
Saturday 12 June 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy!
It's hot and humid here in Rhineland, but I got out for a good walk this morning. It looks like we might have storms later. 

Today I have another piece for Mia's butterfly challenge at AJJ. The background is part of an old piece which I chopped up. The butterflies are a freebie from the Graphics Fairy and were fussy cut. The sentiment was added digitally:

And I have a last tag for  Michele's faces challenge at Tag Tuesday. I used images from Mischief Circus and Serif:

Some photos from my balcony and my walks:

The magpie sits right at the top of the tree each evening and enjoys the sunset:

Beautiful peonies:

These giant thistles, over 2  metres tall are growing by the tram tracks:

And I was sitting in my armchair when this zeppelin soared by my window, what a surprise!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wee gone from that weather to plain old cold today, what a change. But it does make nice walking. I like you butterfly page Valerie. I like the details of your chopped up page and how they work with the fussy cut butterflies. It works great. Nice tag too. You also have some great photos, I really like the lady bug. Have a great weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. It's a bit cooler here today, so I'm happy! Have a great weekend, have fun when you got out on your boat! Hugs!

  2. Beautiful art work Valerie, your walk photos are wonderful, love that path between the trees. Great capture of the lady bird.

    1. Thanks Sue, the ladybird was a fun subject! Have a great weekend!

  3. Super hot and humid here too. Your art is beautiful, but it always is. Fantastic photos too. I love the thistles shots. Have a great weekend Valerie, hugs! :)

  4. Beautiful art and photos. The thistles look ‘other worldly’.

    1. Thanks Christine. Those thistles were really spooky!

  5. It's hot and humid here, too. We even got a smidgen of rain, too, which made the humidity all that much worse.

    Your journal page is great. I especially like the caterpillar with the butterflies. It shows both stages of their lives. It's a real gem and just right for Mia's theme at AJJ.

    That is a beautiful tag. Very soft, feminine and artistic. It may be my favorite of all I've seen this fortnight.

    The magpie caught my eye in your latest photos, but the ladybug (or ladybird) on the thistles also made me smile. Have a super weekend, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. The magpie is a favourite of mine, love to see him up on the tree top! The ladybird was a lucky find!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope your weather has cooled off a bit now. Love your beautiful art, as always, and the photos are fantastic. The thistles look scary, but the ladybird is fabulous! Have a great weekend, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sara, it's a bit better here today, should be pleasant walk weather. The thistles were really a bit strange and spooky! Enjoy your weekend, hugs to all!

  7. Beautiful photos 😊 have a nice weekend 😊

  8. Delightful post and gorgeous art, especially the butterflies, good you got to have a walk as here is still pleasant to walk in our cold wind. Glad you liked the photo of Bella, she was smiling so hard only for the treat that was in the photographer's hand. xx

    1. Thanks Annie! I could see her eyes were fixed on something! The photos were wonderful!

  9. I know you'd rather not have a storm, but it feels so good after, when it clears the humidity. Really pretty artwork today, and love the ladybird on the thistle. Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks, Deb! That's true, a storm can clear the air. The ladybird posed for me! Have a great weekend!

  10. Gorgeous page. Those butterflies are lovely. Sweet tag too. Enjoy your weekend. Teresa

  11. I would take it as a compliment if I were known as a "Sparkass"! Your theme of butterflies is very appropriate at this time of year, Valerie. They seem to be everywhere and in so many varieties. Yesterday we went on our walk with Heather and Lily and Lily seemed quite taken with them. And when we returned home we sat on the patio and several Eastern Tiger Swallowtails were flitting hither and yon - on balance more hither than yon, but neither orientation was neglected. Good plan to get out and walk before the storm. Walking in soft rain is one thing, risking life and limb in a thunder storm quite another. And that's aside from getting soaked. A good friend who is the Manager of Urban Forestry for the City of Kitchener, and I used to have lunch together every month, but haven't done so since COVID stopped us in our tracks. Now that patio service is available at local restaurants we will be resuming our tradition on Wednesday. Now that's something to look forward to! Enjoy the weekend Valerie, my Little Daffodil of Delight. Hugs and kisses, David.

    1. Well, David Sparkass sounds quite good! Here I have seen very few butterflies this year, but at least lots of bees are buzzing round my balconia flowers and sometimes in my living room. Glad you saw Heather an Lily again, I can imagine her being fascinated by butterflies. My daughter used to pick up spiders, worms and whatever she found and was almost most amused....She didn't get that from me, I would never voluntarily pick up a spider! It's still hot and humid, but no sign of rain yet. Good that you can connect to friends again, and enjoy a meeting and eating on a nice patio, just the thing. I'm hoping to meet with friends tomorrow for a little trip out, that would be nice indeed! Have a great weekend, take care. I just looked in the mirror, I don't look like a daffodil! But it would be nice, then I could call myself Daft Dilly! Hugs to you both!

