
Saturday 4 September 2021

Weekend Post

 Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!

This has been another busy week for me, we had several new challenges at various blogs, and a new challenge will be beginning tomorrow at More Mixed Media. And to top it all, I had more tests and examinations at the neurologist, and the results were not so good. On top of all the other chronical illnesses I have now developed a polyneuropathy, which is the simultaneous malfunction of many peripheral nerves throughout the body The nerves, especially on my right side, are damaged. This causes pains, trembling, dizziness, strange sensations of  cold or heat, 'pins and needles', numbness, cramps, spasms, eye problems  and many other nasty complications. I have fallen several times in the past weeks, too. But as we know - fall down, get up, straighten your crown, carry on. It won't get better, but I can do some physio therapy to stop it getting worse too quickly, and walking is also good, I will just have to walk a bit less than before....I won't be able to draw, paint or write very well, but mixed media art is still a good possibility, and I have to do what I can and leave what I can't. I don't want to moan, I have to accept this, and I hate it when people do nothing other than moan about their hard lives. I have to accept the situation as it is. But sometimes I might need to take a day off from blogging, or do less commenting. I didn't get round to all blogs this past week, either, so sorry if I missed yours! And above all, we all need to be thankful for all the things we can do, instead of complaining about what we can't.

Tomorrow, Sunday, we are starting  a new challenge at More Mixed Media. as always, our challenges are anything mixed media goes, this time with brown as an optional colour choice. Brown reminded me of steam punk, and in my steampunk folder I found lots of ready cut pieces, which I put together on corrugated card to make my journal page, which is about 8" x 8". I added some lace, string and some Utee gold embossing powder. I am showing this a day earlier as I want to be able to rest tomorrow:

And as this is vintage, I am also linking to Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ.

Wendy is keeping me on my toes, she's also hosting the challenge at Tag Tuesday, so this is my last sea-shell tag for it. The quote is, of course, from Shakespeare:

Some Shells:

And some funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Terrific post ~ I love your outlook ~ you may have to walk and blog less, but you can still do mixed media :) Loving the 3D train and the textures. Terrific seashore pictures and tag too. The funnies definitely made me smile, especially the women about cleaning as I was wishing just that as I cleaned my bathroom today (sigh) Looking forward to my oldest coming home for the weekend with my grandog! Enjoy & I'll be praying for you!!

    1. Thanks Karen! I think nobody likes scrubbing baths and bathrooms! Have fun with your oldest when he comes home, enjoy your weekend! Hugs!

  2. Take care of yourself Valerie you sure have the right attitude. It is good they can give you a good diagnosis.

    Beautiful art and photos. I love the last meme.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a wonderful weekend, hugs!

  3. This is not good news, Valerie. However, your attitude is such that I know you are strong enough to slow your condition down a bit. I wish there was something I could do for you, but at least you are good at mixed media, as your beautiful entry shows. It's perfect for Art Journal Journey and Wendy's theme, too. I also was thinking I might try steampunk in the future, but it would be nothing like your incredible entry, dear.

    Nice seashell tag and great photos of shells and sandy beaches. Please don't worry about leaving me comments if you are not feeling well. I'd rather you spent the time resting and getting better.

    1. Hi Elizabeth, thanks! I haven't made anything steampunk in a long time, so this was fun. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  4. I think we're all allowed one day (maybe two -- but not consecutive) for a personal pity party. Get it out. Beat it, whip it, curse it. Break a few things but nothing you really love. And then deal with it, adjust to it, learn how to work within new parameters. One day at a time. It sounds like that's exactly what you are doing. I'm so sorry that you got this diagnosis. On top of everything else it hardly seems fair, but then no one ever told us life was fair. I love how you are approaching it. But always know that if you just need to have one of those days, where a rant is the only thing that will help, don't hesitate to rant at me and, I would bet, any of your friends. We'll listen. Can't fix it. But we'll listen. And be there. You are a strong, tough woman and you can do this. You will not be alone. There is great power in your words and outlook and that will be a great help.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, just wrote a long reply and it disappeared! I've been mentally throwing things - and some people - out of the window, that helps without breaking my pretty china! Life is never fair, we just have to get on with it! Hugs!

  5. I like Mr Crab or is Mrs Crab.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Beautiful post but my concern is your health....take care and sending love n hugs. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, have a great day, hugs to you and Miss B!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! It's really not good with the new diagnosis, but you are strong, and I'm sure you will get to grips with it like you have done with everything else! I hope you have some sunshine today, here it's grey and cloudy again. Look after yourself, hugs from us all!

