!

  15. I love those cookies and chocolates. I would love to have a bite. LOL.

  16. this semi real art in the street is truly awesowe!

  17. The door page is so fun! I like the cat in the evening clothes or is he the waiter? Very cute tea for two teapot. Cat selfies 😺Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I needed a bit of fun today! The Cat is the waiter!

  18. The cat selfies are great! I loved your first door piece, the 3xtras you have added are special.

  19. What a fun page Valerie, I love all of the different characters you added! Your chocolates look delicious and the cat selfies are so cute, love them!
    Hugs, Tammy

  20. Love the meme about "Don't Come in." Beautiful art!
    I always love window shopping in your town. Fabulous and colorful displays.
    Happy Tea Day,

  21. A wonderful blog post Valerie, absolutely love the first images with the hidden pieces, great fun.
    Victorian Ladies, just perfect for my theme.
    Thank you so much for playing along with my theme..xx

    1. Thanks Sandie, hope you are keeping well! Hugs!

  22. Happy T Day Valerie, what a fun post with lots to see. I spotted the cat and the rabbits on your page. Your biscuits look yummy too, and I must try that "don't come in here" I wonder if I can get away with it at other times not just Xmas ha ha Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I liked that one, too! See if it works! Have a great day, hugs!

    2. Report back when you have tried it!

  23. Love all the pictures, especially the one you've added with people and creatures outside having tea and coffee. What a great idea! Love the funnies and of course seeing I have a thing about cups and tea pots with unusual things on them, specially animals! And even more yummy the cookies and cakes! HappY T day!

  24. Oh what a fun page! I enjoyed the search for the odd ones out. I spotted Peter Rabbit, The Cheshire cat posing as a waiter and Mr Tumnus.
    The cat selfies are outrageous and I laughed heartily. The integrity thing is so true. Do people still value integrity nowadays you think? (If people have heard of the concept that is)
    Finally, sleep is good for you. Sleep heals the body (as well as the mind), so if your body is asking for sleep, please sleep.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I think integrity is a foreign language for many people. Well done for spotting all the strange visitors. Have a great week, hugs!

  25. Happy Tuesday Valerie. Luv your art today. Especially that tag


  26. What a great page, I love all of your extra visitors. I loved my window shopping spree too. That's a clever and pretty tag - trying to find time, I really am! I'd happily help you out clearing that plate - not sure what it would do to my sugar level. Not joining T day this week but wishing you a Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I mustn't try too many of my baked goods either! Have a great week, hugs!

  27. What a fun hybrid piece. Yes, quite a menagerie of characters.

  28. This made me smile this morning what fun those people are having. How lovely to see all those little figures meandering amongst the people, especially one from The Lake District.
    Love the coffee shop pictures (those signs are so evocative) and all that follow.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  29. Wow Valerie that first piece is so interesting and lovely to look at as is your tag. Oh yes I will have some shortbread. Love it. Thanks for the laughs too.

  30. A wonderful post, Valerie with lovely creations and so much of interest and fun. V xx

  31. The journal page looks fantastic and everyone seems to be happy and having fun, a page to lift the spirits and brighten the dull days of winter.
    Sorry to be late calling in , I'm having a good catch up.
    Yvonne xx

  32. Lovely art, so colourful.
    I enjoyed your photographs too.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much. Take care and have a great weekend!


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