
Tuesday 10 August 2021

Tuesday post

Hi Everybody!

A quick post today - well, quicker than usual, time is running out on me!

This is another face collage, inspired by Karen O'Brien's lesson in Art is magic. I used a magazine page for the background and sewed it onto black card. The lady was cut out and collaged, other bits were from my stash. I am linking to Neet's type challenge at AJJ:

Took these photos this morning in our little town:


Clouds and a rainbow are always fascinating:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page and photos today Valerie.

  2. A stunning plus brilliant design, just loving those gorgeous colours and amazing face you used too...beautiful...xx

  3. What a unique journal page. The eyes may see everything, but the ones you drew sure are mesmerizing.

    I especially liked the photos of the rose of sharon. At least I hope that is what that is.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I had fun with the faces, drawing different eyes and expressions! Yes, it's a great plant, and has lovely flowers.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Lovely art and photos again. It's always fun to see all your ideas and creations. Love the flowers by the old house, so pretty. Have a great day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, hope all is well at your end. I'm off to have my hair cut today! Hugs to all!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Deb, have a great day!

    2. Love your collage piece, you are so creative. Great photos, love the rainbow. Have a great day. Anesha x

    3. Thanks Anesha, rainbows are always special! Hugs!

  6. I do enjoy your Karen O'Brien faces and this one is perfect on that gentleman's body. How you have matched the two figures up is incredible - just perfect. That ophthalmic poster is great and the words are so true I love looking at eyes and there are a few here for me to see.
    Thanks for joining in again with my theme at Art Journal Journey.
    Hugsm Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I am having fun making and collaging these faces - there are more to come! The ophthalmic poster is an ICAD made many years ago. Have a great day!

  7. You have had fun with these faces, Valerie. I am becoming so familiar with them I am expecting to see them on the street! Last evening we had our meeting in the park, and it was quite delightful. To be outdoors and physically together again was wonderful. It had been a hot day, but by early evening it had cooled down a little and there was a breeze, so it was pleasant. Your little town is looking lovely and it is hard to believe that just a few weeks ago the region around you was ravaged by dreadful floods that caused so much destruction, and many deaths too. The moss growing up between the stones looks rather like my patio. I will have to do some work on it, maybe even before Miriam prods me! Your sky shots are always dramatic and the rainbows are both splendid and whimsical. Enjoy your day. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Good morning David. At lest it should still be morning at your place! I went to the hairdresser's today, and now I look less wild and scraggy. Glad you had a good time meeting up with your friends, we've had to wait a long time for things like that. And even better that the weather was kind to you! I love the mossy cobbles, but today it was wet, and then the cobbles are very slippery so I needed to 'walk circumspectly' so as not to land on the ground! I am going shopping with my neighbour in half an hour, he's a good chap and it's a big help not to have to carry the shopping all the way home. Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

  8. I love the chocolate girl — first a master painting, then the logo of a chocolate company. Now in your collage.

    best…. mae at

    1. That's the way things get around! Happy T Day!

  9. Very clever and cute collage. I like how the woman seems to be serving her tray to the man.

    1. Thanks Teresa, I had fun fitting the pieces together!

  10. The collage is fantastic. I love the colors and your design. Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Debra, you have a wonderful week, too!

  11. Oh I love the eyes on this piece. Wonderful photos too. Enjoy your day.

  12. The face is very nice! The eyes and the nose I love. Very pretty flowers, rainbows, and clouds! Hugs! :)

  13. thank you for this rainbow;) it cheers me up so much:)

  14. Hi Val, Bill here. Love that face, so cute!

  15. Beautiful rainbows, and your page is fantastic Valerie!

    1. Thanks Alison, rainbows make me happy! Hugs!

  16. Such joy to capture a rainbow !

    1. Thanks Ashok, even at my age I love rainbows!

  17. A lovely collage, those eyes are amazing.
    Always nice to see your photographs, I especially enjoyed the rainbows.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I had fun with the eyes! Have a great day!

  18. Gorgeous page Valerie, love that face! Awesome photos, the rainbow looks amazing!
    Take care & hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a wonderful day, stay safe!

  19. Those faces you are making are such fun, and this one really makes such an excellent page. That Puritan woman serving must have quite the thoughts about her customer. And you had some pretty views today on the your walk, especially that rainbow. Wow. And you did get some great photos of it. Hope you had a nice Tuesday and your Wednesday is a good one too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I keep making faces, they are just fun to do! Have a wonderful day!

  20. Another fantastic face on this journal page, I am in awe of the many idea you have shared with us using a face image. Great inspiration for the AJJ theme.
    Hope you are well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I'm having fun with the faces. Hope you are well, stay safe, hugs!

  21. Great rainbow photos! The colors really show up :)

  22. Valerie, that face is soooooo fun on this page. I love how you collaged it all together to make this very interesting scene. The wire glasses are perfect too. Fun, fun, fun and may be one of my favorite pages you have done with these faces. Lovely pictures from around your town too - especially the sky! TFS and Hugz.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I am really enjoying playing with faces! The sky, sun, moon etc are always so fascinating! Hugs!

  23. Forgot to tell you how much I love your banner with the furnaces/industrial things! Reminds of the Sloss Furnace and love the colors!

    1. That#s a picture taken at an industrial park in a neighbouring town, where everything is allowed to rust and partly revert back to nature. But it's not haunted - I hope!

  24. I love all the pictures, and the art work. I think I should add more to my Tea Post next week, but I''m always late because I might as well be on the moon! I've not done your kind of crafting, but I will do something once I think what I have made is worthy of veiwing! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Spyder. I always work in advance, except for housew*rk! Have agreat day, hugs!

  25. Fabulous journal page! Love those photos - we haven't seen a rainbow for ages - just rain!! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. I love the faces you create and the quotes you use!
    Gorgeous photos! Big Hugs!


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