
Thursday 11 November 2021

Thursday /Friday Post

Hi Everybody! 

Thanks for the good wishes yesterday. I went to the doctor yesterday, who examined me and then told me my blood pressure was 240/140 - a tad too high. I got some medication, and had to wait for 20 minutes, then t was measured again and it was down to 220....I got another tablet and had to wait again. Then I got a 24 hour blood-pressure monitor on my arm, so it's measuring every 15 minutes. In the night it will measure every 30 minutes, and tomorrow at 8 a.m. I can give it back. My blood pressure is lower now, about 160, so lets hope it keeps going down!

Today I have a piece for Chris' challenge 'all kinds of weather' at AJJ. The background is a photo taken back in 2014. The view down the steps into what used to be the mot. with the lamppost in the middle always reminds me Narnia, when Lucy went through the wardrobe and met Mr Tumnus, the faun. I used the photo of Erika as Lucy, and added Mr Tumnus and a fairy, as they abound in Narnia:

I am also linking to Rain's Tad, soft, as the snow is soft!

I made this painting in my last art group:

I started off with a collage of scraps which I gessoed over:

Then I painted the background with blue and gold;

I'm not sure why I put the bird in it, but I did. And I made a mess of the eyes, one is too big, aaaargh! The leaf earring was made with a real leaf painted with gold paint:

And this version has been given a digital twist:
I am linking to Paint Party Friday:

A beautiful sunrise:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wow Valerie, good you went to the doctor. Lovely art for the challenges and inspiring memes.

  2. I am so glad you BP is lower now and hope it stays that way. Love your art and the lovely photos.

  3. Hope that everything will be OK with your blood pressure, Valerie. My mother has blood pressure issues and I know how difficult it is. Please take care of yourself.
    I LOVE your painting, my friend. I like the bird you added. And I see no problem if one eye is bigger. It is art, you don't have to make realistic creations, you make anything you like. As for the earring, I love the idea that you used a real leaf.
    Your sunrise photos are, as always, fantastic!
    Kisses, my friend.

  4. Wow so glad you saw the doctor that was a very very high blood pressure reading. hoping with medication it will stay down for you-hugs.
    Your art is always a joy to see, loving your photos and memes hugs take care of yourself Kathy

    1. Thanks Kath. Yes it was very high, even for me, I hope toda will be better!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better today. Yo need to watch your BP very carefully! Have a great day, enjoy your art group this afternoon, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I have to take things seriously! I'm looking forward to art group, it's always fun there! Hugs to all!

  6. Hope your blood pressure drops down to normal. That is scary. I’m loving your art for today. Great page for Chris’ challenge and your painting is super. I love the bird you added. I’m sitting f here waiting for my husband to get our rental car. Luckily our hotel is close by. I’m tired as it may k my be 10:30 in California but it’s 1:30 AM at home. Have a great Thursday. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. A time lapse like that is always difficult. Hope your hubby soon gets the car and that you can rest in your hotel. Have a fun time in California! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Adorable post, lovely images colours and designs. Great pics as always. Take care. xxx

  8. Oh my. Why was your BP that high? It was in dangerous levels.

    1. I always have high BP and take medication, but it has never been that high. Good that I was at the doctor's!

  9. My word, Valerie, those kinds of blood pressure readings are like the fire hydrant exploding and it's a very good thing that you got your self off to the doctor as quickly as you could. The 24 hour blood pressure monitor will tell the complete story as it records even while you are sleeping. I hope that the increased dose of your medication does the trick. As for the face with the crow, I love it! You put so much character into these women you create and the crow zooming by adds interest and drama. Keep on painting, I say. These faces intrigue and delight me! And no more drama or you are going to raise my blood pressure as high as yours! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, it was really scary! Just now the doctor rang me, he said that my BP is much too high, even in the night, and was never under 140. Now he has doubled the amount of the meds, and I should mess my BP mornings and evenings and write it down over 4 weeks to see if there's a pattern. The doc is a nice chap, always very friendly. Glad he rang me so quickly. Now I have ordered a new BP device, the old one is not working properly. I'm not complaining, I'v been using it for good 20 years, so it did it's job well! The new one will be here tomorrow. Glad you like the lady with the crow, I've made another one with a crow, I'll show it soon. I like painting, it is very calming, and this afternoon I'm going to my art group! Don't get over excited with my women, that could really push your BP up! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  10. The top number, systolic pressure, isn't the number that causes worry. It's the bottom number, diastolic pressure. The normal range is 60-90. And if you're doctor kept you waiting for you appointment, no wonder you blood pressure was up! I hope you get that under control soon. The Narnia tag is sweet and your lady is very mysterious. Beautiful sunrise photos like the sky is on fire. We had a sunrise like that this morning. But by the time I got my camera, the light had passed. Take care.

    1. The doc didn't keep me waiting, I just had to wait to see if my BP went down. Both values were constantly too high, even in the night. The doc has changed my BP meds, so hope that will bring something. I've had high blood pressure since I was 14, but never quite so high as this time. It has to get better! Xes, you have to be quick to catch the sun! Have a great day!

  11. Thinking of you....Love the painting you did-and I love the one eye bigger-it has a wonderful look.

    1. Thanks Debra, that cheered me up! Have a great day!

  12. Glad to hear you're feeling well Vj.
    Another awesome post

  13. Luv your funnies. Friends are like boobs😆😆😆 nice sunrises. And luv your girl and bird art.
    Happy Thursday. Thanks for dropping by my blog


    1. Thanks Gillena, have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  14. My blood pressure is always higher at the dr office, so I've bought a little home machine so I can keep an eye on it. I hope your numbers continue to improve.

    1. Yes, those little hand machines are good. My old one was broken so I ordered a new one from Amazon, it should be here tomorrow.