  12. "Butterfly child" :) Sweet! It's hot and humid here, too, and I love this weather. The thistles are impressive, and I love all those green scenes.

    1. Glad you like this weather! Have a great Weekend!

  13. Das ist so romantisch dein Journal Page, Toll dies mit den Schmetterlingen und Worte anders zu gestalten. Das Tag gefällt mir auch so gut.Deine Fotos sind wieder so schön.
    Bei mir ist es eher stürmisch und kühler mit 17 Grad.
    Schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Hier ist es noch sehr warm und drückend. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende, bleib gesund!

  14. Sadly, the heatwave broke. Beautiful butterflies and tag. Lovely flowers on your walk. The lady bug on the thistle made me smile and so cool to see a blimp. Stay cool and enjoy the weekend.

    1. Sorry if you lost your heat. I wish I could send you some of ours! We often see blimps here, but one floating by at the bottom of the garden was really new! Have a great weekend!

  15. Love your creations, the butterflies are beautiful. Have a great weekend. Pollen have been really bad this week. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. Sorry to hear it, I know how bad that can be. Hope it's soon better, hugs!

  16. Your page and tag are beautiful Valerie, and lovely photos too. I can't get over the size of those thistles!
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison. They are hugs and have Shot up in a couple of weeks.

    2. Hmm, they are huge not hugs!

  17. Hi Val, Bill here! Have a good weekend!

  18. What a gorgeous page Valerie, the butterflies are stunning! Love that tag, awesome design with the words under the face. Beautiful photos today, the little ladybug on the thistle is so cute!
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, have a wonderful weekend! Hugs!

  19. A beautiful post Valerie. Have a nice Sunday.

  20. So much beautiful greenery in your environment. I enjoyed this post very much.

  21. Hi Valerie :) What a nice post, a zeppelin appearing by my window would have scared me lol...your butterfly art is lovely! :)

  22. Gorgeous page. Beautiful Pictures. Love it
    - Divya

  23. Replies
    1. Thanks, that was a lucky capture! Have a great week.

  24. Really love that saying, beautiful journal page and Tag, your lady has a very cheeky smile. Been another glorious weekend here, could do with a day or two of rain now to give the flowers an extra drink. Hugs for a happy week ahead Tracey x

    1. Thanks Tracey, glad you enjoyed a lovely weekend. It's hot and dry here. looks like it will be like it all week! Hugs!

  25. Beautiful artwork Valerie, and gorgeous flower photos too. Those thistles, wow, they would be way over the top of me! Have a great week xx

  26. The bird and the ladybug are perfect! Great photos, Valerie.
    Lovely tag, too, and I LOVE the page with the GG butterflies! Thank you, my friend, for joining again my challenge at AJJ. Kisses!

  27. You are welcome, Mia, have a great week!

  28. Yes, our weekend was a hot one too!

    Lovely art and beautiful photographs, love the peonies.

    All the best Jan

  29. Sorry I am so late calling Valerie, but so glad I did! I love the saying on your first butterfly piece and the beautiful face on your tag! Gorgeous photos today, very uplifting. Hope you are keeping well.

    1. Thanks Pinky. The quote was from a song. I'm still struggling with my health, there's always something! Hugs!

  30. I'm a butterfly child! LOL! Love both your art pieces! Those large thistles are amazing!! And, the photo with the lady bug on it, amazing!! I think I'm going to let some of my thistles grow large now! LOL! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks Stacy, those thistles were amazing!

  31. What a surprise that must have been flying by your window. It's not every day you see something like that in the sky. Those thistles are amazing and they have flowers too. How gorgeous are they and how lucky were you to get that ladybird photo. I love seeing them, somehow they do not seem like beetles. I remember catching them in match boxes when I was a child and taking them home. Mum always made me let them go. Love that stone archway.
    A lovely page for your journal with Mia's butterflies on it, and I like the addition of the caterpillar. Likewise a nice tag - what a lovely face that is.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. We often see advertisement Zeppelins flying, but never before has one sailed by my window! Ladybirds are somehow nicer than other beetles! Have a great day!

  32. Late calling as always, but I am never disappointed beautiful art and photos to lift the spirits
    Yvonne xx

  33. First off Valerie this qualifies for Friday Face Off. Beautiful art, I love this so much and the lady bug has a beautiful bug face. The photos look so warm. Thank you for joining Friday Face Off.


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