
Monday 13 September 2021

T sTands for Tired

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good, now have a good and safe week. I am still extremely exhausted, if I go for a short walk I feel like I have run a marathon. I hope sooner or later that I feel a bit better and get some of my energy back.

Today I have another tag for my challenge at Tag Tuesday. I hope some other people join in, you still have a week. The strip of paper with the stamped texts was in my bit-box. I added the images - stamps are from Crafty Individuals - and fixed it onto part of a cardboard envelope after roughing up the edges. Then I added the scrap of lace and sewed the edges:

And I have a journal page for Wendy's vintage challenge at AJJ. Do you know who the two men in the photo are? Left is Albert Einstein and right is Charlie Chaplin. And  this anecdote goes with it:

It was said that Charlie Chaplin was the only person in Hollywood Albert Einstein wanted to meet.
In 1931, he got his chance to talk to the actor at the premiere of the film 'City Lights'.
Einstein: "What I most admire about your art, is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you!"
Chaplin: "True. But your glory is even greater! The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say."

This evening we will also be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, where we gather to share what we are up to and what we are drinking. Here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
My drink is coffee, as always:

My friend had water:

And some sky photos:

And the hole in the road is still waiting....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Sorry to read that you are still feeling tired, please take care of yourself and rest ... perhaps a little more than you are.

    I do like your tag and journal page.
    Lovely photographs too.

    Thinking of you.

    All the best Jan

  2. Lovely tag. Sorry you are not feeling the best. Enjoyed the memes

  3. I don't know who I would like to meet from Hollywood. But might seem strange I would like to meet Raymond Parks, who was Rosa Parks husband.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Sorry to hear that you are little under the weather. Hope u bounce back fast vj.
    Lovely post. Nice trivia on Chaplin and Einstein. Nice sky clicks too

  5. Super gorgeous post, love all of the delights here. xx

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Sorry you are still so tired, Hope you soon feel better. Here all is well, and I'm glad the kids are back at school. Love your fantastic Journal page and the anecdote. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, look after yourself! Hugs to all!

  7. OMGosh,they still haven't done ANYTHING to that hole in the road? Scary and spooky.

    I love your latest tag. I had a friend who loaned me her dream and love stamps like those once. You created a real beauty in this one. I really enjoyed the story about Einstein and Chaplin. What a great comeback. It was also a lovely entry for Wendy's theme at AJJ.

    Nice you had a chance to go out with a friend for coffee. Water is something I refuse to pay for. I'm just too cheap. I loved the creative juice, but that coffee makes everything better image is great Pop Art.

    More lovely sky photos. I''m amazed at all the sky photos you get. Here all I get are trees and more trees.

    Thanks for sharing your funnies, your art, and your coffee with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear. Stay safe and rest, please.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I don't like paying for water, either, but if you want water you have to buy it, free water is never served. That little bottle of water was the same price as my cappuccino! From my balcony I see lots of sky, and enjoy it every day. Have a great week!

  8. Lovely tag and journal page. Hope you will get back your energy soon. Beautiful skies and nice to see the birds on the tree tops.

  9. Ich musste so lachen Ăźber den Zweien Charlie Chaplin und Albert Einstein, klasse die Arbeiten dazu.
    Deine Vintagearbeit ist so hĂźbsch und deine Fotos.
    Ich wĂźnsche dir eine schĂśne neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ich glaube die beiden Herren hätten sehr gut zusammengepasst! Dir eine schÜne Woche!

