
Tuesday 30 November 2021

Tuesday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing my last piece for Chris'   all kinds of weather challenge at AJJ. Thanks to Chris who chose a great theme and gave us lots of inspiration.  My journal page shows blue skies, a green leaf, and some positive words, all made for spring. Tomorrow there will be  a new challenge!

I have been busy sorting my photos, and today I am showing a few of my bird photos taken at various times:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a very good selection of bird photographs, I enjoyed them.

    Love the colours in your art-work.

    All the best Jan

  2. Gorgeous art and I love your bird photos!

  3. Fantastic bird shots.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. I love this last spring piece Valerie. It is great to see green and aqua blue as it has been so cold here our half inch of snow hasn't even melted yet. This piece makes me feel happy. And what kind of bird is the one with the orange breast just above the heron photos? I find it so interesting that some of the birds are exactly the same as the ones we have here. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday and end of the month. Hugs-Erika

    1. Ugh, it sounds very cold over there! The first bird is a male bullfinch, the female is much dowdier. Yes, some birds are the same, some are similar, but have differences. Have a great day! Hugs!

  5. First, I bet David is going to be over the moon when he sees all these wonderful bird photos. They are wonderful.

    Second, I love your positive words of wisdom on this journal page. It is so beautiful and I love the green, too. Thanks for yet another and final wonderful journal page for Chris's theme at At Journal Journey. BTW, I just finished my journal page for AJJ tomorrow. Now I have to photograph and schedule it.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I'm trying to keep myself positive just now! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

    2. I'm looking forward to seeing your journal pagd!

  6. Nice art piece and wise words. Beautiful birds.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely post, wonderful birds and a great journal page. Hope you are feeling a bit better. How are your fingers? I hope they are not so sore now. Have a lovel day, I'm hoping for a quiet one today! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! my fingers are getting a bit better but still very painful. It's hard to cope with everything just now, and sometime I jut feel like giving up! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  8. Good morning, Valerie: I will leaving soon to lead my merry Tuesday ornithophiles on a quest to find birds, but even before leaving the house, you provide me with this great array! For that you get extra kisses today, the kind that land too, not those airbrushed excuses! I could go through the pictures and identify them all, but that would be a little pretentious, and you could no doubt do that anyway. Some great species. A gallery, indeed. Damn those fingers for still giving you pain, Valerie. I mean, every single thing you do involves fingers, so it must be necessary to steel yourself to do the most basic tasks. I just poured my coffee, opened the cereal container, poured cereal into the bowl, unscrewed the cap on the milk bottle.....and so on. To do all of that with fingers that repay you with agony seems impossible to contemplate. It is grossly unfair to say the least. I will think of you as I rotate the focussing wheel on my binoculars, something you would no doubt find impossible. You are very brave to keep on blogging and we all appreciate the effort you put into it. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, I can imagine you on your way through the woods, like Robin Hood and his band of merry men (and women) Glad you enjoyed my avian display today. My fingers are starting to get better, the black skin is splitting and peeling off and it huts like hell, but I hope in a few days it will really be better. I'm having a lazy day today, reading and researching in my computer, and later I will put my feet up and watch a film or something on TV. I hope you have a nice time with your group, take care, and take lots of photos to delight us on your blog! Hugs!

  9. Valerie, you not only have a brilliant eye for nature, you know how to shoot it and show it off to its best advantage. Your photos are stunning. And I love the colors and text in your art piece, too. All perfection.

    1. Thanks Jeanie.much appreciated. Hope you are fit and well, hugs, Valerie

  10. I enjoyed your gorgeous photo series, Valerie

    And yes, your beautiful artwork too.

  11. I'm impressed by your bird photos! Mine are always blurry, so I admire the close-ups you get :)

  12. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely art and bird Photos.

  13. Oh my, you got some wonderful shots, especially that blue heron. Gorgeous.
    Love the piece. The colors are wonderful as are the words.

  14. What a beautiful birds photos! White swans look great. We have mostly white ones here but not Black ones. I love Swan bird. Happy December.

    1. Swans are beautiful. Here we have lots of black swans. Have a great, new month!

  15. so sunny day:) it looks like a spring time:)

  16. It looks so stunning. All of it.

  17. Beautiful art and bird photos Valerie!
    I hope your week has got off to a good start.

  18. Hi Valerie! :) Your bird photos are lovely, especially the Mallards!!! I love their colouring.

  19. Oh I love your art today Valerie, you used some of my favorite colors and I love how you added the words! Awesome bird photos, the Blue Heron is gorgeous!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

  20. Thanks Tammy. I love those colours, too! The blue her on likes fishing in the stream by the house here! Have a great week! Hugs!

  21. What a treat! Love your journal page - if the year carries on at this rate it will soon be Spring too! Fabulous to se all those birds - the noisy Jay is my favourite! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris! Roll on spring! Jays and elsters and crows are all noisy!

  22. Nice art page. I like how you do your wording. Your bird photos are stunning. I especially like the little fellow with the bright orange breast.

  23. Thanks for the treat of seeing the birds through your lens!

  24. Stunning art, design and colours, simply gorgeous..x

  25. A fabulous page Valerie and I love how you used the positive words and gave us a promise that spring will be our next season to look forward to once winter has gone.
    The bird photos all looked great, you got real close up to many of them.
    Stay safe and warm.
    Yvonne xx

  26. Oh I love your positive page Valerie, very uplifting, and your bird photos are fabulous, they definitely look like they are posing for you lol. Take care, Sue xx


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