
Monday 24 May 2021

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and more on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Here it was mostly cloudy and stormy, but we did see the sun a few times, so that was good. 

This evening we will be meeting up at Elizabeth's for our weekly link party, where we join up and show what we've been drinking and more. So here I would like to welcome all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit. I made a journal page, which I am also linking to Elle's language challenge at AJJ, as coffee is one of the languages I speak fluently!

I'm looking forward to being able to drink coffee outside again in the not too distant future:

Some home baked apricot crumble bars, help yourselves!

And I also have another tag for Pinky's fruit or veggie challenge at Tag Tuesday, which still runs for a week. The vintage script is from Gecko Galz, the fruit from the Graphics Fairy:

And various photos from past weeks:

I love to stop and watch the horses grazing, it's so relaxing:

This is a fountain with a model of the town in 1700. You can still find your way with it. And I'm hoping the tables and chairs will soon be back!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Your art and photos are beautiful as always, and your coffee and treats always look so delicious! I hope you've had a nice weekend. Hugs!

    1. Thanks Martha! It's a long weekend here, so I'm still enjoying it! Have a great week, hugs!

  2. Lovely art and awesome flowers! Your baking looks delicious!

  3. I love your coffee journal page. That is so me....first coffee. Thank you for the delicious apricot crumble bar! They look so tasty and inviting. Lovely photos.

    1. Thanks Annie! Those bars are really delicious, I shouldn't make them too often!

  4. Happy early T day Valerie. That is a fun page. That lady is cute, and I can tell by her smile she must have had at least one cup already. I'd love to try your apricot jumble bars. They look very tasty too. Nice tag too. Hope you have a wonderful start to the new week. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, 2 cups are always better than one! Have a good, new week, too! Hugs!

  5. Oh you always make me lover, I think you were breast fed coffee as a babe, hey... ☺ Adore your tag and your glorious post. xxx

    1. Thanks Annie, that would have been good, wouldn't it!? I know I liked coffee from when I was a small child! Have a great week!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Wonderful art today, good to see 'you' enjoying your coffee! Wonderful tag and photos, too, love the flowers and horses. Have a great week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I wish I looked so good in the morning, the coffee always looks better than I do! Have a great week, take care, hugs to all!

  7. Wonderful coffee art and tag Valerie. Great out in the fresh air photos.

  8. I absolutely adore how you combined T Tuesday with Elle's theme at Art Journal journey. That young lady looks so happy to have her coffee and I agree, I also speak the language of coffee. It's a beautiful spread. I think she also might be wishing for one of those apricot bars, too. They look sinful and delicious.

    I really loved the tag. That focal image was incredible. Most impressive. I also enjoyed seeing your city start to show signs that spring had truly arrived. Thanks for sharing these beauties with us for T this week, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! The languages of coffee and chocolate are good ones! The apricot bars are indeed delicious, it's hard to stop eating them! Have a great week!

  9. Good morning Valerie: I think that the most wonderful aspect of the language of coffee, is that it can be learned in an instant, and by all, rich or poor, intelligent or dullard, it makes no difference. And all the nuances of the language, its syntax, its grammar, its phraseology are grasped immediately. Now, it must be acknowledged that there are some, such as yourself, who transcend the rest of us in lifting the language of coffee to hitherto unknown pinnacles of perfection, but be that as it may, we are all fluent. Strange to say, there are these who opt for rejection, in defiance of all logic, including my daughter I might add, who will not let a drop of coffee pass between her lips. I think I will have her DNA analyzed to make sure she is mine! Those horses look very tranquil eating grass. I doubt that they have had coffee this morning! A new week is upon us to be enjoyed as best we are able. Obviously, clearly, without doubt, beyond question, positively, definitely, coffee will be a part of it. You will be sipping on your side of the ocean and I on mine. Hugs and kisses. David.

    1. Yes, it's a universal language and one I love to speak! Thanks for the acknowledgement of my high status as a coffee connoisseur! I am shocked that you did not teach your dear daughter to appreciate coffee! But I must confess that I come from a family of tea drinkers. Perhaps I was sent into exile as I always steadfastly refused to drink tea in England. So let's keep sipping our coffee and enjoying if! Have a wonderful day, hugs to you both!

  10. Really enjoyed your photographs - I think I could stand and watch those horses too and feel relaxed. Love the map of the town in 1700, a real eye catching piece.
    I did enjoy your 'coffee' interpretation of the challenge and just love that page you have done - did you draw it yourself? It's lovely whether your did or not.
    Here's to your coffee drinking days not being too far away.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Horses just seen to live in the moment, perhaps we should do the same! I'm the meantime I'm enjoying my own coffee. The love drawing is from Serif. Have a great week, hugs!

  11. Your posts are always soooo beautiful Valerie, love your art and photos. Beautiful horses, and that map table is really special-loved that. Here's to drinking coffee out soon Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, let's hope life will soon get back to more normality! Have a great day, hugs!

  12. I admire your pink flower close-ups. Frameable, definitely! We're already drinking coffee out here, and I've had one distanced restaurant patio lunch. I had missed it so, but I'm not getting carried away. The map table is an excellent history lesson and would be fun to explore.

    1. Thanks, I love flower close ups, so much to see. Glad you got out to eat!

  13. Fun page. Fluent in coffee made me laugh as that could apply to the Eldest. Well, the Eldest doesn't drink real coffee just all the foo-foo flavors. Close-ups of the florals are gorgeous like Georgia O'Keeffe.

    1. Thanks CJ, we all have to be fluent in something! I have a friend who loves those flavoured coffees - not my cup of tea!

