
Thursday 8 July 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody.

Time is flying and the weekend is coming nearer, where does the time go?

Today I am joining Rain at her Thursday Art Date where the theme is criss cross. I remembered that I made a book full of pen and ink drawings back in 2011 when I joined in a challenge to do 75 drawings in 75 days, so here are a selection of them, all of them with cross hatching. I used to enjoy drawing with pen and ink, but my fingers are too shaky these days. I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

Mostly I used objects from my work-desk:

This is supposed to be a magpie:

I still use these scissors for fussy cutting:

This was a penknife which belonged to my husband:

Some keys:

Bach  rescue drops are a homeopathic remedy:

I still have the watch, but usually use my Fitbit these days:

The pliers are very old and heavy, but still work well:

This is a brush concealed in a casing so it looks like a fountain pen, great for keeping camera-lenses dust free:

Some of my equipment:

A small, bronze bowl for incense:

And last but not least, I have a tag for my vintage challenge at Tag Tuesday -a Christmas tag- Black card from an old calendar, background paper from G45 and a vintage Christmas scrap:

Now it's back to the farm, where we continued our walk:

If you are still awake, congratulations, you have reached the end!
Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. OMGosh you did such a wonderful job on those drawings and I love that tag. So sweet.
    I bet you had a wonderful time on the farm. Animals and flowers. What more could anyone want?

    1. Thanks Sandra. Animals and flowers just make us happy, that's true!

  2. Great to see your drawings, they are fantastic, the tag is lovely too. Looks like you had a wonderful time at the farm, so much to see and do.

    1. Thanks Sue, it was a fun place to visit. Have a great day!

  3. Your drawings are amazing Valerie. Tools and utensils make great drawing objects, don't they? And your tag is beautiful. I really like that vintage holiday girl. I like how you used that holiday music paper in the background. And the animal statues at the farm are great. The donkey is adorable, and that wooden snail is fun. The actual donkeys are so sweet looking too. I wouldn't use sweet as a word to describe goats, but they are also interesting. Have a great end of your week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you liked the drawings. The kids all love climbing on those statues. I must admit, I like goats, they are funny and clever animals. Have a great day!

  4. Excellent job on the drawings Valerie! I love the tag too as well as the adorable animals and beautiful flowers. Hugs!

  5. You Never fail to deliver wonderful posts, love the drawings and your fab photos and tag....gosh you are amazing. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, glad you like it all, that makes me happy!Have a great day!

  6. You are such a talented artist Valerie, impressive cross hatch collection for the Criss Cross theme at Rain's. Beautiful tag and photos too. I would like your permission to paint your rooster portrait from yesterday.

    1. Thanks Christine! Of course you have my permission, any and every time! Have a great day!

  7. Wow Valerie those are great examples of criss cross. I really like the tag too. I am enjoying the walks on the farm. Wish I could go there.

    1. Thanks Nicole! It's a fun place to visit! Have a great day!

  8. Beautiful pictures! Have a nice day 😊

  9. Your drawings are wonderful. It must be so frustrating not to be able to use those skills now. But I love that it hasn't stopped your creativity - inspiration right there. And I'm on board for the Dream World too!
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. We have to learn to enjoy life as it is, there are still lots of things I can do! Yes, that's my dream world!

  10. Great pen and ink work! Do you lightly sketch in pencil first, or do you just bravely go for it?

    1. I always sketched directly with pen and ink. Have a great day!

  11. Gee, when I saw that first image my heart raced. I thought it was a kiss for me! I have to say, Valerie, your pen and ink work is really terrific. It always has great appeal for me when a book is illustrated with pen and ink sketches throughout. It enhances a book in so many ways when done by a skilled illustrator who knows how to do it well. And further down you feature a maple leaf to stir the heart of a Canadian. Sometimes, I add a link to Rain's Thursday challenge if I can in any way, even at a stretch, conjure up the theme from my most recent blog entry, but criss cross stumped me this week! It is probably my twisted mind at work but that snail seems to have erotic overtones with double-barrelled equipment! The animals at the zoo are, as always delightful, and I suspect that for many a visit there verges on therapy, a brief respite from the world's madness. It will soon be the weekend again. I have a funeral to go to on Saturday. You may recall Betty Cooper, a staunch companion of ninety-three who came on one of my walks last fall. She passed away on Tuesday night. What a great life she had. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. David, of course that was meant as a big kiss for you, I just couldn't say it explicitly as I don't want everyone else to get jealous and throw hissy fits! I love pen and ink illustrations, too, and also the older books illustrated with wood cuts, they have a beauty all of their own. But I am SHOCKED at your thoughts after seeing that snail, really David, you are sometimes rather naughty! Being in nature and watching animals and birds is always therapy for me, and something I don't want to miss. I remember you showed a picture of Betty on one of your walks, a great old lady indeed. Have a great day, take care, hugs to you both!

