
Wednesday 14 July 2021

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

For Alison's challenge at AJJ I have another summer country page, using a mix of paint, photos and digital elements:

Yesterday I showed pictures of Nord Park, today it's Süd (south) Park.
Nile Geese:

Ducks begging food:

Love the pink feet:

They have huge gardens filled with beautiful dahlias:

The goats hoping for a snack:

And the pigs, Doris and Heike:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. First I want that van in your banner. Second your art is lovely. Third WOW!!! those flowers are amazing. Fun to see the animals too.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I think we all want it! Have a great day, hugs!

  2. Beautiful page, outstanding photos.

  3. Beautiful art as always and great photos! Those pink feet are so cute and the flowers are just gorgeous! I hope all is well in your world this week Valerie, hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha. The Nile geese always look as if they're wearing makeup and have been styled! I am feeling a bit better this week, thanks!

  4. Another great page for Alison's challenge Valerie. Summer is a warm blanket, isn't it? Well at least most of the time. I like the flowers and birds you put on it. And those dahlia's are gorgeous. I like the pigs. Not sure I'd want to own pigs but they are cute to look at. Hope your week is going well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Bees are probably easier to keep in the garden than pigs! Say hello to your bees for me! Have a great day!

  5. Oh I so love this post, gorgeousness all over. xx

  6. I squealed with delight as I ooo and aaahhhh over the delightful photos!

    Those pink feet! Love, love, love!

    1. Thanks Veronica, glad you like the photos. It's such a beautiful park to visit. Enjoy your day!

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Love your beautiful page, and lovely to see Süd Park again, he kids used to love going there when we lived in D! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot! All kids, big - like me- and small love that park! Have a lovely day, hugs to all!

  8. Good morning, I love that van too-beautiful art page and Loved the photos from Sud Park-gorgeous park with lovely blooms and animals-and those pink feet-how neat Happy mid-week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy! Süd Park is a wonderful place, and so huge, you can always find something new! Yes, pink feet are neat! Have a great day, hugs!

  9. In Western Canada summer has gone from being a warm blanket to akin to sitting in the oven. In many parts of North America summer is becoming a season of dread with wildfires out of control and whole areas burning year after year. But don't worry, Valerie, there is no such thing as global warming! After all many of the enlightened politicians we continue to re-elect tell us so, science be damned. Those pigs rooting around in the soil have more sense, and certainly more class than most of them. Yesterday it rained heavily on and off, so now that we are permitted to have a couple of people in the house, Lily and Heather came for a visit rather than us all going for a walk. There were so many new things for Lily to discover, and we realize that we need to baby-proof the house before she comes. I think she laughed and "talked" the whole time she was here. She is mere days, I am sure, from walking unaided. Now she walks easily across the room if you hold her hand. The moment you let it go she sits down! Just a little more confidence and she will be off like a shot. Miriam took some pictures so I should have some to post on the blog. She is damn cute! When Heather first came to help with our bird banding, I never could have imagined it would morph into this kind of friendship. She and Lily are part of our family. Happy days! Stay cool, stay calm, drink coffee, get well, buy a ticket, come and visit - we'll introduce you to Lily! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David, here summer has fallen into the water. It's raining very hard, the Rhine is rising very fast, and even the little stream by our house is full to the brim with muddy water, lots of places it's much worse, streets have become rivers, cellars are flooded, cars have been washed away. I had to go the doctor, chemist and bank today, and in spite of my rain coat and umbrella I was soaked to the skin by the time I got home. Now I'm trying to dry out and warm up with hot coffee! Of course global warning doesn't exist, DT told us so. Here the politicians are all worried about it, and are busy making plans and holding long discussions, but they don't give up their huge cars.... So glad Heather and Lily came to see you, what a joy that must have been to watch her antics. Looking forward to seeing the photos. Yes, things need to be baby proof. Have a great day, take care, it's jungle out there! Hugs to you both!

