
Tuesday 29 June 2021

Tuesday- Wednesday Post

 Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well.

Today I have an A3 Mixed media collage page using washi tapes, wrapping paper and tissue papers from Jane Davenport. I started this when I was in the clinic, back in March, and 'discovered' it while trying to clear the many layers from my kitchen table. I finished it off with some stenciling and a sentiment, and decided to post it before I lose it again....

Last week I showed lots of the ancient buildings in Düsseldorf, this time I'm taking you to the new 'Media  Harbour'  with the fabulous buildings from star architect Frank Gehry:

The radio tower:

A bridge across to Oberkassel:

The house of the County Parliament:

The Triangle Bridge:

An old crane:

The beautiful Gehry buildings, crooked and with mirrored fronts:

The 'Flossis' climbing the house on the other side were made by an artist called Rosalie. In the meantime they have been taken down as they were starting to crumble. This photo was taken a few years back:

That's all for today, have a great one, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Beautiful art and the photos are great too. I like the triangle bridge, but that last building is really cool, too bad it had to come down. Better safe than sorry. Have you seen the news about the high rise in Miami here in Florida? What a tragedy, and they knew it was unsafe and didn't tell the residents or do anything about it!

    1. Thanks Martha. Yes, They showed it on the news programmes, such a tragedy. It must be terrible to witness something like that, lose families etc. So sad! Especialy if people knew it was unsafe!

  3. Beautiful ‘found’ page. Lovely architectural photos.

  4. Brilliant photos, they really do amaze me and love dreaming I am on vacation with you. Lovely art, amazing as always. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, it's good to take you all with me on my walks! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling good. It's cooled down a lot here, hope for you, too. Your art and photos are wonderful, as always! Take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, it's cooled off here, too, the air fees much better! Hugs to all!

  6. Lovely art piece Valerie, I remember those figures on the building, found them fascinating at the time! The new architecture is amazing but I still like the old better I think.

    1. Thanks Sue, I'm with you there, the old architecture is the best for me, too!

  7. Fantasiereich dein Kunstwerk, fabelhaft zusammengestezt!
    Die Häuser sind immer wieder grossartig anzusehen aber ob ich da wohnen wollte .. krumm und schief,Luxus pur!Ich stimme euch auch zu die alte Architektur ist immer noch das beste.
    Tolle und intressante Fotos sind das alle.
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Der Hafen ist schön, aber ich möchte auch nicht dort wohnen, Kaiserswerth ist viel schöner. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  8. Your A3 piece today, Valerie, looks like the view of the world one might have after quaffing a little too much wine! And then you get onto Frank Gehry and his twisted buildings to confirm the impression! I hope you realize that Frank Gehry was born in Toronto and raised in Canada. He has left his mark throughout the world and many fine buildings stand in testament to him. He is over ninety years old now and lives in Los Angeles, but everyone commits a few errors in judgement, so I'll try not to hold that against him! I can see that Düsseldorf has many points of interest, both old and new, well worthy of inclusion on the tourist's itinerary, but probably seldom is. Western Canada is unbelievably hot right now, demolishing all previous records. In central British Columbia yesterday it was an unbearable forty-seven degrees. I start to wilt at thirty, and it flirted with that yesterday here. BC is always in danger of forest fires, so I can't imagine how greatly the risk is increased with temperatures like that. Overnight we had a severe thunderstorm, with booming thunder and lightening that lit up the bedroom as though we had switched on the light. Fireworks in the bedroom is an infrequent event of late, so it was all very welcome! Have a delightful day, with pleasant perambulations, cold coffee, a languid lunch and any other alliterative pleasures you care to enjoy. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi David. I think that's what'S intended, distorting and changing reality. Yes, I know that Frank Gehry comes from Canada, but I still like his architecture! But why would anyone WANT to live in Los Angeles? Beats me....Düsseldorf, and especially the modern parts, are very popular with tourists. It's a place for people who want to see and be seen, the rich and famous love it! I prefer my little town of Kaiserswerth, old and shabby and a good place to be. Sorry it's so hot over there, I've been watching it on the news here, must be awful. I hope you have air conditioning! And let's hope there will be no fires. Here it's cooled down a bit, but lots of storms are passing over and causing havoc, floods and damage. How nice that you at last had some fireworks in the bedroom, good to know! I'm drinking cold Cola to cool down, and had chicken rustic for lunch. That means it was almost burnt, dry as old bones and tough as leather, but it didn't taste too bad! I'm off for a nap now, had to be up very earl this morning to go to my doctor, so I need to catch up on my beauty sleep! Hugs to you both!

  9. Wow, Valerie! I had never seen this building from Rosalie. I love the colourful climbing people on the building. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
    And I love your page. I am in love with Jane Davenport's art. You made a great composition. Kisses!!!