    3. I had no idea you were SHOCKABLE. I promise to be a model of propriety in the future....well, most of the time anyway...maybe.....

    4. Now that's hard to Imagine!

  12. Oh your sketches are wonderful! It is one of my favorite passtimes and I don't sketch nearly enough! What a lovely tag too and thanks for the other photos, which made me feel as though I were there... Hugs, Autumn

    1. Thanks so much Autumn. Have a great rest of the week!

  13. Wow. Fabulous drawings. I really like your tag too. Cross-hatching and detailed drawing takes a lot of patience, which is why I don’t do it. You did impressively well.

    1. Thanks Teresa. It is indeed time consuming, but I used to enjoy doing it. Have a great day!

  14. The sketches look 3D, which must take a really good eye and skill to accomplish. I like the variety of subjects.

    I got a real kick out of that snail lol and I've love to give the goats some petting :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Spell checker is driving me mad! I love the snail, too! And the goats are very playful and like being petted, the donkeys, too. Have a great day!

  15. Lots of criss crossing going on. Nice post. Happy Thursday


  16. Nice pen and ink drawings. Sorry to hear that your hands shake. Mine do too.

  17. Love your beautiful drawings. Really lovely tag as well. Have a great weekend. Anesha

  18. Wow Valerie these drawings are wonderful! I shall come back to see your walk! Hugs, Chrisx

  19. I love your pen and ink sketches ... I would love to be able to do that, but I don't seem to have the courage to put a pen to the paper. It is so permanent and mistakes can't be erased. You are a brave and talented soul. Your walk was delightful and so many interesting animals and sculptures. Where are you that you find such beauty close enough to your home to walk to it. You Piece de Resistance, however was the final picture ... I laughed outload when I read it. Oh I so agree that life would be so much better if reading made us thin and chocolate was healthy (actually dark chocolate is healthy, but certainly not as tasty). It would eliminate many of my struggles and leave me time to enjoy life even more than I already do. You are such fun and so talented. I love coming over to visit ... stay well Valerie :)

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea! IT's always a bit scary starting with black ink, but it's a great challenge to concentration! Here where I live is a quiet, peaceful place, near the Rhine, with lots of fields to walk through and many ancient monuments to visit. And yes, that last piece is definitely a dream, wouldn't it be nice.... Have a great weekend, hugs!

  20. I'm still in awe of your black and whites, especially #6.
    That horse is gorgeous.
    YOU have a special one.

  21. What a great find Valerie, so glad you shared some of your pen and ink drawings with us, love all the crosshatching, they'd all make super etchings. I used to love that in collage back in the day.. You vintage tag is very sweet, the wee girl looks like she steps out of a by gone Christmas card. Beautiful addition with the sparkle.
    Wishing you a super safe weekend, mines a little too busy for me booo.. Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S That little snail would look right at home in my front garden :))

    1. Thanks Tracey! Sorry you have a full weekend, perhaps you will find a tin bit of me time! I'm sure the snail and other figures would look good in gardens, but they are firmly anchored! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  22. Always a joy to read your wonderful posts.

    Love the drawings and beautiful photos.

    1. Thanks so much Veronica! Have a great weekend!

  23. Another super vintage Tag...
    I love your drawings Valerie, I can sympathise with you re your hands, mine aren't shakey, but are getting more painful and I get a lot of numbness in my fingers. Old age has a lot to answer for, lol...xx

    1. Thanks Sandie! Old age brings us lots of problems! BUt on the other hand it gives us lots of time to go walking and just enjoy life! Have a great weekend!

  24. Lovely photos and card! Specially love the horse. Gorgeous colour! Your drawings are absolutely amazing! Beautiful cross hatching!


