
Monday 2 August 2021

T sTands for 2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week has got off to a great start. This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, and it's also the 2nd of the month, which makes it time to show some repeats of work previously published. 

I looked through my archives for drink themed pieces to honour T Day:

Here I mixed an old painting with photos and digital elements:

My mum and I have joined in the party here:

Some photos from a café break in Duisburg:

The windows in our little town:

And last but not least, another Tag for Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday, once again using scraps to make the flowers and matting:

And finally and very, very last, some funnies:

Old versus young:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I really like the red gingham table cloth.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora. Red gingham is always a great choice! Have a great day!

  2. What a marvelous second look, dear Valerie. I remember a few of the bears, especially the one with knocking the stuffing out of it. They are all so sweet and fun to revisit. I am in awe of your digital skills, dear. Thanks for sharing this second look with us as your T Tuesday post this week, too. I'm truly grateful.

    That is a very unique and different tag. I really like it and how you created it using leftovers.

    I completely agree about the difference between animals and humans. And the difference between young and old is truer than we might imagine, I fear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! That was a fun challenge, I enjoyed playing with teddy bears. Who wants to grow up!? I have so many small pieces of nice card, so I'm trying to use them. Have a great day!

  3. LOVE your humour, brilliant pics and wonderful tag, you are so right re the human and animals...xx

    1. Thanks Annie, there's a lot of truth in that piece! Have a great start in the week!

  4. Really lovely creaitons, made me laugh. Love the kitty image. Have a great day. Anesha

    1. Thanks Anesha, The kitty image is so well done! Have a great week!

  5. Hi Val, good morning. Lots of lovely art, little S is looking with me, she always loved those teddy-bear pieces you made. That tag is wonderful, too, I like that you are reusing things. And of course I love the funnies! Do you remember when your dog collected golf balls? That was very funny, too! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks! Oh yes, I do indeed remember Scruffy and the golf balls, that was very funny! Have a great week, take care, hugs to all!

  6. Was für tolle Kunstwerke und auch das mit Alt gegen Jung ist klasse!
    Schön deine Fotos an zuschauen! Ich wünsche dir eine schöne neue Woche!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Hi Elke, schön dass Du wieder mit uns bist! Ja, das Alt gegen Jung ist so wahr! Dir auch eine gute Woche, bleib gesund!

  7. Good morning Valerie: I have to be out of the house shortly, so rather than give you short shrift I will add my comment later. In the meantime I'll be sure to give a wide berth to golf courses! One hug and one kiss for now. You will have to wait until later for the full delivery! David

    1. Hi David, have a good time whatever you are at! And yes, be cautious with golf courses! See you later!

  8. Such a fun post. So much to love and smile about. The Teddy Bear picnics and the cat with the dandelion eyes. The Einbahnstrasse sign really made me laugh. On a high school trip to Germany, some friends and I went exploring on a free morning. None of us spoke much German beyond please and thank you. We got lost and were trying to find our way back to the hotel. Stopped to ask for help. What street? Einbahnstrasse 😺 Thanks for the laughs and Happy T Day

    1. Oh ja, Einbahnstrasse ist überall! Even the street where I live is an Einbahnstrasse just now, because of the hole in the road! It's often hard to find the way in foreign countries! Glad my post gave you a laugh! Happy T day!

  9. I love the humour photo with the wolf and the lovely cats with the dandelion eyes!
    Great tag too, Valerie, and beautiful photos, as always. Hugs, my friend.

    1. Thanks Mia, have a great week! Hugs, Valerie

  10. I love your teddy bear picnics. That café does look like a good people-watching space, carefully and safely distanced :) I'd be unable to resist one of those mugs in that window. I love the design and the bright colors. I love that tag! I think the design would make for wonderful Christmas tree decorations. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks a lot! Sometimes I just need some fun. I have had to learn to resist those mugs otherwise I would need more space to keep them! Have a great day!

  11. Hi Val, Bill here. Lovely art, have a great week!

  12. Great post Valerie! I love the teddy bear art, and those funnies made me laugh.

  13. That last sign had me laughing! Oh my! I love that little town you photographed. Nice cafe and pretty shop windows.

    1. Glad it made you laugh! It's a pretty little place indeed. Have a great week!

  14. Happy T Day, cute tag and enjoyed the photos today.

  15. hahahaha dear those funny comics made my day:D please make a regular post of those :D

    1. Glad you liked them, dear! I will try to find more!

  16. Good afternoon Your Exquisite Loveliness: I hope that your morning was productive. I was out doing the tree walk with my good friend, Fraser, previously cancelled by rain and thunder storms. We hadn't seen each other for a while so we had a fine morning together. This reprise of past creations is very pleasing indeed and reveals to the world the extent of your unplumbable talent. I stand in awe. I got a great chuckle out of the humorous pieces, but my favourite is the one about animals never allowing the dumbest one to lead the pack. We (Homo stupidens) have demonstrated incredible proficiency in doing that, and so it continues to this day.
    I have another limerick for you, a little weak perhaps, but it's the best I can come up with today. Next time I will do better!