    1. Thanks Sarah. No sunshine here yet, still grey, wet and cold. A good day to rest up! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  8. My word, Valerie, this is awful news. You were already coping with a great deal and this is tantamount to piling on. It's easy to talk about picking yourself up and dusting yourself off and soldiering on, but that is far easier said than done. No rational person would deem it mere complaining to voice the frustration involved with reduced ability to function and do the things one loves to do. The reality of it all imposes itself on every mundane activity you hitherto took for granted. It is terrible diagnosis, and that's the truth of it. The fact that you live alone must make it all so much more difficult to deal with. If Miriam or I have something as insignificant as a bad cold the other is there to make a welcome cup of tea, cook some soup, fetch a blanket. You have to drag yourself up to do it all yourself. I am dismayed to contemplate how you must be feeling and what you are going through. It is simply quite awful. These are the times when a blogging friendship developed between continents is totally inadequate. If only we could provide some hands on help, even in the form of a friendly visit, an invitation to dinner, help with grocery shopping, clean the apartment for you. I feel totally powerless. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, I know it's not good news, but I have to come to terms with it, which is not easy. My neighbour drives me to the shops once a week, and there are other neighbours here in our house who have also offered help at various times, so I will have to take it! My health insurance will part of the costs to get a cleaning lady to give the place a clean through every week or so, and that will help, too. I am feeling bad about it all, that's true, but I need to accept it and keep on doing what I can. Are you sure you couldn't pop over here and then to bring me a coffee? That would be nice indeed! Thanks for your sympathy and concern, that means a lot to me. Have a great day, take care, and I hope you have photos of Lily to show! Hugs to you both!

  9. Sorry, I sneaked a read at David's comments and agree wholeheartedly with the end bit. (He seems a lovely friend, did you know he left me a comment last month - so nice of him). I remember when I lived alone how I would have welcomed someone to make me a cup of coffee, nip to the shops etc. I am so sorry to hear your news Valerie and I hope your friends and neighbours can help when necessary. In the meantime, rest when your body says 'rest' and remember if a visitor doesn't like the dust you can show them the dusters.
    Now, I came on here to say how much I liked your steampunk page. It looks very dimensional and I love the gold on the ribs of the corrugated card. You have some fabulous images there and the script is lovely too. I particularly like the "planes, trains and automobiles" and the advert peeking out at the back. A super page Valerie - now sit back and rest.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps lovely photos as usual and the funnies are great. Sending the last one to a friend who needs reminding.
    ps I just remembered, sometimes I would fill a flask full of hot water so I could make a drink quickly without having to stand and wait for the water to boil xx

    1. Hi Neet! David is indeed a lovely friend with a kind heart and a clever mind! I was lucky to find lots of already stamped and cut out steampunk pieces, so this went together quickly! And I love using cardboard, it costs nothing and looks good! I have friends and neighbours who will help me, so that's good. Dust and I are old friends, we tolerate each other. Everyone I know knows that they are always welcome, but have to accept my untidy and dusty apartment as it is! That's a good tip with the flask of hot water, thanks, I will do that, especially now where it's cooling down. Have a great weekend, Neet, take care, hugs!

  10. Oh Valerie. It makes me sad to read about your latest diagnosis. It sounds horrible, especially knowing what it means in the long run. Hopefully the therapy will help control the spread so you can get on top of this. It sounds like you have a good attitude though, and it is true, we can only do what we can do. But hopefully you can make those adjustments and carry on, crown high. One thing that is not fair about an all together not fair life is that when we finally get wiser our bodies just get older. There's not much we can do about it though, is there?
    I am loving your art today. Those vintage images of the firetruck and train and wonderful. I love the rusty gear also. You shell tag is another amazing piece.
    Take care of yourself please, and if you need to not be blogging as much as you do, you know we will be happy to see you when you post. Sending big loving hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks for the big hugs, I need them just now! And you're right about getting wiser but older, too, at the same time. I was so happy to find a folder full of steampunk bits, and I have enough for another piece, too, that's a bonus! Have a great weekend, enjoy Labour Day, too. Hugs!