  10. I wish I could stay wrapped in the warm blanket of Summer year round! The dahlias are beautiful and so many varieties. The pose of the Nile duck makes it look like she's trying on pink shoes and deciding whether she likes them or not. Your weather sounds very much like my weather. It's the wettest July on record. More rain today. Take care and stay dry

    1. Thanks CJ. I know, you like it hot. It's very dismal outside today, had to walk to the doctor, chemist and bank in a heavy downpour and was really soaked to the skin when I got back. That Nile goose really makes it look like she's trying new shoes on! I just hope our stream doesn'T flood because then the cellars will all fill up! Stay safe!

  11. Valerie, love the page:gorgeous flowers, birds, bee, bug and butterfly. Lovely countryside post with your art and all the animals and flowers. LOVE the goat and pig. So much fun! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. I like making hybrid pages where I can put in my own photos. Glad you like the animals, I love them, too. I wanted to walk to another farm today but it's raining too heavily! Have a great day! Hugs!

  12. I notice you have a new header, which is nice to look at. I love those dahlias.

  13. The flower close-up are great! Such pretty flowers and ones I don't have so they're especially fun to see. The duck feet are fun, too. I'm still wanting to pet the goats :)

    1. Thanks, they have a great selection there. How about a boat on the patio?!

  14. Gorgeous page and beautiful photos.

  15. Hi Val, Bill here. Have a great day!

  16. pigs and goats look so friendly:D

  17. Oh Valerie, I love that summer page for Alison's theme at AJJ. It is beautiful, but I am not sure I want to be wrapped in the heat of summer. It's brutal here. It's a great AJJ entry, regardless.

    LOVE those photos from Sud Park. The Dahlias are amazing. Simply beautiful. Hope you are now dry and warm, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. It's been raining for days, lots of places are flooded. Crazy weather everywhere, keep cool!

  18. Lovely photos, and your page is gorgeous Valerie.
    Alison xx

  19. Beautiful page Valerie and fantastic quote! Gorgeous photos, the flowers are stunning and I love all of the animal pictures, especially the geese!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, those geese are really something special, have a great day!

  20. Aren't the dahlias lovely, all such amazing colour.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks, it's the best display of dahlias I've ever seen!

  21. Such wonderful photos and the colors are so vibrant and pretty! I love the cute critters - the goat is so cute! I hope you are are doing wonderful!

    1. Thanks Kelly, this week I'm starting to feel better again. Hugs!

  22. Its a lovely quote you used on the beautiful journal page Valerie. Lovely flower photos as we''. I hope you are safe with all the flooding we are hearing about on the news.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. the flooding is terrible. Lots of people with water 6 feet high in their cellars, roads flooded, cars washed away, it really is scary!

  23. What gorgeous dahlias in Sud Gdn. Love the coats on the goats too they look so well cared for and who could do anything but fall in love with the pigs. And, of course, the pink feet of the ducks are lovely. Gorgeous Geese too.
    Which just leaves your lovely journal page which is like a walk through the gardens with the lovely flowers, the insects and the birds. Not too usde about the words though from what I read of your weather. It sounds dreadful and the pictures are horrid to look at. Such a trail of devastation for so many people in and around your country. I hope your beautiful area that you have shown us so many times is safe and not under water.
    Stay safe
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, it iS really bad, some places are almost destroyed. So many have died, it's just so sad.

  24. Beautiful page, I love the countryside elements that you added 😀. Those dahlias look so pretty too and the goat and pig made me smile - such fun! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I always love visiting the goats and the pigs. They know how to enjoy their lives! Have a great weekend!

  25. What a beautiful page Valerie! Love the photos of the farm animals! Hugs, Chrisx

  26. What a lovely page - the flowers are so pretty... a great taster for all those amazing photos to come. The pigs are marvellous - such characterful creatures.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. I love those pigs! Always a pleasure to visit there!

  27. Summer, birds, goats, pigs, flowers!! A great, happy post! Thank you! Big Hugs!


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