    1. Thanks Soma, happy PPF! Have a great weekend!

  25. Those drawings are amazing, and I love that you have a magpie on your desk lol. Such fab photos too, what's not to love about horses, donkeys, and goats. Most of all I like the idea that chocolate is good for you and reading makes you thin - I should be a supermodel by now! Take care and have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. I have a magpie and a cow on my desk! Perhaps we just need to keep going with the chocolate and reading and see how we look in 10 years! Hugs!

  26. Fabulous line drawing, love them. Lovely photos as usual. Have a great weekend.
    Hugs Wendy.

  27. Das snd tolle wunderbare Zeichnungen für Rain´s thema und das Tag ist auch so süss. Die Fotos vom Kinderbauerhof sind tolle Erinnerung für mich mal wieder ach wie oft ich da war auch alleine mit dem Fahrrad. da ist es einfach so schön und ie Rosen. Ich mache jetzt Pause um so viel überlegen wie die Zukunft weiter geht!Ich wünsche dir eine gute Zeit bleib gesund und munter liebe Valerie!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Der Bauernhof ist immer schön. Dir eine gute Erholung, pass auf dich auf, und lass mal von dir hören! Bleib gesund!

  28. Your cross hatchings are amazing. You drew so well. I understand about the fingers. My hand goes numb because I hold the pen too tight. I am in total awe of all these drawings.

    Your tag is wonderful. That little girl is s adorable.

    Really lovely statues and animals on parade. Such wonderful photos, too.

  29. Wonderful pen and ink and fantastic photos of your walk ~ Xo

    Dancing while I can,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  30. Such wonderful drawings. Love the detail on each. Happy PPF

    1. Thanks Jean, happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  31. WOW Valerie, your drawings are amazing, so detailed and gorgeous! Awesome photos, the goats are so cute and I love that snail sculpture! Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Everybody loves that snail! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  32. Lovely drawings. The farm looks a great place to be.

  33. Hi Valerie,
    Wonderful drawings. Oh my the horse looks so beautiful.
    A lovely post.
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. Thanks Dixie! Have a great Weekend, take care!

  34. your pen and ink drawings are super Valerie!! And I do love your vintage tag but I don't want to even think about Christmas yet...
    Great sculptures and flowers but I must say, the animals are my fave today. have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Linda! I know what you mean! The animals are all really beautiful!

  35. What fun and beautiful ink sketches! And again a beautiful set of animal photos Happy PPF and have nice weekend! Hope the rain stops for a bit to enjoy summer.

  36. Your sketches are amazing Valerie, and your photos are wonderful as always! I love the farm animals.
    Happy weekend.
    Alison xx

  37. Hi Valerie! :) I love your pen and ink sketches!!! The watch is particularly lovely! You took some amazing shots of that billy goat...what an expression. I love the little garden art photos too, the snail!!! :) Beautiful post! :)

    1. Thanks Rain! Enjoy your weekend. Everyone loves that snail!


  38. I am delighted with your drawings. I admire both the drawings and photos. Have a nice weekend:)

  39. Beautiful art work Valerie and I loved your last tag, two beautiful pieces and enjoyed a walk through your farm pictures, what a great place..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  40. These are all such beautiful sketches.

    All the best Jan

  41. it is neat seeing your art over the years. the drawings are stunning. I'm sorry you aren't able to draw any longer. yet your artistic mastery continues to shine through your journaling and tags which are always amazing. not to mention your photos! you are something special. xo

    1. Thanks so much Michele, we can all only do what we can! Have a great week!

  42. Valerie,

    I love your ink sketches! The realistic, detailed illustrates are simply beautiful and deep down I'm just a bit envious. ;) Your photo session on the farm looks betrays a fun day surrounded by things I would love to photograph. The Christmas gift tag is quite nice and is sure to add that extra special touch to someone's present. Congrats on being featured on TADwR last week and I do apologize for the late visit. I'm on a semi-hiatus this summer for the most part. Take care and be well, my dear!

  43. I forgot to say in one of your posts, I loved the fart joke with the dog! LOL!
    You are so talented girl! These drawings are so good! Well done! Love the Christmas tag! The farm is so much fun! Love all the animals!! Big Hugs!


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