  10. Wonderful art and photos Valerie!
    I hope you get your energy back soon.
    Happy new week,

  11. Good morning Valerie: Being tired like this is not good. You don't need me to tell you that, of course, but when the slightest exertion saps your energy, it's hard to plan a day's activities. Is it too much to ask that one day soon your health could be restored? It was not so long ago you would walk 10 km in a day and think nothing of it. If I could give you half my energy I would do it in a moment. Sometimes I have the opposite issue and don't know when to quit. The chat between Chaplin and Einstein is precious. They were both geniuses, weren't they? Science and entertainment are both necessary elements of a full human existence. Oh, I forgot, we can get our science on You Tube these days. That's how you know the vaccine will change your DNA and evil scientists are planting microchips under your skin to track you. Not that they couldn't already do that on your cell phone, mind you. To hell with those peer reviewed scientific journals, with long-standing credibility. What do they count for? Take good care of yourself, Valerie. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, nice to 'see' you! I have always been an on-the-go person, and it's hard to accept this too tired to do anything state. I hope the medication will help a bit, it takes a few weeks to really kick in. I would have liked to experience those 2 chaps together, both absolutely genius in their own fields. And yes, some of the conspiracy theories are really so stupid that they are laughable. Anybody with a cellphone is trackable, as you say. Hmmm, and if they change my DNA I might end up as a cat or a bird....Einstein was right when he said 'the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius is limited'.One of the very right wing politicians here said he loves German poetry. The journalist asked what his fave poem was, and he answered that he couldn't think of any titles....These people can't even lie well! Have a great day, enjoy your vacation, take lots of lovely photos! Hugs to you both!

  12. I'm sorry that you are not feeling so good Valerie, it's natures way off saying 'put your feet up and watch some bad TV' Your pieces are fabulous today, who would have thought that Einstein and Chaplin would have met! Take care of yourself and have a good day xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Good advice, and we have had TV on all channels these days! Have a great week, hugs!

  13. I hope your tiredness goes away soon also. I get that with these hives sometimes when they are really bad. If the tiredness hits, I can't do much else, not even read. I'm saying that as I can relate, and it is not fun. Your tag is fantastic though. It has a great vintage looks and what a great stamp. I also love your Chaplin/Einstein page. That is a good story. And glad you can get out for coffee again. Especially with a friend. Hope your skies today are as blue as in your photos. Happy early T day and start to the new week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Glad you can relate to the tiredness, but not that you have it, if you know what I mean! I liked the story as soon as I saw it on FB, so decided to use it for this journal page. If we go out for coffee we make sure to find a place which is not overfilled! Have a great week! Hugs!

  14. Hope you feel better and more energetic. Love the Chaplin Einstein anecdote. Beautiful sky photos. My favorites are the ones with the birds silhouetted against the sky. The birds and trees look like musical notes on a staff.

    1. Thanks CJ. I'm permanently tired Just now, not a good feeling. I Love watching the birds and the sky.

  15. That conversation between those two men made me laugh. Chaplin had a way about him, didn't he? You sure do love coffee. Too much caffeine for me, so I stick with black tea, which has much less. Tea is good for arthritis, as it is anti inflammatory.

    1. Yes, it's a fun conversation! Tea is not something I like although I come from England!

  16. so awe inspiring art and coffee:D

  17. Hi Val, Bill here! Lovely art and photos. Have a nice week!

  18. Beautiful tag Valerie, I love the Crafty Individuals stamps and the gorgeous lace! Stunning sky photos. I hope you get some of your energy back and start to feel better, take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

  19. As everyone has said -- the reported conversation between the two great men is really wonderful. Where did you find it?

    best... mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, happy T Day. I found the conversation on Facebook.

  20. Another beautiful tag and I also like the journal page very much. I hope your energy is back soon - there are days like this I think. I felt rather low on energy today as well, and my walk exhausted me, even though it wasn't particulary strenuous or long. I will join you on the to-be list!

    1. Thanks Carola. To be is better than to do, that's for sure. Happy T day!

  21. Such a lovely tag this week.
    Love those funny memes especially the one about being too tired.
    Hope you are able to recover some of your energy. It is no fun being tired.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! Glad you liked the memes. Happy T Day!

  22. Great tag art. And oh such interesting information regarding Chaplin and Einstein. Thanks for the memes, and beautiful photos too.
    I hope your energy level improves very soon my friend. happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, I liked the story about Einstein and Chaplin, too. Happy T Day!

