
Thursday 20 May 2021

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I had to go to the doctor's to collect a prescription. When I set out, the sun was shining but I decided to wear my raincoat as rain had been forecasted. On the way back there was loud thunder, then it started to rain, really heavily. After a few seconds it changed to hail, and the stones made an enormous noise. In spite of my waterproof coat, my feet and legs got very wet. Just before I arrived home, the sun came out again.... Anyway, I decided to make the best of it, made myself a hot coffee and then wallowed in the bath for half an hour. That was good!

Today I have another journal page for Elle's language challenge at AJJ. I used part of a large master board painted in bright colours, and added the text and frame digitally:

And I have a tag for Pinky's fruit and/or vegetables challenge at Tag Tuesday:

Some pictures from the wild-life Park in Grafenberg taken last year:

Little wild pigs, 'Frischlinge':

And their parents:

Having a snooze:

A wild cat:

Peeking out:

Careful, we bite:

And my fave was the frog which hopped along the path towards me:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Loved viewing all the critters, especially piglet:)
    And your pieces...wondrous.
    Dang Mother Nature's sense of humor anyway.

    1. Thanks Sandra, those piglets are cute indeed!

  2. Beautiful works and photos. The cat is cute and the little wild boars are fun. Have a nice Thursday :)

  3. Sorry you got caught out in the rain and hail, good thing you wore your raincoat! I love today's art and all the cute critter photos. Hugs!

    1. Hi Martha, it's still like a wet and windy March here! Raincoats and umbrellas will be necessary for a few days yet. At least we're getting plenty of rain, last year was much too dry!

  4. Sorry you got soaked at least you had your raincoat! Lovely art and photos.

    1. Thanks Christine, raincoats are the best things just now!

  5. Beautiful all of this here but walking in the rain is great too but not to get wet. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, I don't mind walking in the rain when I can go home afterwards and warm up!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! The weather sometimes likes to play tricks on us! Love your colourful piece with the wonderful quote. Great pics, too, little S loves the little piggies! Have a great day, hugs from us both, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. We really are having strange weather this year, and it looks like it will stay like this for a while! Take care hugs to all!

  7. The weather has be so crazy lately. Love you bright colours in your journal page. Great tag as well. Have a great day. Anesha x

    1. Thanks Anesha, crazy weather indeed. Stay safe!

  8. Liebe Valerie,
    es tut mir leid dass ich die letzten Tage nicht kommentierte da ich die 1.Impfung hatte,es geht mir gut und mein Pc wird überholt weil er spinnt jetzt schreibe ich über den Laptop der neu ist und ungewohnt noch wirkt.
    So zu deine tolle Kunst, schön hast du wieder dir ausgedacht, ja die Farbe ist in unseren Leben was so wichtiges um die Seele bunt werden zu lassen, so würde so mancher Hass weggehen und die Liebe einfliessen in bunter Farbe.
    Der Tag ist wunderschön,fantastisch. Die andere Posting hast du auh wundervolle Kunst ausgedacht.
    Der Wildpark ist so schön mit all den Tieren, süss!!!Ich bin auch spazieren gegangen heimwärts mit meinem Schatz endlich mal die Sonne geschienen nach der Impfung,regen haben sie an gesagt aber war nicht so.
    Nur gut dass du dir ein Bad gemacht hast wenn du so druch nässt warst.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, Liebe Elke, es freut mich dass du die erste Impfung bekommen hast, und dass es dir gut geht. Wenn Computer anfangen zu spinnen, dann machen sie das leben hart. Hoffe du hast nicht zu viel Probleme mit dem Laptop. Sonne ist rar im Moment, wir müssen immer jeden Strahl geniessen! Bleib gesund!

  9. Love your colourful background - it really is beautiful and the words are just perfect. Nice etag too.
    Love the visit with the wildlife - so do the pigs lose their stripes I wonder? Sorry Valerie, but if the frog had hopped towards me I would have hopped backwards, they spook me and I don't know why - maybe it is the sudden jumping they do.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet. The piglets lose their stripes hen they mature, and then look just like their parents. Pity, they are so pretty! I love frogs, they are fun little creatures, but I know many people don't like them. Have a great week!

