
Thursday 24 June 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I took a day off and had fun doing nothing, must do that more often! A friend came visiting, we drank coffee, and then went to visit another mutual friend who literally jumped for joy to see us, so that was nice! It was so good to meet up again!

Today I have another woven piece to share, I keep chopping up painted paper and weaving it, and really enjoy the process of making something new. This one was inspired by a nursery rhyme:

 'Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And little maids all in a row'

First I wove the background, and then sewed it together. I have had this packet of little 'maids' in my stash for many years, and didn't know what to do with them. The silver bells were left over from some Christmas presents long, long ago. The shell is from a vacation long past. I arranged them on the weave to represent the words of the rhyme:

I am linking to Paint Party Friday

For Wendy's 'tag on a tag' challenge at Tag Tuesday I have used some scraps of Graphics 45 paper and a photo of me at age 9, sitting on the knees of a GI - my brother in law. An extra tag on the tag has been hung onto the bottom, just for a change, and was on my sneakers:

Today I have some photos from the Altstadt (old town) of Düsseldorf. This is the Lambertus Church with the wonky tower:

Ratinger Tor, one of the old town gateways:

Heinrich Heine:

A barock Church:

Narrow old houses:

This clock opens up several times a day, and Schneider (tailor) Wibble can be seen sewing:

Signs on a bank - 'This fairy tale will never come true, life teaches us to be clever and save money!'

A town model:

The Rathaus - townhall:

Blind justice:

Jan Wellem, the Protector of Düsseldorf, and the bad man who destroyed the Imperial castle here in Kaiserswerth:

The Goose fountain:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful art and photos, so glad you had fun with friends. Handsome brother in law.

  2. I really like your woven and sewn page. That is a great piece with the tiny bells, the one shell, and the little maids. You did a great job. Your tag is fabulous. I absolutely LOVE G45 products and this tag is full of it. Loved how you attached the extra tag, too.

    Sp glad you got together with friends. It sounds like a fun day.

    I enjoyed the photos today. I had three favorites: that incredible clock, the goose fountain, and Blind Justice. Really lovely!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! That clock is really beautiful. Glad you enjoyed visiting the sights with me! Have a great day!

  3. Hi Val, good morning! Love your wonderful woven piece, very cleverly done with the rhyme! Great tag, too, I think we all had our hair cut like that back then! Great photos, too! Have a fun day! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah! Lots of us at school had the same haircut, it must have been fashionable for little girls back then!

  4. Was für ein schönes gewebstes Kuntwerk, das ist auch mal was ganz anderes mit dem Reim. Süss dieser Tag, dich zu sehen mit dem Schwager in diesem schönen Rahmen aussen herum!
    Schöne Fotos hast du zusammengestellt, hat mich wieder gefreut drüber und dein Besuch mit deinen Freunden war ein toller Auszeit-Tag!
    Hab einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Das Bild mit meinem Schwager ist so lang her, aber ich kann mich noch gut daran erinnern! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  5. Love your woven piece. How ADORABLE!

    Beautiful photos too!

  6. I took most of Tuesday off from everything but art, and it did feel good.i know what you are saying. I am loving your tag and woven piece. Those little dolls are great additions and make something unique. Plus I bet it feels good to use up some of your stash. And more beautiful photos. I am off on a garden visit today with 2 friends. I am looking forward to some time out to have fun. Hope your have a great end of your week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Sometimes we really just need to do something different. And it as great to meet up with friends again, too. I have been trying to use those little dolls for years, now it's done. But I still have a few more! Have fun with your friends, take lots of garden photos to share, I always love to see them!

  7. It's always good to take a day off, especially if you can see friends too. I love your woven piece (as I always do) and the photo of you with your BIL is just wonderful! Take care and have a great day, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. This weaving is very fascinating, I can't stop! Glad you liked my photo!

  8. You looked thrilled to be sitting on the knee of that handsome GI. Lovely tag. Your woven piece is fun and whimsical. I love dolls and I think you found a great use for those lovely gals. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, I was thrilled, and he always brought American candies for me, too! Have a great day!

  9. Good morning Queen of Balconia, Mistress of Your Domain. A day off, you say? What a great idea that is, and if it can be combined with good friends, and laughter, and doing silly things so much the better. And, to no one's surprise coffee-quaffing was part of the deal. I must say that I am quite enchanted by these latticed pieces you are making, and judging from the comments of others they are too. And there you are, a winsome little girl, sitting on a soldier's knee, practicing for the future no doubt! The tour of the statuary and other interesting feature of the old section of town is greatly appreciated. There are many interesting sights, to be sure. My absolute favourite, hands down, no contest, is the goose fountain at the end of your post. I would be deliriously happy to have that in my backyard. The weekend is almost upon us, Valerie. I hope it will be wonderful for you. Oh, and before I forget, I have to mention that last evening we took our coffee over to David's Dell, and two families had already claimed our spot. There was food aplenty, kebabs sizzling on a barbecue, children playing, laughing and yelling, and everyone was having a great time. Hard to resent ceding the spot to them, especially since they were immigrant families enjoying their new home. Welcome to Canada mes amis. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! The goose fountain is my very favourite, too, and my daughter was always fascinated by it when she was small.I wonder if it could be programmed to spout coffee instead of water?! My day off yesterday was really good, so wonderful to meet up with old friends and jump for joy like children. I think we can appreciates these things so much more after being so restricted because of Corona. I'm glad you took it in good part that David's Dell had been taken over, as you said, for families a delightful place to have fun. These woven pieces that I am making just now are somehow fascinating, I have several more on the go. Our weather is pleasant, not too hot and not too cold, so I enjoyed my walk. Have a lovely day, perhaps your Dell will be free for you today! Take care, hugs to you both!