  23. I love your tags and of course the journal page and those are really blue, blue skys, ours over here haven't been too blue, just a bit hiden by clouds. Coffee looks really good too! I like it with a sprinkle of chocolate! I often wondered, how many men it took to fill in a hole! Have a great week and a happy T for Tuesday! ((Lyn))

    1. Thanks, we've had some lovely blue skies this past few days, I'm enjoying it so long it lasts! Happy T Day!

  24. What a fabulous page. I love the background on which the photo stands and I love the little embellishments you have included. The colours of them are perfect against both the photo and the main background.
    Thank you for the information about these two - I recognised both from the photograph but did not know of this encounter.
    Lovely photos following - you take some beauties.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I enjoyed this little story when I saw it, do decided to make it into a journal page, they were both great guys! Have a great day, look after yourself, hugs!

  25. Happy T-day, Valerie. Coffee is ALWAYS a good choice - except maybe late at night or 10 cups in a day which I have been known to do - lol. Love the sewing and lace on the tag - fab look. My favorite is your AJ page. Wonderful picture and I love the story behind it. They were both amazing and both have amazing eyes too.

    Great sky pictures! Wonder when they will start the repairs to the hole? Is everyone making bets?


    1. Thanks Nancy, yes, coffee is always good! You won't believe this, but today there were some workmen and some machines being put into place. Could this mean they are going to start work?! I will keep you informed! Hugs!

  26. Really beautiful post. The clouds are amazing.

  27. I'm sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. Feeling exhausted all the time must be horrible.
    Your tag is beautiful. I love vintage.
    Your cappuccino looks delicious. I love that foam on the top. Recently we have bought a little machine that makes the froth (an indulgence as we only have one coffee a day). Our daily coffee is now a barista coffee. Yumm.
    I enjoyed your sky photos.
    The Chaplin/Einstein story is amazing. I have always admired Chaplin. I have seen many of his films as a child but of course as an adult they take on a different meaning. (much more meaning in fact).
    What's with the hole in the street? Did you mention this before? I read practically all your blogposts (I must have missed one) Is it man-made? Or did it just appear after heavy rain? I'm curious...
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. The hole was caused by rain damage during the floods. The canalisation was destroyed over a stretch of 60 Meters. Now we're waiting for it to be repaired .... I have a milk foamer, too, a nice luxury! Have a great week!

  28. Fantastic tag and journal page. I also love the quote with C Chaplin and Einstein - brilliant.
    Hugs Wendy

  29. I hope you feel more energised soon, it's not much fun when you feel tired all the time! Your tag and page are fabulous, loving the vintage style 😀. It's always a joy to see the beautiful skies too and the funnies made me smile. Take care and wishing you a Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I seem to be exhausted all day, and it is very annoying! Have a great day!

  30. I like the idea of a "To Be" list. The tags with the sewn border are lovely! Enjoyed seeing all the cloud formations and beautiful blue sky.

    1. Thanks Anne. Yes, sometimes we need to change our perspective!

  31. I love your tag & your artwork. What you shared about Chaplin and Einstein was very interesting, I even read it to my husband. We both enjoyed the tidbit. Great little photos and quotes, too. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks Sharon, I liked that anecdote very much. Have a great week!

  32. Late as always these days calling in, the journal page and tags look fabulous and so do the photos you shared. It looks like your hole in the road is going to take a long time to be repaired, maybe they think yours can wait while they get to more emergency work that needs instant response.
    Hope you are feeling less tired today.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Yesterday and today they have started working again on the hole, perhaps it will soon be history!

  33. Sending good vibes for strength and energy. I'm glad you can still walk and also be with a friend, as well as do your lovely art.

  34. What a cool celebrity pair :)

    I look forward to seeing how they manage the Great Gaping Hole repair.

  35. Wow that hole in the road looks bigger than when I saw it last time! How interesting about Einstein and Chaplin, I had not heard that story. Lovely sky photos too Valerie. And I love your tag, I also want to join in the recycling challenge, we have a long weekend here so hopefully I will have time to make something Happy belated T day Elle/EOTC xx


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