
Friday 26 November 2021

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

It's Friday already, where did the week go?

Today I have 2 pieces to share. The first is a hybrid piece made from 2 photos taken from my balcony and some digital elements. I am linking to  Chris' all kinds of weather challenge at AJJ:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday:

I have been busy catching up on Lifebook 2021 and Effy Wild's weekly Journal Jam on FB, and now I have no idea who inspired this lesson, sorry. I need to write the names on the backs of the paintings. As far as I remember the lady was dressed in black in the original, but for some reason I made her green. The bird sitting on her shoulder is a lesser spotted, blue spiked  great Tail, a bird unique to the realm of Balconia-by-the Rhine, as David will probably know:

Early morning from my balcony the lights in the distance are from the airport:

Our Canadian visitors like frosty weather:

Some fields were still full of frost:

And today was also cold and frosty!

Have a great day, take,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. These pictures are just amazing! watching these birds are so soothing. Wonderful and Lovely Post dear! xoxo

  2. Lovely art and photos today Valerie!

  3. beautiful art-I am really liking the lady in green and the bird. beautiful photos too-Happy Friday hugs Kathy

  4. Hi Val, good morning. Love this post, the frosty photos are beautiful and your art is fabulous, love the cheeky expression on your quirky girl's face! Have a wonderful day. All is well here, hugs from all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great day, hugs to all!!

  5. Fabulous page for AJJ, and I love the painting. We have a balcony on our bungalow as it on a slope, but haven’t seen a bird like that lol
    Hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy, these birds are ONLY seen in Balconia-by-the-Rhine, and even here they are rare! Hugs!

  6. Good morning Valerie: Such a post to fill a bird lover's heart with gladness. I was already enamoured of the small tit on the first piece, but I went from enamoured to gobsmacked in an instant. I know that a good deal of your life had been spent discovering the incredibly rare and geographically restricted birds of Balconia, but to see such a legendary species as the Lesser-spotted blue-spiked Great Tail is beyond incredible. As far as I know - and in this I am unanimous - you are the only person ever to have seen it, and without doubt the only person to record it in such glorious detail. It is an added bonus that you have revealed a hitherto unknown behaviour, namely the proclivity to perch on the shoulder of green dress-wearing women. The knowledge of the life history of this species has been greatly enhanced by the discovery. The expression on the face of the woman conveys her absolute delight in being favoured by the bird, despite the ever present danger of stains on the fabric, if you know what I mean. Let's just hope the bird has not been eating purple berries. Following the ecstasy of the Lesser-spotted blue-spiked Great Tail I was treated to the sheer joy of hardy Canada Geese, shrugging off the frost, stoically munching on the grass, brave and dignified Canadian toughies that they are. It has been a bird lover's delight. I expect that soon you will discover the Greater-spotted green-spiked Pink Tail, a cousin of the Lesser-spotted blue-spiked Great Tail, and a bird rumoured to be able to breed by parthenogenesis. There is intrigue in the air and you are the sleuth to track it all down. Ever in awe of your prowess Frau Professor Valerie. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, thanks for the smiles. I'm glad I was able to inspire you with this new bird and will certainly start looking for other varieties of the same! And I can imagine your joy at seeing all of those wonderful Canadian Geese flying the flag for your Dominion, and honouring us by eating our lawns bare and pooping copiously to fertilize future growth! And that even by bad weather! I went for a walk this morning, it was cold and frosty with a sharp North wind, brrr. As it was so cold I treated myself to a raisin and cinnamon swirl from the bakers, it's well known that things like that keep you warm on cold days! Have a great day, I'm sure you will be off for a bird walk, perhaps with the lovely Lily! Big hugs!

  7. The hybrid journal page is so pretty and I like the Green Woman, a modern Mother Nature. Amazing cloud photos. Is the blackbird looking at the geese and wondering what are they eating? Enjoy your day!

    1. Hmmm, good question! Actually he was watching another blackbird! Mother Nature is a good name, thanks! Have a great day!

