
Saturday 16 October 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's hoping we all have an enjoyable, relaxing and safe weekend.

Today I have 2 more pieces to share. The first is an A3 mixed media portrait inspired by Melanie River's wonderful lesson on LB, 'Between the boundaries'. Melanie's piece was in schwarz-weiß, but I added some neutral tones to mine, and painted over some of the lines to soften them. I used book paper and kraft paper pasted to white water-colour paper. It took a long time as I need to rest my hands in between, but slowly I'm getting there....

The second piece was inspired by the lesson from Rachel Kentish, which I also enjoyed. I used a home made stencil to draw the circles, and painted them with various earthy, autumn colours, with gold paint used for the centres

I am also linking to Tracey's Colours of October challenge at AJJ

On Thursday afternoon I went to my art group, it's nice to meet up with other people there. We are all masked and have to keep our distance, but it was still enjoyable. I took these photos on our street and in the park of the Diakonie:

And some funnies/ thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Ohhh Valerie these are amazing. That first one is stunning. Have a nice evening.

  2. Both of these are pieces are amazing Valerie. I love the black and white/neutrals piece. You really pushed some boundaries. These classes are really challenging you nicely. And fall is looking beautiful in your area. Nice photos. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It was hard to paint because it's different to what I usually do, but I enjoyed the process and it's fun to experiment! have a great week, hugs!

  3. It good to listen.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Both art works are amazing and unique vj

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling well today. Your art is fabulous, both pieces. The face is really amazing. Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah, have a great weekend, hugs to all!

  6. Beautifula pages! And very nice photos 😃

  7. Hello Valerie: Can you imagine if the children of mixed race couple were as depicted here, one side white/whitish, the other side black/dark! Now wouldn't that be interesting? Bigots would have to love one half of you and not the other! The weekend is here! Party time! Get out your best dress and high heeled shoes and get ready to have fun! Not for you, you say? Well, not for me either. So we'll both lounge at home in comfy clothes and drink coffee and/or wine. There comes a time when that is the equivalent of partying! I was supposed to lead a bird walk this morning but Mother Nature is in a fit of pique and decided to pee all over us. The rain is falling and is predicted to continue for most of the weekend so I had to cancel. There are many things in life we can control, but weather is not one of them. I hope it's fine where you are and you can go for a walk, and enjoy all the benefits of Balconia. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David. People are people, whatever thee colour, race or creed, colour doesn't matter, being a good person does. I wish I still had a best dress and high heels! I have one pair of funky shoes saved to remind me of the time where I could still run around in them, but these days it's sneakers and boots! And instead of a fancy dress a warm, fleece hoody. And yes, I'm drinking coffee to warm up after my walk. The sun is shining but it's cold. Sorry Mother Nature rained on your parade today, but rainy days are so good for catching up on reading, sitting with your feet up and just enjoying life. Have a great day, enjoy your weekende. Hugs!

  8. Your two-toned lady is elegant and beautiful. The circle piece is gorgeous too. It reminds me of a beautiful silk cloth.

    1. Thanks Teresa, glad you liked it, I had fun with the painting! Have a great weekend!

  9. I love the artworks,
    both are lovely and very interesting.
    Nice pics ♥


  10. Your beautiful lady looks so serene. The circles remind me of flowers and you captured their colors from the photos you took of Fall colors in your area.

    1. Thanks CJ, I'm in autumn mode just now! Enjoy your weekend!

  11. Beautiful art Valerie, I love the added crow on the first piece, and the colours you used for the second.
    Great autumn photos and memes!
    Happy weekend,

    1. Thanks Alison. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  12. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely art and photos as always!

  13. I did like Melanie Rivers' taster lesson a lot, and your take on it is really good. I like that you added neutral colors, it gives the portrait a lot of depth. Beautiful photos - I see quite some fall colors and also trees that are losing their leaves and will be bare soon. And that pampas grass!

    1. Thanks Carola! Pampas grass is very fashionable here! Have a great weekend!

  14. I enjoyed both of these taster entries you shared today. There was no way I could draw that lovely face or the bird, but this was just incredible. You did a beautiful job because I know faces are your thing. I also really enjoyed the circles you created. I haven't seen her taster lesson yet, but I feel confident I could create something similar to what Rachel Kentish created. Thanks for sharing these with us and with Art Journal Journey and Tracey's theme.

    So good you could go to your art group. I think it would be wonderful to create art with like minded art friends.

    As always I loved the photos, but those flower boxes on that home(?) were spectacular. That was my favorite photo. And of course I liked the funnies, too. When I read that first one, I thought of William Shatner who headed into space this past week. Age 95, quite a feat! Better than zip lining, that's for sure!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, glad you liked it all. Rachel's lesson is well worth watching. The flower boxes on the building are where I go for my art group, it's a beautiful, old building and I like walking there. Yes, Shatner was brave to take the trip. Zip lining woud not be my thing these days!

  15. Das ist wunderschön und wie du deine eigene Farbe ausgedacht hast ist mal wieder grossartig, ich liebe es das Gesicht und auch diese Kreise . Toll dass du den Schnupperkurs mit machst.
    Toll die Witze dabei und den schönen Herbst hast du eingefangen bei dir auf deine Fotos!
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Sonntag und danke für deinen Kommentar!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Elke! Der Schnupperkurs ist toll, heute ist die letzte Chance dort mitzumachen. Dir auch eine gute Woche!

  16. I really enjoyed this post, the memes resonated and I love autumn so seeing your autumnal pictures was fabulous. I'm so glad you enjoyed my taster lessons and I love your autumnal inspired circles!

    1. Thanks Rachel, I enjoyed your lesson very much, when I was in a clinic last year we had mindfulness lessons every day. At first i couldn't understand just sitting there and seemingly doing nothing but after a couple of days I got into it and it was so calming. I will definitely make more of those circles, too. Have a great day!

  17. Your work is always so beautiful and interesting. More great pics. The yellow statement is really me :) V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, I know what you mean, I think a lot of us are going through it! Have a great day, hugs!

  18. You have such gorgeous Autumn color there!

  19. Your photographs are beautiful, I love the first set with the brick buildings and the Virginia Creeper (is it?) - they would make great collages for October themes.
    Your first journal page - the drawing just blew me away. I love it. You are very talented Valerie, I wish I could come up with something half as good as this. I love that you used neutrals instead of black and white and the placement of the paint itself is lovely.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I love the Virginia Creeper, too, so pretty and colourful. Gad you liked 'my' face, I had fun working on it. The black and white was just too harsh for me, so I added the neutrals and liked it better then. Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  20. Love the art Valerie. I was able to watch a few of the lessons but no time to get anything on paper. I don't think I would have even attempted that portrait - yours is fabulous.The building and the area around it look beautiful - to be sharing art time with others too would be great! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. ThaNKS Chris. Glad you like the portrait, it was hard to do, but fun! Have a great week, hugs!

  21. You really have done an amazing job with both lessons Valerie, adding neutrals in Melanie's was a grand choice looks like a high class print and I love those Autumnal circles, each so detailed i'm not surprised you needed to take a break and rest those hands. Beautiful shares for my AJJ theme, i'm so honoured.
    Your funnies made me laugh, especially the underwear one :)) but Dalai Lama is very very wise. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you Like my pieces, I had fun making them. Have a great week! Hugs!

  22. So pleased you can get-together at art group ...

    I enjoyed your art, your photographs and your memes.

    All the best Jan

  23. Great art - always a treat to see what you are learning and doing. I so wish I could do it with you! Love the Fall pictures.

    The wise words here have touched me today - especially the Dalia Lama's. Amazing.

    Love this post, Valerie. Hugz


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