  10. Some days the weather can be so unpredictable. Glad you took your coat with you. A hot bath was a good idea to warm you up. Take care of yourself. Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. The weather is very temperamental just now. A hot bath is always a nice idea!

  11. I wish there were like and comment buttons for each of your photos. Those wildlife shots are great.

    That was quite a storm you had to walk through. A hot drink and bath sound just perfect after such an ordeal.

    Your page is an explosion of cheerful colour and your tag is sweet.

    Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, glad you like the photos, I love taking them! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  12. Good morning Your Exquisite Valerieness: You were obviously very wise to take your raincoat on your walk to the doctor's office, but it might have been wise to also wear a hard hat and oilskin leggings! You would have cut a fine figure as you strolled along the street, especially during the early part of your walk when it was still sunny! And then you wouldn't have had the excuse (not that you need one of course) to lounge in your bathtub. I can't even think of when we last used ours. We always shower. Actually I think that when my daughter visits at least once she takes a bath, because we have a nice deep tub. The tag with the fruit is very appealing, still life in a Tupsensian way, I would say. The visit to the wildlife park looks very enjoyable, and perhaps one day soon you will go for a return visit. From what we read, Europe is opening up all over. Here the only thing that is opening up is the big mouths of the politicians. Maybe soon.......In the meantime stay well, stay dry, drink coffee, soak gleefully, be happy. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. If I'd gone to the doc's with a hard hat and oilskin leggings they might have had me locked up! I love wallowing in the bath, so relaxing! I think the wildlife park will be opening again soon, that's good, It's always a nice trip on a sunny day! Yes, politicians do seem to open their mouths rather a lot, and all seem to say the same with the same results - nothing! Today I had to collect my new identity card, which entailed taking 2 different trams to get there, but it all went well, except that I look like I should be on a wanted poster! This afternoon it's supposed to stay dry, so I'll take a walk to the Rhine. Hugs to you both!

    2. I have no idea what special skills are involved to make the picture on any official document look so truly dreadful. I have no illusions that I am a matinée star, but even I don't look quite as bad as I do on my health card or my driver's licence.

    3. Too true! And even worse you have to pay for the awful photo! But my passport is even worse, they placed hologram foil over the photo which made it look even more dreadful!

    4. I am starting to think that iris scans might be a good thing after all!

  13. No one has done the language of color at AJJ yet, have they? Nice topic choice. And great colors and quote too. The apple tag is great too. I'm not rushing apple season quite yet, but a freshly picked apple would taste good right now. The wildcat in your photo looks like an oversize version of a cat I had named Emma. She was a tough but sweet little 8 pounder of a girl. Hope your week ends in a good way. And sounds like you had quite the adventure out. Glad you could take a nice soak.Stay well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. Colour really has it's own language and associations, that's true. Now you've got me hankering after a crisp and juicy apple, yummy! Your Emma sounds like a sweet girl. A nice soak in the tub is always a delight for me. I still miss my Kitty, I had her for 22 years. Have a great day, hugs!

  14. That bath sounds like the perfect antidote for getting a soaking in the rain. I've never seen little wild pigs in person. How cute! And to think what they look like all grown up and fierce! I love the frog :)

    1. A bath is a cure for many ills. Pity those piglets don't stay cute and pretty!

  15. Love your language of colour page Valerie and the Kandinsky quote. The animals are all gorgeous - even the frog! I like frogs, we have so many in the garden at the moment as we have a pond and so they moved in very quickly. A hot bath fixes most things I find, Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

    1. Thanks Elle! I love frogs, too. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  16. A fabulous page Valerie, and I love all the animal photos, especially those cute piglets.
    A hot bath sounds like the perfect fix after getting caught in the storm. I do wish it would warm up soon. I don't mind a bit of rain, but I've had enough of the cold!
    Have a lovely evenng,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, the weather is really crazy this year, we need some sunshine!