  8. Both art pieces are beautiful. I like the early morning photos. The Canadian visitors are fun to watch. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Nancy. I love the early morning skies, too!

  9. Love the frosty photos - not being out when it is so cold though.
    What a good idea that is to make Green be the New Black - good for the environment and a lovely painting too.
    As for your other journal page with the photo from your balcony in it - it is a delight to look at. What a lovely composition you have made to frame the photo.
    Well done Valerie, it really is so beautiful.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks so much Neet! It was frosty when I went out this morning, I had my thick coat on and had to walk as fast as I could to get warm! But frost looks so beautiful! Have a great day, take care!

  10. I love the birds into today's art Valerie. Your digital piece is lovely. It feels like early fall to me. I wonder if I got the season correct. And perfect for Chris' challenge too. And the lady in green is very festive. I think she has to be better in green than black. Everyone can use a little color. And the frosty looks beautiful. They say we may get a bit more than frosty here tonight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it is only rain. Have a wonderful start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It's definitely Autumn we have some lovely, misty mornings! Yes, colour is good! I hope our weather will not bring you ice and snow! Have a great day, hugs, valerie

  11. That green in your painting is very striking. I love that shade of green. Very nicely done.

  12. Hi Val, Bill here! Beautiful Green Lady today!

  13. Beautiful collage art!! Love your bright girl in green with her quirky bird. Nice to see the nature photos too. happy PPF and enjoy the weekend!

  14. Very elegant digital artwork and divine photography ~ Hope all is well with you ~

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Love your art-as always! Hope your weekend is wonderful.

    1. Thanks Debra, have a great weekend, too! Take care!

  16. Your hybrid piece is lovely and your lady and bird delightful. Hello to my fellow Canadians. I hope they enjoy their visit and don’t get picked off by too many hunters.

    1. Thanks Teresa! The geese are still protected, so they can keep eating!

  17. Your photos really capture the early-winter feeling of new chilly times from sunrise through the day. It's the same here.

    best... mae at

  18. Loving your green girl! Your photos are always the best! Happy PPF!

  19. Beautiful change of weather scenes. Thanks for sharing your frost. Warm Wishes


  20. Great art Valerie, I do love your painting and how you've captured that 'rare' bird. Love the frosty photos, we had snow last night, but very wet and slushy.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. It's very cold here, but no snow. Have a great Weekend!

  21. Lovely lady in green. The icy leaves look great.

  22. Lovely pages, Valerie. I like your digital page - very pretty elements to go with your words. The lady in green is fab and I really think that green is the new black for sure. Great pictures, the ice on those leaves got me. I may do something today with icy leaves.....Have a great weekend. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving! I love green although I never wear it as it makes me look ale and sickly, but it's a beautiful colour in all its varied shades. Have a fun weekend! Hugs!

  23. Your hybrid page is so beautiful Valerie - the Keats poem is one of the few I still remember the first lines of. Thanks so much for sharing at AJJ. Oh those faces! The bird and the girl are both wonderful!
    I love seeing the frosty pics but it has been really cold here today so don't really want to shiver more but you really have captured the beginning of Winter! Take care, stay warm this weekend, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, it's very cold again Here, I stayed home and painted. Have a great Weekend hugs, Valerie

    2. I think we all had to learn Keats and Shelly and all the others at school!

  24. GOrgeous skies, birds, art. Happy Weekend!

  25. I love the painting of the girl and the bird, it's so pretty. :D

  26. my favorite today are the Weather art. They are gorgeous. The way you mixed photo elements is great. A beautiful desigen. Love it.
    The lady and the nature shots are very nice too. :)

    1. Thanks Monica, I like mixing various elements. Have a great week!

  27. OMGosh this is a stunning post. The art is so lovely.

  28. A late visit Valerie, fabulous art pages and wonderful photos of the airport from your balcony. I hope you are okay and the storms we had didn't get to your part of Europe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, the storms passed us by this time. Have a great week, hugs!

  29. You capture such lovely scenes from your balcony!


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