    Valerie went out for a coffee;
    She likes it milky and frothy.
    When it came along,
    The heat burned her tongue.
    She'll look for a new coffee bothy.

    This afternoon we have been invited for dinner and to inspect a new RV friends of ours have bought. There will be a fabulous charcuterie board (I have seen hers before), and pickled asparagus wrapped in prosciutto. And damn it all, I may have to drink a glass of wine or two. I will summon all my resolve and make sure that I am up for the job. With love, and hugs and kisses without end. David

    1. Hi David, thanks for another fun limerick! How do you know that I like frothy coffee!? You are very perceptive! Animals and to have more sense than a lot of people. Glad you were able to get out with your friend, and hope that you learned a lot about trees than you didn't know before.. How nice to be invited for dinner, I hope it will be yummy. You are such a hero that you are prepared to sample everything and drink lots of wine....Enjoy! Hope you both have big fun and big appetites! I made spaghetti with left over cheese sauce, but it tasted good! Bis Morgen, lieber David! Hugs!

    2. That should have been 'animals seem to have....' Sorry!

    3. You are intelligent and can read between the lines!

  17. Fabulous and funny pieces Valerie! Great photos too, love the colorful coffee mugs in the window and that cat is so cute!
    Take care, Hugs, Tammy

  18. Hi Valerie, I really enjoyed this post-so fun with the second looks too, and I love window shopping too-Happy Tuesday Hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Sometimes we need a bit of fun. Have a great week, take care, hugs!

  19. This is a fantastic look back for second the second. I remember these pictures, and they are so much fun. Today was nice here and would have been a great day for a teddy bear picnic. And it looks like you had a nice walk. Those funnies are great also. I like the old versus young one and the wolf. Have a great T day and hope August is starting off in a good way too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Glad you had a good day! The weather is still very mixed here. Happy T Day!

  20. Fabulous funnies!
    Loved browsing your window displays in town. I love the selection of colorful mugs. If only I could pop in and purchase one.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! I am sure you would enjoy our stores! Happy T Day!

  21. Love the teddies, and the funnies.

  22. Love the bears series- delightful! Always so fun window shopping with you but oh my- so many lovely things are too tempting. And thanks for the funnies:):):) Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, glad you enjoyed the bears. Window shopping s always fun! Happy T Day!

  23. So fun, Valerie. Your bear series had me totally smiling and your last few funnies had me laughing! Loved your pictures too - especially the shop windows. Great flower tag. Lovely post. Happy T-day!

    1. Hi Nancy, glad you had some fun with my post, sometimes we need a few extra laughs and smiles. Happy T Day!

  24. Valerie I love those bears, so funny, I especially like the one , only humans let the dumbest lead, ha,ha, how true.
    Lovely pictures of the shop Windows , so pretty and inviting, I like those mugs with the lovely coloured boxes and a lovely flower tag
    Happy T Day

    1. Thanks Jan, glad you liked my bears! Yes, that's a wise wolf with that saying, so true! The shop windows here are always very tempting! Have a great day, hugs!

  25. Oh those bears are great! I love how you featured some visitors to the picnic, like the Banksy girl and Peter Rabbit.
    I enjoyed the window shopping and aren't those coloured mugs gorgeous!
    Thanks for the funnies, they were hilarious.
    Happy T-Day.

    1. Thanks Lisca. I like putting 'unexpected' visitors into my scenes. That shop always has wonderful mugs! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  26. Wow!!! What a share. Luv all of it.
    The cartoons make me smile☺ Happy Tag Tuesday


  27. Fabulous, what could be better than a Teddy Bears picnic! Loved seeing the café and window shopping with you, those colourful mugs are a delight 😁. Thanks for the smiles too and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! It's always hard not to buy anything when I go past the shops!

  28. What great pieces today Valerie, such fun! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  29. Your seconds made me really smile. Very cute! (And loved the cat with the puffy ball eyes!)

  30. You know I loved those bears and it's great to see them again! I loved the coffee break in Duisburg and Thank you for showing more lovely shop windows! That cat.......smiling as I type!!!
    Belated happy T day, Hugs, Chris

  31. I love those bears, that was your challenge back then! That cat is fun! Hugs!

  32. I had a great laugh out of those bears! LOL! So cute! Thanks for showing your town! I love it! Beautiful tag! Thanks for the funnies! Love the old versus the young! Big Hugs!


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