    1. Thanks Mia! Have a great day, take care! Hugs!

  10. What is in my coffee???...So many faces peering out at me and buildings looking crooked and leaning and the windows popping out at the sides! Ha! A really fun collage page, Valerie, with bits of faces and eyes. Those purposely crooked buildings are mega fascinating. The floor plans and rooms inside the odd shaped sections must be really interesting to live in. Great photos.

    1. Perhaps you put a drop of the hard stuff into your coffee! I almost needed sunglasses just making that page! The Gehry buildings are great fun to see, but I've never been inside one of the flats there, they are meant for the rich and famous! Have a great day!

  11. Super cool collage; deserves to be framed. I like those creatures climbing up a building. How strange and funny. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa. Those colourful creatures are fun! have agreat day!

  12. Thank you for another wonderful tour of a somewhat unusual place -- at least a place that isn't on the standard American tourist's itinerary. Frank Gehry is a fascinating creator of remarkable buildings in so many places. I've seen the LA Concert House and the art museum in Minneapolis: very neat buildings.

    best... mae at

    1. The buildings are really worth seeing, I admire his work very much!

  13. A fabulous journal page Valerie, the eyes look like they are watching the butterfflies cross over the page.
    Loved your photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Who knows? Perhaps they are! Have a great day!

  14. Interesting wharf area. Like the architecture.

  15. That's a really interesting piece. It has such dimension to it. The Gehry buildings are really interesting. I find some of them having the same feel as your piece, a bit distorted in a way, but in a good way!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, that's why I showed them together!

  16. You mixed media creation is fantastic. One of my favorites for its color and life.

    You photography is always a highlight for me. It is fascinating how you always seem to have a unique angle on everything.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  17. Interesting photos and your art is beautiful Valerie! Xx

  18. I love it when you take us to the Gehry buildings. I've seen a couple and been inside the Disney Concert Hall in L.A. I am always in awe of his work.

    I think your art matches the buildings today, Valerie. The faces are distorted, but not enough to be unrecognizable. A really nice journal page, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I love the Gehry buildings and I thoughts they fitted to my Journal page. A different view of reality.

  19. What a beautiful page Valerie, love all of the faces/eyes and your fabulous design! Awesome photos and buildings, the colorful Flossis are amazing!
    Take care & Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I love those Flossis, too! Have a great day!

  20. I love all of the pictures you showed us today! Plus: LOVE the art!

  21. Striking building and architecture Valerie, I especially love the sucker people climbing the wall, think we all need one of those climbing up our homes, we could give them a different hat to match the seasons hee hee... Love your collage journal page, you know I have those washi tapes and papers but have no idea where they are so you have done a lot better than me to get them on a page and post them.. Well done my friend. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. I am mostly a fan of ancient architecture, but the buildings there really have something that draws you in! I wouldn't mid a few Flossis climbing up the walls here! Hope ou have a play with those JD things sometime!

  22. I'm glad you posted this page before it got lost in the shuffle again. What a great effect using those vertical "stripes" and repeating the face as an image. And I like the triangle bridge and seeing those Gehry buildings. I think you've shown some before, but it is great to see them again as they are pretty fascinating to look at. It is interesting how he can get such movement in his work. Hope you had a great Tuesday! Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It was a fun project with the stripes. I am always fascinated by hose Gehry buildings! Have a great day!

  23. I love the way you positioned they eyes. The photos are wonderful too. Have a nice day.

  24. I agree with DVArtist about the eyes.

    I'm always happy when modern buildings are striking and not the boring beige brick we so often see here.

    1. Thanks! I like these modern buildings that are so different, it's good to see innovative p!aces like these.

  25. Your art goes well with the pictures you posted- both have movement to them! Love the colors, eyes, and birds in your work. And the buildings- such fun. The curves and unique features really make them exciting to look at. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. I posted the art and photos together as they both show an alternative reality. Have a great week, Jess!

  26. Oh that Flossis building is fun, as is your piece.
    Have a great one.

  27. Thanks Sandra! Have a great day!

  28. I do like the climbing creatures, they are so colourful ...

    All the best Jan

  29. Valerie I love how you've finished your page, beautifully done. Those Gehry buildings are spectacular aren't they so striking, and the climbing men are such fun. It must be great to see them up close, such a shame they had to come down. Take care, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I miss the Flossis, they were such an eye catcher! Hugs!

  30. Your journal page is amazing! The faces and feeling of it are just so well done and put together. Very cool!

    Those Flossis are so cool, and loved every building and picture. Wouldnt that old crane make a cool "tiny" house. I wish there was architectre like that here around where I live. Wow.


    1. Thanks Nancy, I had fun putting it together. we are lucky that we have such a lot of beautiful architecture here, from ancient to modern. Good idea, I would love to live in that crane! Hugs!

  31. Very cool art piece and very cool buildings! I want to live in a crooked building! LOL! Big Hugs!


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