
Wednesday 25 August 2021

Wednesday post

Hi Everybody!

It's already the middle of the week, time is flying! 

Today I have a hybrid tag to share for Wendy's seashells challenge at Tag Tuesday. I combined my photos of the bird and the anchor by the Rhine with some digital images and added the text digitally, too. I like combining reality and fantasy:

For Neet's type challenge at AJJ I have some fashion types and various types of colours and patterns. The girl on the left is a die cut from a magazine, the silhouettes were die cut. And the girl has letters on her jacket, too. This was fun to make with these glorious colours:

I took these photos on Sunday evening, just using my smart phone:

By the Rhine:

And some funnies from FB:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Great combination of your photos and digital items, the orange colours are wonderful. Your moon up close photo is amazing. Great funnies.

  2. Wow the moon is stunning! Love the funnies. Have a great day! :)

    1. Thanks Aishu, I'm always happy when I see the moon! Enjoy your day!

  3. Hee hee, love that sleepy cat..and fabulous fun tag, I love the seagull and boats in the background and the shells along the bottom, gorgeous and a great bright colourful page too..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy. Cats sometimes choose strange places to sleep. Have a great day, hugs!

  4. Nice tag. I like how you incorporated your own photos. And nice page for Neet's challenge also. The magazine girl looks like she could have attended the school I taught at by her jacket. You moon shots are fabulous. And I had to laugh at your funnies. Especially the mask ones. I just can't believe there are so many people who think masks are ruining their lives. It's the not wearing one that's true, but of course you already know that. Hope you have a nice middle of the week Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I like using my own pics and mixing them to create a new reality! Those jackets are fashionable here, lots of the young people were them. I don't like wearing a mask, I don't think anyone does, but if it's the choice between a bad sickness and a mask I'll take the mask. And mostly it's the same people who refuse to get vaccinated, and then the government is to blame...!

  5. That's a great tag, Valerie. Nicely done. I also like your take on Neet's theme. Very original and creative. Thanks for sharing the fashion statements with us at Art Journal Journey.

    Your camera phone works great on those moon shots. They are wonderful and very crisp, too. Hope you will join me at the Cat, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I discovered that my phone has a night time setting! The moon was so lovely!

  6. Your phone took some amazing photos of moon. And also admire your creativity.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. Lovely art and beautiful moon. I like that last meme.

    1. Thanks Christine, cats seem to be able to sleep everywhere!

  8. Thanks for your charm again, you are creative as well and photographic....xx

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Love your fun art today, including the beetles. S just asked if they sleep inside the skull, perish the thought! Wonderful photos too, and I like how you used some in your tag! have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Well, S might be right, that would make a snug home! Have a great tag, stay safe, hug to all!

  10. Very creative art and lovely moon. I like the scenery too.

  11. So schön das erste mein Favorit für heute aber das andere ist auch toll mit dem Model!
    Schöne Fotos und witzige Bilder sind dabei!
    Schönen Tag wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Heute ist das Wetter schoen, ich gehe gleich spatzieren am Rhein! Dir einen schoenen Tag!

  12. Good morning Your Enchanting Exquisiteness: There is no pressing reason for me to depart from my domicile early this morning so I can devote my full attention to this, your midweek post. What a handsome gull you begin with. I am immediately in your camp of course once I see that. The sentiment of the message is agreeable too although I suspect that a few screeching gulls might interrupt the tranquility of the moment. I would have you google Short-billed Dowitcher, one of the birds we saw yesterday, a very attractive species and a welcome visitor here. You took some great shots of the moon with your phone. Some of the cameras in these devices produce results that might not have been possible with fine lenses not so many years ago. Of course, we also have the ability to fiddle with them on the computer afterwards. We are such techies! Yesterday was very hot and sticky, so in decadent fashion, we ordered food in rather than do our own cooking. I picked up chicken shawarma plates from a nearby Lebanese restaurant, and the food was delicious. The amount of disposable styrofoam crap that will go into the landfill, however, made me ashamed that I had done it! There was more than we could eat for dinner so one of us will have it for lunch today. I also forgot that I had an appointment for blood work, so I will have to book it again. With love and hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, good that you have plenty of time today. I enjoy having lots of free time each day, and not having to rush out to work any more! The gulls here are all lovely, and all very loud, and they are not above stealing food from the hands of unsuspecting tourists walking along the tow-path. I looked up the short billed dowitcher, a very handsome bird, and if this is the short billed one, I'm wondering what the long billed one looks like?! The camera in my phone is really not bad, but can't zoom things in like my other one. But I'm glad I discovered that it has lots of different settings, I suppose I never looked before! Shawarma is very delicious, it's something sold on every street corner and along the roads in Israel, and makes a good snack, I often bought it there. Here I sometimes buy half a roast chicken from the grill, but I take my one of own lock-n-lock boxes and bring it home in that. I hate to see all the food packaging which people leave all over the place as they are too lazy to put it into the bin. And you are lucky, you won't need to cook today, either, so that's good! How naughty to forget about your bloodwork! Have a lovely day, enjoy your garden and the birds. Hugs to you both!