  14. Tolles, lustiges Journal von der hĂźbschen Kaffeetante!!!! Der Tag ist so hĂźbsch!
    Die Fotos sind alle so schĂśn, was alles so gibt!Das Wetter ist so auf und ab auch bei mir!
    SchĂśne Woche wĂźnsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Dir auch eine gute Woche, pass auf dich auf und bleib gesund!

  15. Those crumble bars look delicious! Love the horses, too.

  16. Beautiful art and photos Valerie! Your apricot crumble bars look delicious!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison, the crumble bars are really yummy!

  17. Great artwork Valerie, and your baking looks even better! We have every season every day here at the moment - perfect for sitting under the glass outside, hooking a few rows of crochet and drinking endless coffee - happy days!Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, baked art is my fave, too! Have a great weekend!

  18. I love coffee and such delicious bars :) Your works and photos are beautiful. Have a nice week:)

    1. All the best people love coffee! Have a great week!

  19. I love that you speak coffee fluently! What beautiful images today, Valerie!

  20. this coffee art is so genial:)

  21. I love those flower close ups! And I'm having a cup of coffee right now! Come join me!

  22. Outdoor and indoor facilities are open here now but I don't know when I'll be happy going out for coffee. I did take tea with a neighbour in their garden on Saturday, our day between two awful windy, rainy days. Last year, I treated myself to an Hotel Chocolat velvetiser to make quality drinks at home in lieu of going out. Sorry, I think I ate the last delicious apricot bar, afraid you'll have to make some more!

    1. You are so welcome, I will bake more tomorrow! Your chocolate velvetiser sounds good!

  23. We haven't see the sun for the last 4 days. Love the art, the photos and I can't wait for you to have coffee out again. Have a great day.

    1. Dark and wet here too! It has to get better soon!

  24. What a fun page Valerie, I love that image and coffee too! Gorgeous photos and your apricot crumble bars look delicious! Have a nice week and take care.
    Hugs, Tammy

  25. I do like your journal page and your tag ... lovely art.
    Your apricot crumble bars look delicious.
    Super selection of photographs.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, those bars are really delicious! have a great week!

  26. Your crumble bars look delicious and would go perfect with a cuppa tea as I am not a coffee drinker. But I still like your coffee art. Lovely flowers from your walk. I really like watching horses as well. They are beautiful creatures.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. I always plan my walks so that I can see horses or other animals on my way. Happy T Day!

  27. Love your coffee inspired art and yes, one of those bars would be yummy with a cuppa! beautiful pics of the horses, flowers and skies. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, have a great week, happy T Day!

  28. Morning Valerie, I love your photos, the flowers are so vibrant. The tag with the fruit has a lovely BG, looks like the leaves you can buy.
    I will help myself to your Apricot bars, looks delicious
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

    1. Thanks Jan! The BG of the tag was made with a printed paper, I got some sheets of it given to me some time back. Enjoy the apricot bars! Happy T Day!

  29. Well if your language is coffee mine has to be tea, I loved your journal page and photos.
    Haaaaave a good week and enjoy your delicious cookies.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, enjoy your tea, happy T Day!

  30. Fabulous page and tag! It will be lovely to enjoy a coffee again soon, all our cafes, bars and restaurants are open with both inside and outside seating but I'm leaving it until I've had my second vaccination until I venture out 😁. Such beautiful close ups of the flowers too! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! I'm looking forward to getting out more again, but like you, I'm waiting for my 2nd vaccination next week and then a bit longer! Better be safe than sorry! Have a great week!

  31. I'm sure you will soon be able to have coffee outside like you used to.
    I love your 'Not without my coffee' tag. It reminds me of a book I read called Not Without My Daughter. (Many years ago) It was about an American woman married to an Iranian doctor, who got caught up in Iran in the 70s. She was allowed her passport back to travel home but not with her daughter. So she flees the country with her daughter on foot.
    I love the close-ups of the flowers.
    Apricot crumble bars sound very yummy. Must find a recipe and make them. My mouth is watering!
    Happy T-Day,

    1. I'll put the recipe on the blog next T day. I know that book and the Film. Have a great week, stay safe!

  32. Gorgeous photos. the horses and the sunsets are favs.
    Happy T day!

  33. Great journal page - I speak coffee fluently too - speaking it right now - lol. Love the coffee drinking girl and te stamp. Super fun. I am looking forward to the fresh coffee pictures too - thinking that things are starting to look better (they are here at least - they are talking about us going back to the office soon - urgh). Love your pictures of the flowers, horses, and skies. Wonderful stuff! TFS! Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. Glad you speak my language fluently, too! Things are starting to loosen up a bit here, but so many people are crowding together again, I don't know what's wrong with them! Have a great week, hugs!

  34. I love that you are fluent in coffee lol. I too speak the universal coffee language haha. Those apricot crumble bars look delicious also. And I love the horses! Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  35. I hope you get your wish soon - we have had the same with folk here - no sense of care about themselves to others, though most know how to behave! I couldn't get on without my coffee and always happy to get an extra one when I can! Your apricot crumble bars do look tempting - would it count as one of my fruit portions for the day?? Love the tag too! Super photos, it's lovely to see the horses! Belated Happy T day, Chrisx

  36. A super Tag Valerie, loving all your photos and new blog header...xx

  37. Both your art pieces are so much fun! Made me smile! I forgot to say in your other post, it's good to be lazy! LOL! Great photos! That fountain looks cool! Big Hugs!

    1. Thanks, sometimes a lazy day is really good!


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