  15. Thank you for your wonderful art and glorious photos! Please stay well!

  16. Your sunrises are always amazing. Love all the pieces but especially the first one. Hoping today is a good one and that you are feeling much, much better.

  17. Wonderful art Valerie, I love both pieces.
    Lovely photos too, and great memes
    I'm glad your doctor was able to help, and you're feeling better.
    Take care,

  18. I hope you BP is down today Valerie, that was a tad on the high side! Lovely art works, I really like your bird lady. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, it Sure was too high! Have a great day!

  19. love your soft winter.
    Really loved o see how you acheived the Lady art. It was intersting and it turned out so well. :)

  20. Beautiful sunrise photos. We don't see the sunrise very well from our house -- too many other houses, and a hill to the east as well. I love to see the sunrise when I'm on a ship, and I always take photos then.

    That's a very scary bloodpressure reading -- I hope your docs can help you lower it soon.

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae! I love the sunrise, and the view from the window is definitely the best part of my apartment! My blood pressure is still high, 160/ 110 this morning, but it's slowly going down. No colourful sunrise this morning, just morning mist, but I like that, too! Have a great day!

  21. Gorgeous art Valerie, I love that lady with all of the gold touches, that leaf earring is beautiful! Fantastic sunrise photos today and take care of yourself.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, Glad you like the earring! Have a great day, hugs!

  22. It sounds that your Doctor is keeping a good eye on you ...
    Hoping that the improved medication will help.

    Keep enjoying your art, you must find it relaxing.
    I love the Narnia tag and the sunrise is amazing.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, Narnia is always a favourite of mine!

  23. Wonderful art. Hope your BP is down now.

    1. Thanks Nasreen , it's slowly going down. Thanks so much for asking! Hugs!

  24. I really worry about you, dear. This sounds dangerous, especially if the condition is chronic. I hope the new meds work wonders.

    I absolutely LOVE the journal page with Erika and Narnia. It's great for Chris's theme at AJJ and also Rain's TAD.

    I really like that woman with the leaf earring. She is quirky and fun. I also enjoyed your memes and photos, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it is a chronic condition, but it's risen to new levels! It's down a bit now, so the meds seem to be working. Don't worry, life's too short for worries! Hugs, Valerie

  25. Hopefully they can get the high blood pressure under control and you feel better soon. Love the colors in the sunrise photos. Maother nature is an artist for sure.

  26. I never understand those blood pressure figures, mainly because mine is usually quite normal, but the other half suffers with his blood pressure and has to take it daily. Hope yours settles soon with or without medication (preferably without).
    Love your journal page - what a beautiful picture you started off with, the icy branches look beautiful and I love the addition of the Narnia figures.
    Very impressive painting, I love seeing your portraits, always so bold and, of course, I so enjoyed your sunrises.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! I Hope my BP continues to improve. It's still too high but lower than it was. Have a great day,!

  27. I hope your blood pressure is under control now. Nice art pieces and lovely sunrise. Good quotes.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I have to measure my BP mornings and evenings, lets hope it gets better! Have a great day!

  28. Brilliant Narnia and fab painting. Thanks for pics. Have a good and calm weekend. Vee xx

    1. Thanks Vee, I am taking things very easy just now! Have a great weekend!

  29. Happy Friday Valerie


  30. LOL at Tweety...Valerie I LOVE that you are adding these little thinkies. I love your take on Soft too...and the sun in the sky, lovely photos. I do hope your blood pressure stabilizes, that's kind of scary!

    1. Thanks Rain, it's really scary with my blood pressure, I hope it stabilizes itself soon. Have a great weekend!

  31. Valerie ~ do hope you are better and taking good care of YOU ~ sending lots of distant reiki healing energy hugs to you ~ Your art and photos are always divine!

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, especially for the healing energy! Have a great week, hugs!

  32. I hope that you can control your BP better. I, too, have issues with it, but my BP is not as high as yours, though it is high enough. I take Telmesarten but probably need a second drug, too. We'll see.

    1. I hope I will get it down a bit with the new medicament! Have a great weekend!

  33. What a scare - I hope that the new meds work. I think I am going too have to have my Diabetes meds looked at as I seem to be getting high blood sugar readings lately - I am making assumptions that it may be because of the poster jab I had. I love the Narnia page - that lamp post does look very Narnia! Thanks for this great addition for my theme at AJJ. The lady with the crow is so striking. Absolutely brilliant sky pics - will be trying to catch up after 3 days on the run of being out all day, Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. The very high BP was a shock, but it's going down slowly. Have a great weekend!

  34. Gosh that is a bit high, glad you went to the doctor, hope you are feeling better now. Love your Narnia photos, I'm visiting for TAD but a bit late as I couldn't link up yesterday. Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, Narnia is always a wonderful place! Have a great day!


  35. First of all, I wish you good health. This portrait of a woman and a bird is beautiful. The bird adds mystery to the picture. Have a nice weekend:)

    1. Thanks Lucyna, much appreciated! Have a great weekend, stay safe! Hugs!

  36. That BP def. was way to high:(:( Glad it's being monitored. Do you have your own BP cuff so you can take it regularly? I have my own since being put on a BP med.
    Your wintery photo is a perfect backdrop for your journal page. Nice vibrant portrait painting. Be well, and happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda. My BP cuff stopped working. I'm not complaining, I've had it for 20 years! Today my new one from Amazon came, so I can monitor myself and keep track. Have a great weekend, Stay safe!

  37. I hope you blood pressure is down and behaving as it should Valerie. Beautiful Narnai esque journal page. Lovely art work.

  38. The blood pressure thing is very scary. I'm so glad you were able to get an appointment with the doc and that he would give you treatment and follow-up with the monitor. I hope they can straighten things out permanently.

    As always, love the art and photos!


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