
Friday 2 July 2021

2nd on the 2nd

Hi Everybody!

Today is Elizabeth's 2nd on the 2nd where we re-show things published on our blog in previous years. I have gone back to 2015 and have a selection of journal pages made back then and some photos from the same year:

Love and peace:

Rosy times:

My butterfly mind:

Walking the skies:

And some photos of our little town all glammed up for the summer festival back in 2015:

Have  a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful journal pages, Valerie! The last one, dreams of walking in the skies surrounded by giant butterflies is my favorite, but they are all great. Very nice photos. It’s fun to go back and reminisce a little.

    1. thanks Annie. Wouldn't it be great if we could walk through the skies? Have a lovel day!

  2. Lovely to go back and look at art you have done in the past.

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are fit and well. We've got some sunshine today, so hope the stormy times have passed! Lovely seeing your old pieces again, I remember the first one well. They are all gorgeous. Great pics, too. Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning. Just woke up here, had a loooong sleep! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  4. These are all wonderful. I love them all. The butterfly mind lady is beautiful, and so is the couple walking in the skies. I really enjoyed both of these and I also am glad you brought back photos from 2015 as well. This is a great second look on the 2nd all around. Thanks so much for playing.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, it's always interesting to go back and take a 2nd look! Hugs!

  5. Super journal pages. My favourite is 'Peace'. Wonderful photos as always.

    1. Thanks John. Back to the good old days of peace, rock and roll! Have a great Friday!

  6. I've enjoyed seeing the photos from your walks ,you must have so many memories of lovely walks that you have been on and shared with us here on your blog.
    Fabulous art pages as well, the butterfly mind is a real beauty.
    Have a good weekend.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I do indeed have lots of memories from walks through the countryside and towns here. Have a great day, hugs!

  7. Wonderful pieces you have made, here, Valerie, with great use of butterflies. The one entitled "My Butterfly Mind" is my favourite. My God, I could have fantasies about her - the kind I wouldn't publicly admit to! The festival looks delightful, filled with good cheer, and it's good to look back on those times when COVID was mot the boogeyman affecting everyone's activities. Some areas here are opening up in a very liberal way, and the Province of Alberta has removed all restrictions. Too soon it seems to me, but the decision is political rather than based on infectious disease control. But the government there is made up of right-wing wackos, duly put in office by a discerning electorate, of course. Next Thursday we are going to picnic in the park with good friends. That is permitted and we have all been fully vaccinated. I am sure it will be delightful and we are looking forward to seeing them after several months. They have sold their house and moved into an apartment, ultra modern and overlooking Waterloo Park so it will also be great to see their new abode. The weekend is upon us Valerie, Dahling. Be sure to enjoy in any way that you can - licit or illicit. We are getting too far along in years to concern ourselves with such trivial differences! Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David! I'm sure your fantasies are all about finding the correct biological names for all of those butterflies! Or perhaps not? Whatever, enjoy! A lot of the restrictions have been lifted here, too, which would be oaky if people were sensible, but they are filling cinemas and football arenas again, and I am sure it will not be without negative consequences. I am fully vaccinated, too, but am not planning on visiting any crowded places. Your picnic with friends sounds great, enjoy! An apartment with a view over the park sounds good. The view out of my window is really the only good thing about my apartment, but you can't have everything! The politicians here are like weather vanes, so not much stability there! You've given me some inspiration for the weekend, I'll have to think of some illicit enjoyments which are still possible at my age! Have a great day, hugs to you both!

  8. It is really fun to see this art again. I actually remember it all. These are fun and very creative pieces for certain. And fun to see the town all dolled up for a festival. With covid it seems like a long time since any of those were happening. Hope you are having a great FRiday. Have a wonderful weekend also. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Last year there was no festival, this year there will be some celebrations taking place. You have a great Friday, too, take care, have fun, hugs!

  9. Hi Valerie :) Nice photos of your "glammed up" town back in 2015...if I look back on this day in 2015, it was the day we adopted our husky Charlie. After that...well, each time we went to the shelter we brought back another animal until we totaled 6 lol! Can't afford to go back to the shelter!! I love the look back on your art, especially your Butterfly Mind!!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain, stay away from that shelter. But I know how you love your furry family! I'm trying to avoid bookshops for the same reason, too many books, too little space! In the meantime I really do have a butterfly mind - old age does things to us!

  10. I remember this piece. Very nice indeed. Great photos too. Have a nice day.

  11. Hi Val, Bill here, have a lovely weekend!

  12. I love the head decorations you used. The world needs more hats (or head decorations) :) It'll be fun to see the (eventual) return of festivals.

    1. T!Thanks! I love hats of all sorts and rarely go out without one! Have a great day!

  13. Second on the second is always fun. And this year I suspect there will be a few more festivals.

  14. a lovely look back on your collage art and photos. Love that 70's looking dancer at the top:) Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Linda, happy PPF and have a great weekend!

  15. Beautiful journal pages, Valerie.
    Your town looks beautiful.
    Happy weekend!

  16. Groovy first ones, love the color combo on butterflies on my mind, funky fun the third selection, happy reminiscing photos with a look to more good times in the future.. cheers

    1. Thanks so much! I had fun looking through old paintings again! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  17. What fun to see these pieces! Happy PPF!

  18. WOW awesome pages Valerie, all so colorful and I love the butterfly one! Great pictures of your town, it looks so beautiful!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a wonderful weekend, take care!

  19. Beautiful colourful art, and wonderful photos of the town celebrations.
    Alison xx

  20. What fabulous pieces you've chosen, it's always good to see these again xx

  21. Some lovely journal pages from 2015, I sometimes look back on my work and think, gosh how did I do that. Hope you are keeping well, hugs Wendy

    1. Thanks wendy, I know that feeling! Have a great day!

  22. A grand look back, I really enjoy these posts Valerie as I get to see some I may have not previously. The first piece is very groovy but i'm with the majority Butterfly mind is very much my fav.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, these days I seem to be developing a butterfly mind, too!

  23. What a lovely look back :)

    All the best Jan

  24. I'm trying to think of what I was doing back in 2015? LOL! Great post! Big Hugs!


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