  11. Good morning Valerie, I love your art and your photos-especially those sea shells. I agree we must always look at the positives and what we can do not what we can't do-I have learned that from my husband who has had medical challenges since a child Have a good weekend sending hugs and love Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, sea-shells always have something magical about them, I have collected them since my childhood. Yes, it's important to stay positive and to take one day at a time! Enjoy your weekend, take care!

  12. Hi Val, Bill here, sorry you aren't feeling well, hope it's soon better!

  13. What a wonderful mixed media creation. Love the ohter one was well. Really sorry to hear about your medical issues. Hope that your physio will help. Be well. Anesha x

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your health issues Valerie. It's good that you now have a diagnosis and can take measures to help. You are amazingly positive considering.
    Your art is wonderful as always, and lovely photos and Funnies/wise words.
    Take care of yourself,

  15. Sorry to hear about the health issues. Your a very positive person, and I know you can do it! Art is great, and love the little kitty with a hat. :)

  16. Oh my! that's a lot to come to terms with - not sure I could be as positive as you are. I hope your friends are on hand to help. Meanwhile mixed media is certainly something you are so good at! This page is fantastic and your tag is full of beautiful things, including the Shakespeare quote. Absolutely love that last quote, Take care, hugs, Chrisx

  17. Val, I'm truly sorry you have so many issues to deal with. Life definitely isn't fair. Good on you for having a strong attitude.
    As always love, the pieces. That second poem is wondrous.
    Warm beautiful pictures and love everyone of those memes.

  18. I am sorry to hear you have another health issue to deal with Valerie, I am sure your positive self will do the best you can. Love the last saying and your art work is wonderful.

    1. Thanks Sue. That last saying is my fave, too! Have a great day!

  19. Terrific post ~ I love your outlook ~

  20. Liebe Valerie, das zu lesen zu müssen erfreut mich nicht so wie deine wunderbaren Kunstwerken, aber ich bin froh dass du dich immer wieder aufrappelst und stark durch das Leben gehst. Dein Wollen ist dein Wille und so wünsche ich dir alles liebe und weiterhin viel Kraft!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  21. So sorry to hear that you are suffering again, your attitude is brilliant though. Don't overdo it, lots of rest and only dust if you must. I usually wait until you can write an essay on the furniture. Just love the two pieces for my two themes, fabulous. I love steampunk and shells of course.
    Take care, hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks Wendy! Dusting is a swear word here! Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  22. So sorry to read about your latest test results Valerie, but your attitude along with the physio, hopefully will help slow the effects down and it's good that you are still able to go out walking, just take care and don't overdo things.
    I love your Steampunk piece with all those layers and textures and it's a great tag. Some great seashell photos and fabulous crabs. Loved the funnies and quotes.
    Big Hugs, Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril. Have a great week. Hugs to the Babies and you!

  23. I 'm sorry to be late calling in and even more so when I read this post. Valerie you are such a positive person and I hope all will go well with the physio. I'll share my mantra of 'one day at a time' with you and wish we could have a get together and have a communal moan and a good laugh putting the world to rights. Take care of yourself my friend.
    Oops nearly forgot to say I loved your fantastic art pieces today as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. One day at a time is a good motto. Have a great day, hugs!

  24. Oh Valerie that sounds tough, especially with no cure. I hope (and I know you will) find the best ways of coping with it. Your attitude sounds perfect. Life is a battle one way or another and we just have to soldier on. Allow yourself a good moan now and then though!! I love your seaside theme today, my perfect happy place. Nothing like the cry of a seagull to lift my spirits!! Take care Valerie xxx

    1. Thanks Pinky. I Love to be by the sea, too! Have a great week!

  25. I have never heard of polyneuropathy and appreciate the information. As far as complaining goes... Well, sometimes it's not complaining so much as educating people like me about issues we'd otherwise not know about. Life's not all fun and games, and it helps to share the burden. Even if it doesn't help you it helps others see that they're not the only ones with trials. (At least that's what I tell myself when I share my own health issues...)

    I do hope your therapy helps.

  26. I am sorry to read about your latest test results, but your attitude is brilliant.
    I do hope the physio will help and thank goodness walking is good for you too :)

    Lovely art, great photographs and I enjoyed the funnies too.
    I am sending you a virtual cup of coffee to enjoy while you rest a while.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, and so Kind to send me a nice Cup of Coffee!

  27. Oh Valerie I am very sorry about your health. Keep that attitude it is a good part of the fight. Hugs and sending healing energy.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I could have done without it on top of all the other things! Thanks for the good vibes!


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