
Wednesday 8 December 2021

Midweek post

Hi Everybody!

It's midweek already, where does the time go?

Today I have an A3 mixed media piece inspired by a lesson from Tamara Laporte:

And my journal page for my doors challenge at AJJ is about Narnia. For those of you who have neither read the books nor watched the films it begins when 4 children - Lucy and her siblings - are evacuated to a huge, old house in the country during WWII. While playing a hide-and-seek game Lucy wants to hide in a giant, old wardrobe; opens the door, and finds the portal to Narnia....Outside in the snow you can see Mr Tumnus, the fawn, and a talking mouse:

Some photos I took during Hanukah - I love the candles against the night landscape outside:

A hugE mug filled with cappuccino:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your wild woman looks like she a a swimmer to me. Her hair pushed back as she comes out of the water, and she is determined to explore wherever she has arrived. And your Narnia door is great. It has opened up to a magical world. And the candles in your Menorah looks beautiful against the window and the evening light. Have a great middle of the week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, we all need a bit of magic in out lives! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Lovely designed art as always and super gorgeous colours...xx

  3. I loved seeing your Menorah-beautiful. Love your woman, and your Narnia door is really cool-I really like that one. and your Holiday mug-perfect for hot cocoa-or hot coffee. Happy Midweek Valerie

  4. The candles burning is a lovely sight. Awww...cute cats in the pots.

  5. Your lady is beautiful. You do faces SO well. Thanks for explaining Narnia to me. I've heard about it forever, but had no idea what the story was. I like how you used it as your inspiration piece for AJJ today, Valerie. It's beautiful.

    I love your menorah. It is stunning with the glass reflecting in the background. It casts a great light in the darkness.

    Those cats are SO, SO funny. Love it. Love your hot chocolate in a winter inspired mug, too!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Narnia is a story everyone should read. Glad you liked the kitties, so pretty! Hugs!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely to see the menorah candles reflecting in the glass, so beautiful! S. is getting better, she was very brave and the OP on her foot was quick and all went well. Hope you are feeling better, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning! Glad the Op on S' foot went well, give her an extra big hug from me. Have a great day and stay safe, hugs to all!

  7. Wonderful art vj. Good to read about Narnia..great post

  8. Your lady is lovely. You really got the sparkles in her eyes. Delightful depiction of the Narnia story. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was the first novel I ever read and what inspired me to love writing fantasy.
    The meme with the cats is adorable and your menorah pics are fabulous.

    1. Thanks Teresa. I grew up with the chronicles of Narnia and am still fascinated by them. I can see where you got your inspiration from! Have a great day, hugs!

  9. Love your pussy cat plant!
    Narnia is the perfect place for your theme Valerie and this is the perfect illustration for it. I just love the doors you have painted. What a glorious scene it is for us to enjoy.Great photos, the menorah is beautiful when lit and must make a gorgeous addition to your festivities.
    Take care, hope the hands are feeling better.
    hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I had to do a Narnia page for this theme! My hands are still very painful, I just hope they get better soon!

  10. It is heartwarming to see the menorah casting its light, Valerie. It looks beautiful reflected in the window on a winter's night. And you have created yet another fabulous woman filled with mystery, determination and allure. I am quite sure that you looked in the mirror for inspiration and had no trouble coming up with a winner. I will be leaving in an hour to lead a band of hardy naturalists on a winter walk. They had better bundle up well. It is minus eight degrees right now, and should the wind blow strong it will be a brisk meander! Yesterday The snow had fallen and covered ice in places and I slipped and went down quite hard, so this morning I am a little stiff. Walking will iron out the kinks no doubt. Before the walk I need to drop off Miriam at her sister's place. The sister has a medical appointment in Toronto and her husband has dementia and cannot be left alone. When my walk is over around noon, I will join her there. Thanks for the lesson on Narnia. I vaguely knew it, but now I have it straight. Take care of those recalcitrant fingers. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. I love looking at the menorah and watching the candles flicker in the reflections on the window, always a peaceful time for me! I'm so sorry you slipped on the ice, that's not nice, and I hope it will soon be better. Please take care! Kind of you and Miriam to look after that poor man with dementia, such an awful condition. My fingers are really obstinate today!! Take care, hugs, Valerie

    2. I am fine, Valerie. I was a little stiff this morning and there was a bit of bruising where my binoculars dug in. I was more concerned that they might have been damaged. I think I walked it off this morning and I am back to normal. Tomorrow we will be walking with Heather and Princess Lily.

    3. I'm glad to hear it. Take care. Have fun with Princess Lily!

  11. Your menorah is so beautiful and all the more so in the window, where it is shared with passers by. I love these photos more than I can say. I hope your Hanukkah was lovely.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, Hanukah is a beautiful time to watch the lights and enjoy them, it's a peaceful time for me! Have a great day, hugs!

  12. You paint African women very well. Love the colors.

    1. Thanks so much, I like practising with various skin colours and ethnicities.

  13. I've always wanted to find a new world inside a wardrobe or closet, but I've not been successful. Yet ;)

    I like your snowman mug. A cozy drink is what I need :)

    1. Yes, wouldn't it be nice? Anyway, ennoy your drink!

  14. Always enjoy seeing what you're up to. You journal pages are so inspiring. Loving the cup too and obviously it's contents! Happy creative week, Angela xXx

  15. That meme is hilarious. The pictures beautiful and I enjoyed your pieces.

  16. Hi Val, Bill here. Gorgeous Art and pics!

  17. wow...amazing art Valerie...i like the first and the second painting...

    number two always remembering me bout one of my favourite movie Narnia...deer man and the little girl in the snowy day...and they meet a snow queen...

    you are very talented...^^

    Have a nice day

    1. Thanks, Narnia is a wonderful story! Stay safe!

  18. Lovely art and photos today Valerie.

  19. Your lady looks amazing but I think today I was drawn in to the wardrobe in true Nania style. How often have we wished to open a door and find something new or different, its good to exercise the mind.
    I loved the photos and the welcoming candles in the window.
    Stay safe and well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I'm just hoping that nothing falls out when I open my wardrobe door!

  20. I love your painting Valerie, and your Narnia page is wonderful. I love those stories.
    Beautiful photos of the candles too.

  21. I do like your Narnia door ...
    The photographs of the Hanukkah lights are lovely.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much. Take care and have a great weekend!

  22. She is gorgeous. A truly lovely post.

  23. Oh my! What an elegant lady! I love seeing Lucy opening the door to see Mr Tumnus. I read the books to my youngest - with the others listening in too but acting too colt be listening to stories - I enjoyed watching the BBC series too. Your Menorah looks great against the night sky! Hugs, Chrisx


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