
Thursday 16 September 2021

Thursday Friday Post - TAD and PPF

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme today is 'Pop-art', so I'm showing a selection of my 'knock-offs' made in past years. I am also linking to PPF.

First up is the lovely Mona, made in Warhol style using a stencil:

Here I have used a stencil of Warhol himself:

This is more representative of op art, but also fits to pop art:

Keith Haring:

The sleepwalker:

The Iconic poster of the Chat noir from Théophile Steinlen shown in Warhol style:

Thierry Noir - and many other artists painted sections of the Berlin Wall:

This one was made using my Warhol knockoffs digitally combined to Poster size:

Niki de Saint Phalle always made extravagant statues of colourful and buxom women having fun:

The Lifesaver fountain in a neighbouring town (Duisburg) is one of her wonderful works. It moves round:

The photo is from Pexels and was taken by Jackson Thomas:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gosh Valerie you really know your pop art! These are all so good!

  2. So much fun pop art today Valerie. It's good to see some of these pieces and your lifesaver fountain again. It's like visiting a modern art museum- smile. I hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I had fun making these pages back in the day! Have a good one!

  3. Love your art mocks -- they're fabulous!

  4. Oh Valerie this is an amazing post. Beautiful to the end.

  5. Wow. Your such inspiration in art.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Love your pop art. I like that statue in the fountain too.

    1. Thanks Sue. I love that statue, too, always worth a visit!

  7. This is obviously your forte. You really know your pop art. Not only do you know it, you paint it, too. You must have spent a great deal of time finding these, because you gave us a fabulous art show today. This is truly all out of this world. I could look at these all day long, because this is my kind of art, too. I especially like the Berlin Wall memorial.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I like this art form, and have all the pieces in one folder, so easy to find! Have a great day!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Wow, you have outdone yourself today! What a wonderful assortment of vibrant art, love it all! Your knockoffs need to be in a museum! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah, glad you like them! Have a wonderful day, hugs to all!

  9. You've put so much time and love into this post, a superb display of pop art and it's variations. It's not a style I enjoy making myself I blink and feel the need to add something extra. My favourite is the sculpture, the little one clinging to the Mama will be my Daughter when she can finally get back into the country...
    Happy TAD Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Trace! I'll keep my finger crossed that your daughter can soon come back to you! Hugs!

  10. You have gone to town with this theme, Valerie. i think you are a closet pop artist just waiting to burst onto the scene. People like Warhol will perhaps be an inspiration but you will create your own distinctive style. Obviously you need to work some phantasmagoric birds into a couple of creations! I read recently of people who own a couple of early Warhols, given to them as gifts by the artist, as a token of friendship. Now, one of them could probably buy the Empire State Building! Campbells could never have bought such publicity for their soup! He had a unique streak of genius, to be sure. I am already imagining what YOU can do with a coffee cup. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, this is a theme which I always enjoyed! I'll have to think about PHANTASMAGORIC BIRDS AND COFFEE CUPS IN THE FUTURE, COULD BE AN INTERESTING COMBINATION! (Sorry for caps!) Early Warhols must be worth a fortune, my coffee cups will not be able to compete! But for me, my 'art' is just for fun, and that's the way I like it. Short answer today, fingers are very shaky. Have a great day, hugs to you both!

  11. Valerie,

    I'm enjoying looking at everyone's pop art contributions. This is helps me to understand the theme so much better. Your examples but especially your artwork are great. I had to laugh at "Dance like nobody is looking". That's what I do all the time while doing things around the house. The only person to see me is DH but he's used to it and so I don't think anything of it. lol

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Thanks Cathy. I know that feeling, I'm much bolder at home than I am anywhere else! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  12. Wow, wonderful crations. Love the bright colours. The cats are the best!! Have a great weekend. Hugs Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, glad you like the cats, I know how you love your pets! Hugs!

  13. Pop art fascinates me. I love your fabulous pop art works, Valerie. And I am in love with the happy fat ladies!!! Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia! It's good to see happy, fat ladies, not everybody need to be thin as a rake!

  14. Cool pop art. I really like the one with the old car.

  15. Wonderful photos, and your pop art is fabulous Valerie!
    I loved all the art on the Berlin Wall when we visited, I took so many photos! I remember Thierry Noir's art, I've used it as inspiration since also :-)

    1. Thanks Alison. The Art on the Wall is indeed fantastic. Thierry Noir was my fave! Have a great day!

  16. What fun. Someone got me a small plaque with the Chat Noir:)
    Hope your day is wondrous.

  17. I love the one with the car and the cat. You are very talented.

  18. What a great collection of art Valerie, so bright fun and really cleverly designed..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  19. You shared a wonderful collection here.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  20. Lovely post and gorgeous collection and design. xx

  21. I really like your beautiful pop-art artworks and photos! The Sleepwalker is my very favourite!

    Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Soma, I like the sleepwalker, too! Happy PPF!

  22. Great pop art photos. I like the Happy Dance and the mural. Have a great day.

  23. Love all your pop art, not something I know much about, so thank you for the lesson.
    Hugs Wendy

  24. So much fun pop art. Loved the dancing beach ladies and especially Chat Noir. I have earring with le Chat and socks, too.

    1. Thanks CJ. How nice to have socks and earrings with the Chat Noir. Have a great day!

  25. Simplicity is hard for me to work into my art sometimes. - Margy

  26. Colorful, uplifting, humorous, attractive, unique ... and you did it all. What an accomplished post, Valerie. I was going to say my favorite is the night walker, but then there is the Chat Noir and Niki de Saint Phalle and Warhol and, and ... I just can't seem to choose. Love it all ... You are the best, Valerie :)

    Andrea @ From the sol

    1. Thanks Andrea, your comments do me good! Have a great Weekend!

  27. Interesting post about pop art. I am not a huge fan of Andy Warhol, but I guess his work appeals to many people. I love that picture of the fat women dancing.

  28. What a great post. So much to appreciate here.
    Fun, creative and beautiful art.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  29. what a fab, fun filled post of pop art- love it Valerie! Happy PPF, and have a great weekend!

  30. I am surely in a happy mood after visiting your blog today


  31. Wow! Valerie ~ fantastic pop art creations and wonderful pop art photos ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  32. I love your post, Valerie! I especially like the Chat Noir and the vibrant dancing ladies. I should post "Don't worry! Be happy!" on my study wall. Out of curiosity I googled art stencils just now. I had no idea such things existed. I saw one of Han Solo ~ LOL! I could have a lot of fun with this. I love TAD because I am learning so much. Happy, happy weekend to you!

    1. Thanks Louise! Those Ladies are really fun! Han Solo stencils sound great! I also learn a lot from Blogging! Have a great Weekend!

  33. oh, my... this post was almost too fun. Sitting by myself and started laughing. Loved all of it! Hard to pick a favorite but I chose "dont´t worry, be happy!"
    Have fun! Right!

  34. It's all so colorful and enthusiastic :) Makes me smile.

  35. Your PA looks like PA! Great pictures!
    I love The Lifesaver fountain type of art in public places!
    Have a good week ahead!

  36. Hi Valerie!! Every piece in this post is wonderful. That statue is amazing, how beautiful, what a lovely artist! I love all of your Warhol art! But the dancing women, for me, steals the show. Lovely!! ☺


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