
Thursday 7 October 2021

Thursday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing another piece from Toni Burt's class ,'quirky girl' in the Lifebook Taster sessions. I messed up with a big blob on her mouth, and had to gesso over it and then redo it.

And then I magicked it into a frame and added the embellishments and text in my graphics programme. I am linking to Tracey's colours of October challenge at AJJ

Some archive photos from a walk through our little town in October 2016:

Some funnies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi, Valerie! Your piece "Quirky Woman" is striking. I love that she seems mature, but I now have the Beatles "Blackbird" stuck in my brain. Your photos are lovely. I always enjoy seeing another place through local eyes. Oh how I miss hollyhocks! I haven't come across them in Colorado, but I remember them so well from my childhood. Have a happy and safe weekend! Sending you a big hug!

    1. Thanks Louise, glad you like her. Yes, I've been singing blackbird, too, since I made that page! I love hollyhocks, too, I marvelled at those huge plants when I was a little girl! Have a great day, hugs!

  2. Beautiful art and a lovely look back at photos I love that last quote, so profound.

    1. Thanks Christine, the last quote is really beautiful.

  3. Fabulous art.
    Always nice to have a look back at older photographs, a nice selection here.

    Happy Thursday Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  4. TWICE I got a broken link error when I tried to leave a comment. You did a great job with the image and turned it into a wonderful entry for Tracey's theme at AJJ.

    Nice photos from 2016, too.

    1. Sorry, that's been happening on Blogger a lot lately.

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love your art today, so different and really beautiful, great colours, too. Have a relaxing day, take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

  6. Nice art "quirky girl". Great photos from the archives. Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Nancy, glad you like it! You have a great day, too!

  7. I love your quirky girl Valerie, and the fabulous page you made with her.
    And I love the black sign about loving for no reason in the same way that some people hate for no reason.
    Happy Thursday,

    1. Thanks Alison, this was my fourth attempt, so I'm glad I managed it. And yes, love is so much better than hate! Have a great day!

  8. Love the monocled quirky girl - that looks like a fun class! Super cool page! Love how you dressed it up with the frame and words too. Fun colors too.

    Great town pictures from your stash.

    Love the funnies as always. I definitely think people have an October too. Love the sign about love - so sweet.


    1. Thanks Nancy. I enjoy doing digital frame-ups of my pages. It was a fun challenge. I think we really have an October, although at the moment I feel more like November!

  9. Good morning Valerie: I can easily bring to mind people for whom a blob over the mouth would be a very positive development. Permanent. Stuck down with unbreakable glue. I think you should expand this theme and feature demagogues, tyrants, climate change deniers, anti-vaccination rioters - and others. Here are my suggestions for starters: Trump, Balsonaro, did I mention Trump?, Trump, Jr, Boris Johnson, Scott Morrison. I can add more any time you wish but that should be sufficient to get you going. I will look forward to seeing the results of your work! The sign about being capable of love without knowing is enough to make us all think. Some people hate others blindly, for the most trivial of reasons, none of it based on reality, but would probably scoff at the idea of universal love (add respect in there too), but that's what the world needs. Facebook, it seems, is dedicated to fomenting, enabling and stimulating the opposite. Have to make even more mega billions of dollars after all, and if a few thousand girls become anorexic, or insurrectionists feel validated, that's a small price to pay. The world has gone crazy. Let me take another sip of my coffee. The delicious taste is one thing I can count on. For now...... Hugs, hugs, hugs, kisses, kisses, kisses. David

    1. David, you are so right. There are so many people who need to keep their mouths shut, I try not to think of them, because it makes my blood boil. But your suggestions are all good, I have the feeling that they get more and more. Money and power are ruling the world, people can take day.trips into space and meanwhile the world is being destroyed by floods, fires, hunger and war aimed at the weakest of the weak. A bad situation. And then there are all those 'professional' protesters and constant moaners - even in blogland - who never do anything to help themselves but just moan over their hard lives. Okay, I'm stopping there, enough is enough. Let's try to spread love and friendship and do what we can stay on an even keel. The world needs love, and coffee and kisses! Hugs to you!

  10. Your lady is so lovely Valerie. You did a beautiful job. Funny about the mouth. I had the same problem on a page yesterday. You framed your lady perfectly for AJJ. Its another beauty to add. And nice to see those pretty photos again. I hope you are feeling well and having a wonderful week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. This was my fourth attempt, I kept getting everything messed up with the drippy colours! It's annoying, isn't it, when something gets messed up, I hope you could save your page yesterday. Have a great day, hugs!

  11. Fabulous face Valerie and I love the magicked frame. Lovely to see those photos with those fabulous Autumn blues! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, we need a bit of magic here and there! Have a lovely day, take care! Hugs!

  12. Your woman is beautiful. Adding the blackbird really makes her colors pop. Your sky photos are amazing. The way you captured the water jets in the walking man fountain looks like the water is walking and following the man. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ! Perhaps the water was following the man, you new know! Have a great day!

    2. That should have been, you never know!

  13. Valerie I think this is one of your best piece of art. Just stunning. The photos are lovely and I enjoyed the funnies.

  14. Your quirky girl has a lot of character and attitude. I like the colors you used with her.

    Your town certainly has character, too. What a treat it must be to walk there.

    1. Thanks, our little town is a good place to live!

  15. Oh I love the extra photos-the love sign is great! Those photos of the pink hollyhocks-so pretty! And I LOVE your art! Love how spontaneous it is, and the colors too. Great!

  16. Hi Val, Bill here! Love that face, beautiful!

  17. Wonderful art work once again Valerie. Your town is an interesting place to have a walk around.

    1. Thanks Sue. It's a very ancient town, and the streets still follow the pattern of the middle ages.

  18. Your quirky girl is beautiful Valerie, love the bright colors! Great photos of your town, it looks like a wonderful place to live.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, glad you like it! Have a wonderful day!

  19. Love that quirky girl, I watched that tutorial the other day whilst at home on the phone waiting in a queue to book in vaccine/flu appointments. I do love pencil and watercolour together. You did a fab job, no matter little hiccups in between. Love how you gave it a matching frame. Well done again my friend, so happy you shared it @ AJJ for my theme. Lovely walk today, is that hollyhocks I see..??
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey! Don't we all love phone queues? Grrrrrr! Yes, we have ots of hollyhocks here, they fit so well to the old fashioned buildings! Have a great day, hugs!

  20. Your quirky lady looks amazing Valerie and I love how you altered the page to fit with the AJJ challenge, it looks a great course to follow.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, have a great week, take care! Hugs!


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