  17. those little pigs look so cute:)

  18. Surprised that the hail did not hurt your head! But it was good that you wallowed in the bath. LOL. Take care, my friend, and yes, I love colors too. Lots of colors.

    1. It stung my face and hands! A nice bath is always good!

  19. Gorgeous art works and fun photographs Valerie. Our wether is the same at the moment, it keeps you on your toes doesn't it lol. Take care x

    1. Last year it was so hot we couldn't no e, and this time it's still like winter! Stay safe!

  20. Sounds like you had quite an adventure! I love your tag and the little wild pigs are adorable!

    1. Thanks Lisa, those piggies are cute indeed!

  21. Beautiful page Valerie, love the bright colors! The little wild pigs are so cute, love their stripes! That wild life parks looks like fun.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, those piglets are really cute! Have agreat weekend!

  22. The piglets look very cute and what amazes me is the change in color and hue of their books as they become adults. The pictures are impressive.


  23. I absolutely adore your incredible journal page. That Kandinsky quote is perfect for Elle's theme, too. You sure have a great colorful background, too. That is a beautiful tag. I love the various layers, too. It is a perfect fruit inspired tag.

    Those pigs are amazing, but I love the cat. Those raccoons look a bit evil, but so cute. I hope you didn't get banged up from the hail, and the bath soothed your cold and wet feet and legs.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The wild cats were all pretty, but this was the only one that was awake! The hail was really painful, it stung my face and hands!

  24. Another great Tag, love the detail on this image, all that lichen on the branches..x

    1. Thanks Sandra, the image was a freebie from The Graphics Fairy many years ago!

  25. Love your artwork this week, and my goodness your photos of the wildlife park are fabulous. Love those little piglets.

  26. Hi Valerie. I see your art evolving a bit. It is lovely. Great photos of the animals too.

  27. Love your colourful page and tag. The quote is great, just right for the background. Those the baby pigs. Hugs Wensy.

  28. Wonderful quote from Kadinsky and dazzling artwork colors ~ wonderful photos of some wonderful critters ~ and your tag art is elegant ~ Xo

    Happy Weekend to you,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. Love the quote you used on your page and I enjoyed the photos from the wild life park.
    Our weather is very changeable and so cold - definitely wouldn't think it was May.
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

    1. Thanks Avril! This is free a strange spring! Have a great weekend!

  30. Nice quote.
    Luv the tag.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog today. Have a nice weekend


  31. Great tag, nice to see the wild life park animals, the piglets are cute.

  32. I'm sorry you got stuck in the rain! I haven't had a bath in ages! That sounds good! Both your art pieces are great! Loving the animal photos! Love the wild pigs! LOL! That frog is so cute too! Thanks for the smiles! Big Hugs!

    1. Oh yes, when it rains then it rains! Have a great Weekend!

  33. A super quote on the beautiful colourful page, bright colours lift the spirits.
    The photos were lovely and those little piglets were so cute.
    Hope you don't get wet in the rain again this weekend on your walks.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. It's wet, stormy and very grey, so I'm staying home today!

  34. The weather is so unpredictable in Spring Valerie, I've been soaked a lot lately on my walks lol. Loving your gorgeous tag and artwork!!

    1. Thanks Pinky, the weather has been really crazy this year. Today I had to put the heating on because it's so cold!

  35. The weather is so bizarre these days, isn't it? I'm glad you made it home safely, if wet! Love all the photos. Those baby pigs are kind of cute!

    1. The weather seems to be crazy all over the world just now. I love those baby pigs!

  36. Sorry you got so wet!
    I did enjoy seeing all of your animal photographs, the baby pigs look cute don't they.

    All the best Jan

  37. That was quite the weather experience! Such wonderful art and the tag has so many details. Happy PPF!

  38. Eeeeeek! No frog warning....trying to erase that last image from my mind!!! Your page looks brilliant, such great idea too! Love the tag, I will be getting on with one soon - a bit more free time for awhile!! Love the walk at the wildlife park - those baby wild boar are so pretty - shame that the adults lose those stripes! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Oooops, I didn't know you don't like frogs! The piglets are really cute!


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