  13. Fun tag. The girl certainly looks like a fashion model for back to school. Wow on the moon. I tried to take a picture earlier this week, but the moon was behind the trees.

    1. Thanks CJ! The moon likes to hide, I had to wait till it emerged from behind the branches- Have a fun day!

  14. Love all your funnies but the bridge almost had me collapsed in tears of laughter. The mask one - I want to copy that and use it over and over again, and I just love the cat.
    Your fashion page in your journal is great. Love the edgy model and that background is WOW. I love teal/turquoise/aqua/etc etc and now seeing it paired with orange "what a combination" - it's simply fabulous. Love the diamonds and the circles, what fantastic colours you have used.
    I have a kind of fashion page coming on Friday but it is not as exciting as yours is. Thanks for another super entry for my challenge at Art journal Journey - and thank you for the lovely comments, especially the bit about it ending that you wrote today.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    pslove the photographs too - you got a fantastic moon - and with your phone too! The horses pictures are lovely, everything is so green. Nice to see it has picked up since all the rain you had. x

    1. Thanks Neet. The bridge one was my fave, too. So typical for these times, all these silly people who think their rights are being infringed because they're asked to wear a mask or keep their distance! I love those colours in the journal page, too, and use them again and again! And I will really be sorry when this challenge ends, it has given me so much fun. I was happy to see the moon again, we have had so much cloud lately the moon and stars were gone! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  15. Gorgeous tag and your fashion page is cool.

  16. Stunning art today Valerie, I love the colors on your page and all of circles, awesome design! Beautiful photos, love the shots of the moon and that sleeping cat is so cute!
    I hope you are doing well & take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy,have a great day. Take care, hugs!

  17. That fashion poster looks cute. I love your photos of the countryside, and your smart phone is excellent. Such clarity!

  18. Beautiful, peaceful views today. And I LOVE your funnies!

  19. The moon photos are so good! I got a kick out of the "today is the day..." photo lol

  20. Both your art pieces are fantastic! Love them! I always love your moon photos! A+++ Love your nature photos too! Great funnies!!!! Love the mask one! Big Hugs!
    (Going to try to catch up with your blog! Sorry I am so behind!)

    1. Always good to see you, I know you work hard! Hugs!

  21. Wonderful art and photos Valerie!

  22. Hi Val, Bill here, lovely art and pics!

  23. Very creative projects! And your photos are amazing 🤩

  24. OMG. I love that bridge sign. Innit the truth?:)
    You get the best moon shots. And there's the horses. Happy sigh.
    I like the blend of fantasy and reality too:) Both great pieces.

    1. Thanks Sandra, the bridge sign is my big fave! It's bedtime Here so I'll say goodnight!

  25. Great art pieces Valerie, and the funnies are really good, the bridge sign really hits the nail on the head lol. Have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, the bridge sign was my fave, too!

  26. Lovely moon photographs.

    All the best Jan

  27. both your tag and journal page are wonderful mash ups of reality, fantasy and great style! xo

  28. Good Advice Valerie. Wear your mask
    Happy Tuesday and 2nd week of seashells tags



  29. Valerie, your tag is beautiful and so is the art journal page. I love the idea of using cut out people from magazines. Your photos are beautiful, and I liked the funnies. Especially the sign with the bridge, that could have been taken in this country... I don't think I could take such photos of the moon with my phone, it would be all pixellated if I zoomed in like this. There is something so special about a full moon...

    1. Thanks Carola. I use lots of magazine cut outs for collage. The moon 🌙 is always special. Have a great week!


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