  10. Glad you enjoyed a nice day off. Beautiful art and photos - that sign on the bank had me cracking up. We would never see something like that here!

    1. Thanks Martha, glad you liked it. It's very ancient, but funny!

  11. Your woven piece is so cute. Love the little maids. And you at age 9 so adorable. How nice to get out with friends and back to normal. Wonderful architecture and statues. My favorite is the cat, of course. I'd like to see that clock working and the tailor sewing. Enjoy your day!

    1. I think I took a Video of the Tailor sewing, i'll have to look for it. Have a fun day!

  12. Visiting must've made a wonderful change. Your pretty maids against the woven background look so pretty. All these old sites! I can't even imagine what it must be like to like where there are sites that old!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, it was great to go visiting again and be able to hug each other. The little town where I live goes back to the 8th century.

  13. Wow-what an awesome place you live in. Some of my ancestors are German. I wonder where they lived!? I love your tag and the woven piece as well.

    1. Thanks Debra. Can you trace where your ancestors came from? My spell checker just advised be to use 'gerbera' instead of 'Debra'!! Too funny!

  14. so amazing old photos:) and this little doll art:D

  15. I love your tag. You look so cute and your BIL so handsome. AND the weave piece is fun.
    Interesting architecture;)
    Hope you are well.

  16. It's good to have a day just for you! I love your charming weaving piece today and every photo makes me want to hop a plane and sign you up as a tour guide! All so enticing!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, it would be fun to show you everything here!

  17. Sometimes it is just so good to have a day just for you!
    I do like your woven art.
    Fabulous collection of photographs here.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I think I must do a da like that more often!

  18. Wonderful woven and sewn art piece Valerie. Love the tag and the family photo. Thanks for the look around Dusseldorf I remember a couple of places from our visit there. Love the stone carvings and statues.

    1. Thanks Sue, glad you remember some places! have a great day!

  19. Great and amazing work of art, and love the outcome you produced. As always perfect. x
    [still recovering from side effects from the astazenica but getting there.]x

    1. Thanks Annie, it will get better! Take care!

  20. Great photos from Düsseldorf! And glad you were able to meet with friends! Love the woven piece and the dolls are so cute. Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks so much. Nice to see you around again! Happy PPF!

  21. Great photos, the sign on the bank made me smile.
    I love your woven piece, great to be able to use your stash up a little. A wonderful tag too Valerie
    Happy Friday!
    So glad you got to see some friends this week.
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, that's a fun sign indeed. Have a great day, hope you're getting better, too!

  22. Love the woven page with all the cool colors and the little Marys - super cool. The vintage tag is super cool as well and I like the extras on the bottom. The pictures are amazing - what a great collection of wonderful sites. I would love to go there! People just don't make the wonderful statues, plaques, and reliefs like these anymore - so beautiful. Thanks for sharing - I always love your posts. Hugz

  23. Your make is absolutely delightful! I love the woven paper made from watercolors that you have previously painted - very pretty. Although I do not always comment, I am always watching.
    I had the same haircut as a child and the same shoes!
    Enjoyed our walk through the Alstadt - great pictures.
    Sandy xx


    1. Thanks Sandy, I think lots of us looked like that back in the 50s! Have a great Weekend! Hugs!

  24. Such fun and inspired art! I love the woven pieces that you have worked into the piece. So clever.

    Loved seeing all the pictures around the town/city. Amazing how many little details are everywhere. So much to soak up and discover. Thanks for sharing. :)

    Happy weekend! Hope you do more "nothing" and visit and relax with friends (or by yourself). ~Jess

    1. Thanks Jess! I will definitely have another lazy day soon! Have a great weekend!

  25. Loving your woven pieces! Perfect title! Such fun seeing the city! Happy PPF!

  26. Those shells and little Marys are so cute:)
    So glad you are feeling better.

  27. Beautiful woven piece Valerie, the little dolls are so cute and that picture of you is adorable! Awesome photos of all of the statues. Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, Tammy

  28. I like your mat. Your bil was very handsome.

  29. your woven art is so charming! Sweet photo on your tag:)
    And I am in awe of all the buildings, sculptures and architecture- there is SO much fascinating history all over Europe! Thanks for sharing, happy PPF, and have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks Linda! I love living here surrounded by so much history. Happy weekend!

  30. OMG!!!your nursery rhyme piece is awesome
    Happy to hear of friends meeting up


    1. Thanks Gillena! So good to see friends again!

  31. Another one of your lovely woven pictures, and a great tag. Thank you for doing another one for my theme.
    Hugs Wendy

  32. Your art is just too cute, especially you at nice. The photos are amazing. Thanks for sharing them.

  33. Hi Valerie :) That town model is really nice. I love stonework like that. Your "Quite Contrary" piece is so adorable!!! A day off and coffee with a friend sounds SO lovely! :)

    1. Thanks Rain! It was wonderful to meet up with friends again!

  34. Contrary artwork is fantastic and wonderful photography ~ too ~ Xo

    Living in the moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  35. I love both your art pieces! They are so precious! You are so cute! That fountain is amazing! Big Hugs!


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